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this is small documentation define the project parts that I worked in so let's start and enjoy while reading.
- first we have Web route .
//this one for auto redirect to blog
Route::get('/', function () {
return redirect('/blog');
//this route made to return fake blog template and contains the comments box component
Route::get('/blog', function () {
return view('blog');
- second we have Api route .
//here we made an api to use it inside the vue component in order to get/set the new comments without refresh
Route::prefix('Comments')->group(function () {
Route::controller(CommentsController::class)->group(function () {
Route::post('/add', 'create');
Route::post('/add-reply', 'addReply');
Route::get('/show', 'show');
// we use prefix because we have many sub routes use the same directory and "Route::controller" to group the routes that uses the same controller
- we have one controller called "CommentsController" has 3 functions as explained below.
//here we insert new comment row
public function create(Request $request)
//here we return all the comments with their replys(until 3rd layer) as json to the request
public function show()
//in this part of the code, we control the query responsible to get the comment and his replies just until the 3rd layer of replies using 'with' method
'comments' => Comment::withRecursive(3,'comment_replies')
//here we insert new reply for specific comment/reply
public function addReply(Request $request)
- we relay on one model called "Comment" has 1 method.
//this method made to manage the relationships in the model between the comment and his replies
public function comment_replies()
- The comment section divides into 4 components each one having its functionality as we will see below.
//this is the parent component of all other comopnents, this component responsible to get the comments and the template of comment box
<div v-for="(comment, index ) in comments" :key="">
//here where we print the stored comments
<h4 class="card-title text-black">{{ }}</h4>
<p class="card-text">{{ comment.comment_text }}</p>
//here we include the reply button
<reply-comment-component :sub_comment="comment" v-slot="{ onReply }">
<a href="#!" class="float-right m-2 card-link"><span class="small" @click="onReply">reply</span></a>
//here we attach the replies(nested comments) for the comment
<div v-for="reply in comment.comment_replies" :key="">
<nested-comment-component :nested_level="1" :reply="reply">
//here we insert the form of adding new comment
<new-comment-component :comments="comments"></new-comment-component>
export default {
//we use 'provide' in order to make sure that all child /grandchild components can reach the 'getComment' method
provide: function () {
return {
getComment: this.getComment
methods: {
//this method gets the comments from our backend using the api route
getComment() {
.then((response) => {
this.comments =;
created() {
//this will call the method once it loading .
<div style="background-color: #626262;">
<form @submit.prevent="sendComment()" id="CommentForm">
export default {
methods: {
// we assign new comment using 'sendComment'
let comment = { name: this.CommentUserName ,comment: this.CommentUserText};'/api/Comments/add', comment)
- ReplyCommentComponent
<slot :on-reply="onReply"></slot>
<div v-show="replyOnComment">
<form @submit.prevent="sendReply()" id="replayForm">
export default {
//here we import 'getcomment' method from the parent component
inject: ['getComment'],
methods: {
//this an boolean method to show and hide the reply box
onReply() {
if (this.replyOnComment) {
this.replyOnComment = false;
} else {
this.replyOnComment = true;
//this method triggered when the form submitted to post the fields
sendReply() {
let reply = {name: this.ReplyUserName, comment: this.ReplyCommentText, comment_id:};'/api/Comments/add-reply', reply)
this.ReplyUserName = '';
this.ReplyCommentText = '';
//this component responsible to print all nested comments until third level
<div class="pl-4" v-if="nested_level <= 3" v-for="nested in reply.comment_replies" :key="">
<nested-comment-component :nested_level="nested_level + 1" :reply="nested"></nested-comment-component>
export default {
data() {
return {
props: {
reply: {},