PULL REQUESTS: Please create pull requests against the testing branch.
This repository represents the development work for the REDCap External Modules framework, which is a class-based framework for plugins and hooks in REDCap. External Modules is an independent and separate piece of software from REDCap, and is included natively in REDCap 8.0.0 and later.
You can install modules using the "Repo" under "External Modules" in the REDCap Control Center. All modules are open source, and the Repo provides links to the GitHub page for each. If you want to create your own module, see the Official External Modules Documentation.
Pull requests are always welcome. To override the version of this framework bundled with REDCap for development, clone this repo into a directory named external_modules under your REDCap web root (e.g., /redcap/external_modules/).