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Usage: ghtml [OPTIONS]

Description: The GTK+ HTML Windowing Toolkit

Option Argument Descripton
--width INTEGER Set the client window width.
--height INTEGER Set the client window height.
--title -t STRING Set the window title.
--include -i PATH Include an existing javascript file to be run post init.
--file -f PATH Load a file into the webview (if not supplied, file is stdin).
--file-opts OPTIONS When this flag is detected as the prefix of the first argument, the entire argument will be parsed as the command line. The next argument is expected to be a PATH argument.
--96dpi NONE Enforce 96 DPI screen density.
--no-geo NONE Deny geo-location requests.
--user-agent STRING Set webview user agent string.
--mime-type -m STRING Set input document type.
--encoding -E STRING Set input document charset.
--style-sheet -s URI Set webview default CSS.
--onload -o STRING Evaluate javascript when the document is ready. You may provide multiple instances of this directive.
--dialog -d NONE Use GTK+ Dialog style.
--developer -D NONE Enable development inspector.
--explode -e NONE Visually unify frames.
--help NONE Display the main help screen.
--help-js NONE Display the JavaScript help screen.
--help-version NONE Show version info help screen

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Short options may be combined, but short arguments that take a parameter must be the last item in a combined list. You may not join option switches to their arguments, or use any assignment notation other than field standard separator.
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