Simple Data Pipe connector for Runkeeper
🚫 This project is no longer maintained.
This connector uses the Runkeeper Health Graph API to fetch the following data from your Runkeeper account:
- Profile
- Settings
- Friends
- Personal Records
- Strength Training Activities
- Fitness Activities
- Background Activities
- Weight Measurements
- Sleep Measurements
- Nutritional Measurements
- Diabetes Measurements
- General Measurements
- Change Log
The Simple Data Pipe SDK is used to store the data in Cloudant. Depending on the data type one or more JSON records are created and stored in Cloudant. Here are some sample JSON records:
"..." : "<cloudant document properties such as _id and _rev>",
"elite": "false",
"profile": "",
"name": "<FirstName LastName>",
"pt_type": "profile"
"..." : "<cloudant document properties such as _id and _rev>",
"utc_offset": -5,
"duration": 999.99,
"start_time": "Tue, 22 Mar 2016 06:34:36",
"total_calories": 250,
"tracking_mode": "outdoor",
"total_distance": 2937.4032807311162,
"entry_mode": "API",
"has_path": true,
"source": "Runkeeper",
"type": "Running",
"uri": "/fitnessActivities/XXXXXXXXX",
"pt_type": "fitness_activities"
For more information regarding each data type, see the Runkeeper Health Graph API.
Need to load data from other sources? Check out the connector repository.
A valid Runkeeper account is required to use this connector.
Deploy the Simple Data Pipe in Bluemix using the Deploy to Bluemix button or manually.
This connector does not require any additional Bluemix services.
When you follow these steps to install this connector, add the following line to the dependencies list in the package.json
"simple-data-pipe-connector-runkeeper": "git://"
You need to register the Simple Data Pipe application before you can use this connector to load data.
Open the Runkeeper Partner Portal and log in.
If you don’t yet have an account, sign up.
In the top menu click Applications.
Click the Register a New Application tab.
Enter the following information:
- Name of the app. Enter any unique identifier, like My Simple Data Pipe Demo App.
- Description of the app.
- Organization.
Click the Register Application button on the bottom.
Under your application name click Keys and URLs.
Copy the Client ID and Client Secret values. You’ll need this information to configure your Runkeeper data pipes.
To configure and run a pipe
- Open the Simple Data Pipe web console.
- Select Create A New Pipe.
- Select Runkeeper for the Type when creating a new pipe.
- In the Connect page, enter the Client ID and Client Secret from the Keys and URLs page for your Runkeeper application.
- Select the data set (or data sets) to be loaded.
- Schedule or run the data pipe now.
Copyright [2016] IBM Cloud Data Services
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.