Abstract is a Python library designed for creating and visualizing graphs, enabling users to leverage various graph properties effectively.
To install the library, simply run:
pip install abstract
In computer science, a graph is an abstract data type that implements the concepts of undirected and directed graphs from mathematics, specifically within the field of graph theory. [1]
A graph data structure consists of a finite (and potentially mutable) set of vertices (or nodes) and a set of unordered pairs of these vertices for undirected graphs, or ordered pairs for directed graphs. These pairs are referred to as edges, arcs, or lines in undirected graphs, and as arrows, directed edges, directed arcs, or directed lines in directed graphs. The vertices may be part of the graph structure or may be represented externally by integer indices or references. [1]
The Graph
class allows you to create nodes and edges, as well as visualize the resulting graph. Edges can have direction, indicating parent-child relationships.
To create a new graph, use the Graph()
from abstract import Graph
graph = Graph(direction='LR')
# The default direction is 'LR'; other options include 'TB', 'BT', and 'RL'.
The add_node
method creates a node in the graph and returns a Node
It accepts the following arguments:
: The name of the new node (should be unique); snake_case is recommended.label
(optional): Any string; if omitted, the name will be displayed.value
(optional): Can be any object.style
(optional): Should be aNodeStyle
object, used only for rendering.if_node_exists
(optional): Specifies the action if a node with this name already exists; options are 'warn', 'error', or 'ignore'; the default is 'warn'.
To illustrate how the Graph
class works, let's use the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game. The following list shows the order in which an object in the game defeats the object to its right and is defeated by the object to its left. Note that there are only five objects, which are repeated to demonstrate all possible pairs.
node_list = [
'scissors', 'paper', 'rock', 'lizard', 'Spock', 'scissors',
'lizard', 'paper', 'Spock', 'rock', 'scissors'
Now, let's create nodes with the same names:
# Create a set to avoid duplicates
for node in set(node_list):
graph.display(direction='TB') # The left-right direction is too tall.
Note: By default, the Graph uses the colour theme from the colouration library for root nodes and determines the colour of other nodes based on the directionality of edges. In the above example, without any edges, all nodes are considered roots.
The connect
method creates an edge from a start
node to an end
node. The start
and end
arguments can be either the names of nodes or the Node
objects themselves.
for i in range(len(node_list) - 1):
graph.connect(start=node_list[i], end=node_list[i + 1])
graph.display(direction='LR') # The top-bottom direction is too tall.
Note: Nodes that form a loop are coloured differently (red circles with yellow interiors).
To retrieve a node from the graph, use the get_node
method, which returns a Node
rock = graph.get_node('rock')
The display
method visualizes the graph. If a path
is provided, it saves the visualization to an image file, which can be in either pdf or png format. You can also specify the resolution using the dpi
argument. The file format is inferred from the path
# Save as a PNG file and view the file
graph.draw(path='my_graph.png', view=True)
You can create a graph from any object that has a __graph__()
method. Examples of such objects include:
class from this libraryPensieve
class from the pensieve libraryPage
class from the internet.wikipedia submodule
from pensieve import Pensieve
from abstract import Graph
pensieve = Pensieve()
pensieve['two'] = 2
pensieve['three'] = 3
pensieve['four'] = lambda two: two * two
pensieve['five'] = 5
pensieve['six'] = lambda two, three: two * three
pensieve['seven'] = 7
pensieve['eight'] = lambda two, four: two * four
pensieve['nine'] = lambda three: three * three
pensieve['ten'] = lambda two, five: two * five
graph = Graph(obj=pensieve, direction='TB') # or Graph(pensieve)
The random
method creates a random graph.
g1 = Graph.random(num_nodes=8, connection_probability=0.4, seed=6)
You can easily add two graphs using the +
operator. The result will contain the union of nodes and edges from both graphs.
g2 = Graph.random(num_nodes=7, start_index=3, connection_probability=0.4, seed=41)
g3 = g1 + g2
The is_in_loop
method of a node helps identify nodes that form a loop; that is, nodes that have at least one descendant that is also an ancestor.
graph_with_loop = Graph()
for letter in 'abcdef':
for start, end in [
('a', 'b'), ('b', 'c'), ('c', 'a'), ('c', 'd'), ('d', 'e'), ('e', 'f'), ('f', 'e')
graph_with_loop.connect(start, end)
for node in graph_with_loop.nodes:
if node.is_in_loop_with(other='a') and node.name != 'a':
print(node.name, 'is in the same loop as a')
elif node.is_in_loop():
print(node.name, 'is in a loop')
print(node.name, 'is not in a loop')
a is in a loop
b is in the same loop as a
c is in the same loop as a
d is not in a loop
e is in a loop
f is in a loop
- Create a graph from:
- List of dictionaries
- DataFrame
- Create a new graph by filtering an existing graph