Attendance Management Software is very useful and fast using C++ it will Give you Attendance Data of students and will manage your work related to attendance .
start date : 22/10/2021 finish date : 06/02/2022
1)Leader & Problem solving &Project Management &BUG fixing & Coding Analyst : HARSHIL RAMANI :: OKAY
2)Co-leader & Technical section & GUI: Shubham Khunt::OKAY
3)Testing & memory management : Viraj Talaviya :: OKAY
4)Co-leader & Product Module development Head( R&D ): Drashti dhola :: OKAY
5)Technical & Analysis Department & Business Marketing : Archit Ghevariya :: OKAY
6)GUI development & Design Section (UI) : Nupur kukadiya:: OKAY
7)Technical module development and Testing section : Shikhaa Tikiwala :: OKAY
8)Technical coding Assist & Helper : Fenil Munzani :: OKAY