Building a Docker image for ROS 2 driver for Dobot manipulators
Firstly release Husarion UGV E-Stop.
ros2 service call /panther/hardware/e_stop_release std_srvs/srv/Trigger
Then enable aux power for the manipulator.
ros2 service call /panther/hardware/aux_power_enable std_srvs/srv/SetBool "data: true"
Build and run dobot arm with gripper:
When running with Husarion UGV platform, make sure that software E-stop is released before starting Dobot arm software.
docker compose up
Enable arm:
ros2 service call /dobot_bringup_v3/srv/ClearError dobot_msgs_v3/srv/ClearError
ros2 service call /dobot_bringup_v3/srv/EnableRobot dobot_msgs_v3/srv/EnableRobot
Example movement of joint (joint 1 - I think it is 10 degrees but not sure about units):
ros2 service call /dobot_bringup_v3/srv/RelMovJ dobot_msgs_v3/srv/RelMovJ "{offset1: 10.0}"
Move to position at your own risk, I tried with copied position from GetPose
and arm decided to attack itself xD. Movement completely unpredictable.
Other usefull services for movement:
Launches automatically
Close gripper:
ros2 action send_goal /robotiq_gripper_controller/gripper_cmd control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "{command: {position: 0.85, max_effort: 1.0}}"
Open gripper:
ros2 action send_goal /robotiq_gripper_controller/gripper_cmd control_msgs/action/GripperCommand "{command: {position: 0.0, max_effort: 1.0}}"
Missing PowerOn
service for arm. After triggering e-stop there is no way to power up arm again from terminal.
ClearError->EnableRobot if at anytime arm turns green. ClearErrors only wont help.