Development for Nexus is paused due to market conditions. This repository has been archived as a result. Please use the smart contracts for making transfers.
Require install: node (>10), yarn, lerna
lerna bootstrap
lerna list -a
lerna create <package name>
lerna add --help
yarn build
You can open project at root admin-boilerplate
or single package packages/<package-name>
- You need to navigate to the master branch because we only make release on the newest of master branch.
You run the script for releasing new version.
You need to set GL_TOKEN
so that the script can access the gitlab.
The script will do:
- Choose version bumps
- Generate change logs
- Create commit and tags for the release
- Push new release to the remote
- Create relase on the git system (gitlab)
More detail here.
export GL_TOKEN=<your gitlab token>
The script does:
# this is require for create release on the gitlab
export GL_API_URL=
export GL_TOKEN=<your gitlab token>
lerna version
For the GL_TOKEN, you can follow this document to genrate it.