IT Service
-Endpoint server/workstaion life cycle maintenance -System Development -System maintenance (including orphan systems) -Workflow Automation / Scripting services -System integration(including API system developing) -Website development and maintenance
-Patching information / vulnerabilities list
-On-subscribe 1-2 visits per month; usually on Friday; -On-Call (Urgent) 12 days; -On-Demand (Apointments) Apointments on a specific day; usually with vendor for meetings
Yellow page: sending emails and text;- find group email tool
每日IT团队提供小型企业IT服务: 1 服务器,网络,计算机,及打印机维护; 2 企业管理系统开发,上线,及维护; 3 企业网站开发与维护; 4 系统整合;
何辉 626-560-1012 Email:
DailyIT provides IT services to small buisness: -Endpoint devices including server, network, workstation and printer maintenance; -Manangement System development, deployment, and maintenance; -Website design, development, and maintenance; -System integration including scripting and API development;
Kevin He 626-560-1012 Email: