What's Changed
- Bump github.com/consensys/gnark-crypto from 0.9.1 to 0.12.0 by @dependabot in #497
- Temporarily reverted update of github.com/consensys/gnark-crypto from… by @alexandrosfilios in #499
- minor refactoring by @alexandrosfilios in #500
- Identity Provider fetches identity by Alias too by @adecaro in #498
- Bump golang.org/x/net from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #502
- read and use logging format from configuration file by @arner in #503
- support for multiple fabric transaction format by @adecaro in #495
- fix: FSC panics when provided with a malformed identity certificate by @adecaro in #508
- improved chaincode event view by @adecaro in #506
- cleanup and dep update by @adecaro in #509
- load params from configuration by @adecaro in #501
- upgrade fsouza and official docker sdk by @arner in #510
- Upgrade FPC version by @mbrandenburger in #511
- Bump github.com/docker/docker from 20.10.24+incompatible to 24.0.7+incompatible by @dependabot in #507
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.53.0 to 1.56.3 by @dependabot in #505
- log improvements by @adecaro in #512
- improvements by @adecaro in #513
- cleanup dependencies by @adecaro in #516
- Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.14.0 to 0.17.0 by @dependabot in #517
- Bump github.com/containerd/containerd from 1.6.18 to 1.6.26 by @dependabot in #518
- Bump github.com/quic-go/quic-go from 0.38.1 to 0.38.2 by @dependabot in #519
- Extracted SDK in integration-test topologies to a parameter by @alexandrosfilios in #520
- Removed SP dependency from FinalityHandler by @alexandrosfilios in #521
- Bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.5 to 1.1.12 by @dependabot in #522
- remove support for git download by @adecaro in #523
- Reuse code by @alexandrosfilios in #526
- add sql as possible driver for kvs and vault by @arner in #524
- Extracted libp2p functionality into interfaces to allow for alternati… by @alexandrosfilios in #531
- Bump github.com/docker/docker from 24.0.7+incompatible to 24.0.9+incompatible by @dependabot in #537
- Websocket implementation by @alexandrosfilios in #534
- Bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.26.0 to 1.33.0 in /tools by @dependabot in #532
- fabric: commit unknown fix by @adecaro in #535
- tidy up by @adecaro in #538
- Support replicas by @alexandrosfilios in #536
- Fix race conditions in tests by @alexandrosfilios in #542
- enhanced commit pipelines (fabric and orion) by @adecaro in #539
- fabric refactor by @adecaro in #543
- add fallback option to use OrdererAddresses by @arner in #549
- Fix race tests by @alexandrosfilios in #548
- common platform by @adecaro in #547
- Refactor/reuse vault by @alexandrosfilios in #550
- transaction filter by @adecaro in #546
- Fixed IN clause for DB queries by @alexandrosfilios in #552
- Upgrade docker deps by @mbrandenburger in #556
- Upgrade github actions by @mbrandenburger in #558
- Allow to start a toplogy without FSC nodes by @mbrandenburger in #555
- fix finality listener by @adecaro in #551
- Upgrade to go 1.21 by @mbrandenburger in #559
- Added vault tests using sqlite and postgres by @alexandrosfilios in #554
- committer cleanup by @adecaro in #562
- Reuse code and reduce usage of service registry by @alexandrosfilios in #563
- logging + no panics by @adecaro in #564
- updated vault's DiscardTx function behaviour by @adecaro in #566
- remove support for finality listener for all txs by @adecaro in #567
- fix bug web service by @adecaro in #569
- Move Mathilde to Emeritus by @mbrandenburger in #572
- Replace deprecated logging param in nwo by @mbrandenburger in #571
- Cache fix by @alexandrosfilios in #574
- Notifiers by @alexandrosfilios in #570
- Align DB naming by @alexandrosfilios in #576
- ci scripts update by @adecaro in #578
- update HLE and samples by @adecaro in #577
- Fix concurrent writes in idrouter by @alexandrosfilios in #580
- Prefixed persistence tables for Postgres for disambiguation between different networks by @alexandrosfilios in #579
- Update tests.yml by @ale-linux in #587
- Update tests.yml by @ale-linux in #590
- F dig by @alexandrosfilios in #585
- the fabric platform was using an orion interface. by @alexandrosfilios in #596
- Added method to get metrics from webclient by @alexandrosfilios in #582
- Performance by @alexandrosfilios in #597
- Refactor fabric platform for better customizability by @alexandrosfilios in #595
- Documented usage of new SDK with DI by @alexandrosfilios in #598
- Allow skipping register errors for prometheus by @alexandrosfilios in #601
- Fixes in context propagation by @alexandrosfilios in #602
- Fixed concurrent read-write by @alexandrosfilios in #603
- Support for Orion deployment by @alexandrosfilios in #607
- check if grpc server is nil before accessing it by @arner in #606
- fabric: inject drivers into provider by @adecaro in #609
- Support for traces by @alexandrosfilios in #612
- Fixes for orion deployment by @alexandrosfilios in #613
- Support for traces in sessions by @alexandrosfilios in #604
- Remove static drivers for DB by @alexandrosfilios in #615
- Configurable sampler by @alexandrosfilios in #614
- Unit tests for SDK wiring by @alexandrosfilios in #616
- Remove usages of SP by @alexandrosfilios in #617
- improve logs by @arner in #611
- orion v0.2.10 by @adecaro in #622
- Multiplex websockets by @alexandrosfilios in #624
- Fixes by @alexandrosfilios in #626
- Added GetOrLoad method in second chance cache by @alexandrosfilios in #629
- Decorator to disable histograms by @alexandrosfilios in #630
- Injectable network config by @alexandrosfilios in #633
- Added traces and metrics by @alexandrosfilios in #634
- dispose context and close sessions by @adecaro in #635
- Extracted finality listener to a separate injectable service by @alexandrosfilios in #637
- Multiplexer fix by @alexandrosfilios in #636
- Responder views inherit span of initiator. Span names are prefixed wi… by @alexandrosfilios in #638
- Fix p2p by @alexandrosfilios in #639
- Removed unnecessary spans. Their lifetime exceed the lifespan of the … by @alexandrosfilios in #640
- add closing state to prevent send on closed channel panic by @arner in #632
- Remove race conditions and simplify endpoint service constructor by @arner in #619
- Fix data race errors by @saoussen in #618
- hide pkcs11 behind a build tag so that fsc is pure go by default by @arner in #621
- Db notifiers by @alexandrosfilios in #642
- fabric-sdk: refactor generic's peer manager by @adecaro in #610
- Lock func by @alexandrosfilios in #647
- Added node name as service name by @alexandrosfilios in #645
- Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.64.0 to 1.64.1 by @dependabot in #650
- Bump github.com/docker/docker from 26.1.0+incompatible to 26.1.5+incompatible by @dependabot in #649
- codeql update by @adecaro in #648
- improvements by @adecaro in #641
- upgrade go and dependencies by @arner in #651
- update tools's go mod by @adecaro in #653
- Demo fixes by @alexandrosfilios in #652
- Demo fixes by @alexandrosfilios in #656
- Demo fixes by @alexandrosfilios in #658
- Get state with existing lock by @alexandrosfilios in #657
- go module: update the version to all modules by @adecaro in #654
- Bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.1.14 in /platform/fabric/services/state/cc/query by @dependabot in #664
- fabric platform driver mgmt refactor by @adecaro in #655
- Condition interpreter by @alexandrosfilios in #666
- CI Fixes by @alexandrosfilios in #667
- Advisory lock was released before commit/rollback by @alexandrosfilios in #670
- Fix maintainer table by @mbrandenburger in #673
- Fix assertion error message by @mbrandenburger in #672
- Fix error shadowing in fabric state service by @mbrandenburger in #674
- Fix go build caching by @mbrandenburger in #676
- Added SetStates, DeleteStates, SetStateMetadatas and used typed param… by @alexandrosfilios in #671
- Bump ginkgo version by @mbrandenburger in #677
- Add GH Action to block merging fixup commits by @mbrandenburger in #678
- Batch commits by @alexandrosfilios in #669
- Fixed condition interpreter by @alexandrosfilios in #682
- Re-use TxIDs in listener manager instead of maintaining a different s… by @alexandrosfilios in #683
- reduce loglevels by @arner in #685
- Fix NWO when there is no FSC topology by @alexandrosfilios in #686
- override configuration keys with environment variables by @arner in #663
- add functions to initiate a view context from an existing go context by @arner in #644
- CodeQL manual build by @mbrandenburger in #687
- Link to LFDT Code of Conduct by @mbrandenburger in #688
- db and vault should treat a key's version generically by @adecaro in #684
- improvements by @adecaro in #690
- remove Track and IsTxFinal by @adecaro in #681
- allow the user to enable/disable tls and client-side auth selectivly by @adecaro in #691
- Refactor network services to allow code reuse by @alexandrosfilios in #695
- catch nil event by @adecaro in #697
- move warn to debug by @adecaro in #700
- remove fpc by @adecaro in #696
- rwset: support for adding a read dependency directly by @adecaro in #699
- Created ScanBlock method to allow for custom and more efficient uses … by @alexandrosfilios in #703
- Removed pq dependencies by @alexandrosfilios in #706
- shared sig service by @adecaro in #707
- Bump github.com/quic-go/quic-go from 0.45.2 to 0.48.2 by @dependabot in #702
- enable race unit-tests by @adecaro in #708
- update deps in chaincode go modules by @adecaro in #662
- golang.org/x/crypto to v0.31.0 by @adecaro in #710
- remove some of the panics in the code, return an error instead by @adecaro in #712
- add configurable maxIdleConns and maxIdleTime for sql databases by @arner in #713
- fix race condition by @adecaro in #711
- when reading channel config, skip orderer endpoints which are empty by @arner in #715
- move to "github.com/hyperledger/fabric-lib-go/common/flogging" by @adecaro in #716
- enable golangci by @adecaro in #718
- chore: fix some function names in comment by @toofooboo in #721
- cleanup delivery client when done by @adecaro in #720
- pass the network driver to the constructor by @adecaro in #714
- Extracted functionality for re-use by @alexandrosfilios in #717
- Finality listener manager by @alexandrosfilios in #722
New Contributors
- @toofooboo made their first contribution in #721
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.4.0