Hyperion is a Minecraft game engine that can have 170,000+ players in one world. Our pilot event hopes to break the PvP Guinness World Record of (8825 by EVE Online). The architecture is ECS-driven using Flecs Rust.
You can join the test server in 1.20.1 at hyperion-test.duckdns.org
Feature | Status | Notes |
Technical Infrastructure | ||
𧡠Multi-threading | β Implemented | Vertical scaling |
π Proxy Layer | β Implemented | Horizontal scaling |
π Performance Tracing | β Implemented | Using Tracy profiler |
π‘οΈ Basic Anti-Cheat | β Implemented | Core anti-cheat functionality |
π§ Moderator Tools | π§ WIP #425, @Kumpelinus | Admin controls and monitoring |
π Plugin API | β Implemented | Extensible plugin system; see events/tag |
Core Game Mechanics | ||
𧱠Block Breaking/Placing | β Implemented | Including physics simulation |
π« Entity Collisions | β Implemented | Both entity-entity and block-entity |
π‘ Lighting Engine | β Implemented | Dynamic lighting updates |
π World Borders | β Implemented | Configurable boundaries |
π οΈ Block Edit API | β Implemented | WorldEdit-like functionality |
βοΈ PvP Combat | β Implemented | Custom combat mechanics |
π Inventory System | β Implemented | Full item management |
π― Raycasting | β Implemented | Required for ranged combat/arrows |
Player Experience | ||
β¨ Particle Effects | β Implemented | Full particle support |
π¬ Chat System | β Implemented | Global and proximity chat |
β¨οΈ Commands | β Implemented | Custom command framework |
π€ Proximity Voice | β Implemented | Using Simple Voice Chat |
Players | Tick Time (ms) | Core Usage (%) | Total CPU Utilization (%) |
1 | 0.24 | 4.3 | 0.31 |
10 | 0.30 | 10.3 | 0.74 |
100 | 0.46 | 10.7 | 0.76 |
1000 | 0.40 | 15.3 | 1.09 |
5000 | 1.42 | 35.6 | 2.54 |
Test Environment:
- Machine: 2023 MacBook Pro Max 16" (14-cores)
- Chunk Render Distance: 32 (4225 total)
- Commit hash
run withjust release
- Bot Launch Command:
just bots {number}
Note on Performance:
The system's computational costs are primarily fixed due to thread synchronization overhead. Each game tick contains
The bulk of player-specific processing occurs in our proxy layer, which handles tasks like regional multicasting and can be horizontally scaled to maintain performance as player count grows.
flowchart TB
subgraph GameServer["Game Server (βοΈ Scaled)"]
direction TB
subgraph FlecsMT["Flecs Multi-threaded ECS"]
direction LR
IngressSys["Ingress System"] --> |"1 Game Tick (50ms)"| CoreSys["Core Systems (Game Engine)"] --> GameSys["Game Systems (Event Logic)"] --> EgressSys["Egress System"]
TokioIO["Tokio Async I/O"]
TokioIO --> IngressSys
EgressSys --> TokioIO
subgraph ProxyLayer["Proxy Layer (βοΈ Scaled)"]
direction TB
Proxy1["Hyperion Proxy"]
Proxy2["Hyperion Proxy"]
ProxyN["Hyperion Proxy"]
MulticastLogic["Regional Multicasting"]
subgraph AuthLayer["Authentication"]
Velocity1["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
Velocity2["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
VelocityN["Velocity + ViaVersion"]
Player1_1((Player 1))
Player1_2((Player 2))
Player2_1((Player 3))
Player2_2((Player 4))
PlayerN_1((Player N-1))
PlayerN_2((Player N))
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| Proxy1
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| Proxy2
TokioIO <--> |"Rkyv-encoded"| ProxyN
Proxy1 <--> Velocity1
Proxy2 <--> Velocity2
ProxyN <--> VelocityN
Velocity1 --> Player1_1
Velocity1 --> Player1_2
Velocity2 --> Player2_1
Velocity2 --> Player2_2
VelocityN --> PlayerN_1
VelocityN --> PlayerN_2
classDef server fill:#f96,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
classDef proxy fill:#9cf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef auth fill:#fcf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef ecs fill:#ff9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:3px
classDef system fill:#ffd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
classDef async fill:#e7e7e7,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class GameServer server
class FlecsMT ecs
class IngressSys,CoreSys,GameSys,EgressSys system
class Proxy1,Proxy2,ProxyN proxy
class Velocity1,Velocity2,VelocityN auth
class TokioIO async
participant P as Player
participant PH as Proxy Handler
participant SB as Server Buffer
participant R as Reorderer
participant B as Broadcast System
participant S as Game Server
Note over P,S: Player β Server Flow (Direct)
P->>PH: Player Packet
PH->>S: Forward Immediately
Note over P,S: Server β Player Flow (Buffered)
S->>SB: Server Packets
SB-->>SB: Accumulate Packets
S->>SB: Flush Signal
SB->>R: Batch Transfer
R-->>R: Reorder by Packet ID
R->>B: Ordered Packets
Note over B: Broadcasting Decision
alt Local Broadcast
B->>P: Send to nearby players (BVH)
else Global Broadcast
B->>P: Send to all players
else Unicast
B->>P: Send to specific player
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hyperion-mc/hyperion/main/docker-compose.yml | docker compose -f - up --pull always
docker compose up --pull always
docker compose up --build
Language: Rust
Goal: Game engine for massive events
Structure: flecs ECS
Platform Details:
- Version: Minecraft 1.20.1
- Proxy Support: Velocity
- Proximity Voice: Simple Voice Chat
- Max estimated player count: ~176,056
Note: This feature list represents core functionality. Hyperion is designed to be modular meaning you can implement your own mechanics and replace the core mechanics with your own.
Thank you for your hard work1 @CuzImClicks, @Indra-db, @james-j-obrien, @Ruben2424, @SanderMertens, @Tebarem, and @TestingPlant.
alphabetically ordered β©