This repository tags:
- cef-3770 - for CEF ver. 3770
- cef-3809 - for CEF ver. 3809
The purpose is for the sample program "cefsimple" included in CEF to run in Renesas Yocto BSP on R-Car board. This procedure was tested on R-CarH3. ( )
Get building tool and CEF code, and save to /path/to/cef
$ mkdir -p /path/to/cef
$ cd /path/to/cef
$ git clone
$ git clone
As of 2019.07.29, CEF master HEAD is ccb06ce3cb70cdd37fafbf78b12a14b624183ac4
Note: Since arm64 support patch has only recently been merged into the master branch, the patch may not yet be included in the stable branch.
Get cef_cross_build git repository for creating docker image.
$ cd path/to/cef
$ git clone
If CEF version is latest, use master HEAD, otherwise, checkout according to the CEF version.
$ cd path/to/cef/cef_cross_build
$ git checkout cef-[Version]
Copy the Renesas Yocto BSP toolchain SDK to docker directroy. See the Yocto / BSP documentation for details on building the SDK.
$ cp poky-glibc-x86_64-core-image-weston-sdk-aarch64-toolchain-2.4.3 cef_cross_build/docker/
Replace the poky version of toolchain as appropriate. See the README in the docker directory for more details.
Create docker image.
$ cd cef_cross_build/docker
$ docker build -t cef_build:16.04 ./
Specify poky version by --build-arg option if the toolchain poky version isn't "2.4.3", for example:
$ docker build --build-arg poky="2.6.2" -t cef_build:16.04 ./
CEF is designed to patch and build Chromium. Run to prepare building Chromium. It is easy to work by copying to /path/to/cef.
$ cd /path/to/cef/
$ cp cef/tools/automate/ ./
The has options to specify CEF and chromium checkout points. Use --checkout option to specify the CEF checkout point and --chromium-checkout option to specify the chromium checkout point. When -chromium-checkout is omitted, the latest available chromium is used (as of 2019.07.29, chromium ver. 76.0.3809.0 is selected).
This build procedure has been tested on the master branch (Commit ID: ccb06ce3cb70cdd37fafbf78b12a14b624183ac4
$ cd /path/to/cef
$ export GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=arm64
$ export GN_DEFINES="is_official_build=true use_sysroot=true use_allocator=none symbol_level=1 use_cups=false use_gnome_keyring=false enable_remoting=false enable_nacl=false use_kerberos=false use_gtk=false treat_warnings_as_errors=false ozone_platform_wayland=true ozone_platform=wayland use_ozone=true use_aura=true ozone_auto_platforms=false dcheck_always_on=false use_xkbcommon=true use_system_minigbm=true use_system_libdrm=true"
$ python ./ --download-dir=. --no-distrib --no-build
Wait a very long time for the Chromium source code to be downloaded.
Create symbolic link: chromium/src/build/linux/debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
=> /opt/poky/[poky version]/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux
, because it is necessary that the path of sysroot for arm64 is chromium/src/build/linux/debian_sid_arm64-sysroot.
$ cd /path/to/cef/chromium/src/build/linux
$ ln -s /opt/poky/2.4.3/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
Build in docker container. However, need to apply the patch "0001-Fix-compile-error-for-ver.-3809.patch" in cef_cross_build git repository to chromium as of 2019.07.29. (If CEF version is 3770, this patch is unnecessary.)
$ cd /path/to/cef
$ docker run -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) -it --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) -e GYP_DEFINES -e GN_DEFINES cef_build:16.04
docker$ cd depot_tools
docker$ export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
docker$ cd ../chromium/src/cef
docker$ ./
docker$ cd ../
$ cd /path/to/cef/chromium/src
$ patch -p1 < /path/to/cef/cef_cross_build/0001-Fix-compile-error-for-ver.-3809.patch
docker$ ninja -j16 -C out/Release_GN_arm64/ cefsimple
- Note: If we don't specify use_system_minigbm=true, chromium use minigbm which chromium has. Since minigbm don't support rcar-du, gbm device initialization is failed. In this case, we cannot use dmabuf in chromium because chromium uses shm buffer.
Copy the following files in chromium/src/out/Release_GN_arm64/ to rootfs (ex: /home/root/cef/).
Specify date, and run cefsimple
with --mus
and --use-views
rcar# date -s [today]
rcar# cd ~/cef
rcar# ./cefsimple --no-sandbox --mus --use-views
Google Web Site is shown. WebGL also works (
Set environment value for X11, and exec
$ export GYP_DEFINES=target_arch=arm64
$ export GN_DEFINES="is_official_build=true use_sysroot=true use_allocator=none symbol_level=1 use_cups=false use_gnome_keyring=false enable_remoting=false enable_nacl=false use_kerberos=false use_gtk=false"
$ python ./ --download-dir=. --no-distrib --no-build
libXss is needed for Chromium building for X11, but there is not libXss in Yocto sysroot. Copy libXss.* from debian sysroot for arm64. There is sysroot in docker container, and sysroot path is /opt/poky/[poky version]/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux
Since it is necessary that the path of sysroot for arm64 is chromium/src/build/linux/debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
, remove or rename debian_sid_arm64-sysroot, and create symbolic link: chromium/src/build/linux/debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
=> /opt/poky/[poky version]/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux
$ cd /path/to/cef/chromium/src/build/linux/
$ mv debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
$ ln -s /opt/poky/2.4.3/sysroots/aarch64-poky-linux chromium/src/build/linux/debian_sid_arm64-sysroot
Work from here is done in the docker container.
$ cd /path/to/cef
$ sudo docker run -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) -it --rm -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) -e GYP_DEFINES -e GN_DEFINES cef_build:16.04
docker$ cd depot_tools
docker$ export PATH=`pwd`:$PATH
docker$ cd ../chromium/src/cef
docker$ ./
docker$ cd ../
docker$ ninja -j16 -C out/Release_GN_arm64/ cefsimple
Create cefsimple binary in chromium/src/out/Release_GN_arm64/.
Copy the following files in chromium/src/out/Release_GN_arm64/ to rootfs (ex: /home/root/cef/).
And, copy libXss from /path/to/yocto-sysroot/usr/lib/ to rootfs:/usr/lib/.
Since built cefsimple runs on X11, xwayland is required. So Restart weston with xwayland. Chromium will not work properly if the system dates are off by significant. Furthermore, set DISPLAY=:0 for running cefsimple.
rcar# systemctl stop weston
rcar# date -s [today]
rcar# export DISPLAY=:0
rcar# weston --tty=2 --xwayland -i0 &
rcar# cd ~/cef/
rcar# ./cefsimple --no-sandbox
- Note 1: weston needs to specify drm-backend explicitly to try to run x11 backend by default if exported DISPLAY environment variable.
- Note 2: Crash weston if weston version is 5.0.0 or 6.0.0. This issue fixes following patch (merged to master):
commit 6f9db6c4a16d853bbc5889ad5ff0d9c75e21d69c
Author: Tomohito Esaki <>
Date: Mon Apr 1 17:51:35 2019 +0900
cairo-util: Don't set title string to Pango layout if the title is NULL