A personal research and development (R&D) lab that facilitates the sharing of knowledge.
The diagram illustrates the repository's architecture, which is considered overly complex. It is essential to thoroughly understand the tradeoffs associated with before onboarding any technology into your project.
(The diagram here may take a moment to load. Please wait patiently.)
- React - Web framework
- Vite - JavaScript build tool and development server
- TanStack Query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data
- RxJS - Asynchronous programming with observable streams
- Bulma - CSS framework
- PurgeCSS - Unused CSS removing
- Jest - Unit testing, snapshot testing
- React Testing Library - React component testing
- Storybook - Visual testing
- Chromatic - Storybook reviewing
- Cypress - End-to-end testing
- Lighthouse CI - Performance, accessibility, search engine optimization (SEO), progressive web app (PWA) analysis
- Sentry - Error tracking
- Report URI - Security reporting
- Google Tag Manager - Tag management
- Google Analytics - Web analytics
- FullStory - Experience analytics, session replay, heatmaps
- Namecheap - Domain
- Cloudflare - DNS, DDoS protection, CDN
- HTTP/3 Check - HTTP/3 checking
- hstspreload.org - HSTS checking
- Mozilla HTTP Observatory - Security monitoring
- UptimeRobot - Uptime monitoring
- SwiftUI - UI framework
- XCTest - Unit testing, performance testing
- Slather - Code coverage reports generating
- AndroidX - Android Jetpack
- JUnit - Unit testing, instrumented testing
- Expo - Universal native apps making platform
- React Native - Mobile application framework
- UI Kitten - UI library
- React Native Testing Library - React Native component testing
- Qt Quick - Cross-platform application development framework
- QML - Qt modeling language
- axum - Web framework
- Tokio - Asynchronous runtime
- tower-http - HTTP middleware and utilities (compression, CORS, timeout, trace)
- tower-governor - Rate limiting
- async-graphql - GraphQL (query, mutation, subscription, depth limit, complexity limit)
- tch-rs - Rust LibTorch (C++ API of PyTorch) bindings
- opencv-rust - Rust OpenCV bindings
- openai-api-rs - OpenAI API library
- Tracing - Tracing
- dotenvy - Environment variables loading
- Gin - Web framework
- gRPC - Remote procedure call (RPC) framework
- graphql-go - GraphQL
- jwt-go - JSON Web Token (JWT)
- gin-contrib/cors - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- opa - Open Policy Agent
- dgo - Dgraph client
- minio-go - MinIO client
- go-redis - Redis client
- pgx - PostgreSQL driver
- Resty - HTTP client
- Squirrel - SQL query builder
- apm-agent-go - Application performance monitoring (APM) agent
- OpenTelemetry Go - OpenTelemetry
- Prometheus Go - Prometheus
- Testify - Unit testing
- GoDotEnv - Environment variables loading
- jsonparser - JSON parser
- zerolog - Logging
- FastAPI - Web framework
- Uvicorn - Asynchronous server gateway interface (ASGI) server
- asyncpg - PostgreSQL client library
- openai - OpenAI API library
- Tenacity - General-purpose retrying library
- pydantic - Data validation
- HTTPX - HTTP client
- pytest - Unit testing
- Poe the Poet - Task runner
- uv - Python package management
- SWC - JavaScript compiler
- Express - Web framework
- GraphQL.js, graphql-http - GraphQL
- graphql-ws, graphql-subscriptions - GraphQL subscription
- graphql-upload - GraphQL upload
- graphql-shield - GraphQL permissions
- graphql-depth-limit - GraphQL depth limit
- graphql-query-complexity - GraphQL complexity limit
- DataLoader - Batching and caching
- Knex.js - SQL query builder
- node-postgres - PostgreSQL client library
- ioredis - Redis client
- rate-limiter-flexible - Rate limiting
- expressjs/cors - Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
- jsonwebtoken, express-jwt - JSON Web Token (JWT)
- bcrypt - Password hashing
- axios - HTTP client
- Helmet - HTTP header
- Report To - HTTP header
- Network Error Logging - HTTP header
- express-request-id - HTTP header
- response-time - HTTP header
- connect-timeout - Request timeout
- request-ip - IP address retrieving
- Terminus - Health check and graceful shutdown
- pino - Logging
- dotenv-flow - Environment variables loading
- Stryker - Mutation testing
- SuperTest - HTTP testing
- autocannon - HTTP benchmarking
- Clinic.js - Performance profiling
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- npm - JavaScript package management
- Sealed Secrets - Kubernetes secret encrypting
- ExternalDNS - Kubernetes services and Ingresses exposing
- cert-manager - Kubernetes X.509 certificate management
- Harbor - Registry
- Hasura - GraphQL Engine
- hasura-metric-adapter - Hasura GraphQL Engine metric adapter
- Linkerd - Service mesh
- Caddy - Web server, reverse proxy, load balancer
- Traefik - Web server, reverse proxy, load balancer
- nginx - Web server, reverse proxy, load balancer
- Metrics Server - Kubernetes metrics
- Telegraf - Plugin-driven server agent
- Docker - Container
- Skaffold - Continuous development for Kubernetes applications
- Multipass - VM management
- Locust - Load testing
- Cloudflare Tunnel - Tunneling
- Vertical Pod Autoscaler - Kubernetes vertical pod autoscaler
- K3s - Lightweight Kubernetes
- containerd - Container runtime
- Kubernetes - Container-orchestration system
- Grafana - Data visualization
- Grafana Alloy - OpenTelemetry Collector
- Grafana Beyla - eBPF-based auto-instrumentation tool
- Grafana Loki - Log aggregation system
- Grafana Mimir - Long-term storage for Prometheus
- Grafana Tempo - Distributed tracing backend
- Vector - Log collector
- Fluent Bit - Log collector
- Prometheus - Time-series database
- Thanos - Long-term storage for Prometheus
- Grafana Mimir - Long-term storage for Prometheus
- OpenTelemetry - Observability framework
- Jaeger - Distributed tracing system
- Pixie - Kubernetes application observability tool
- Netdata - Distributed monitoring platform
- Elastic APM - Application performance monitoring
- Kibana - Elasticsearch visualization
- Airbyte - Data integration
- Prefect - Orchestration platform
- Apache Airflow - Orchestration platform
- Temporal - Orchestration platform
- Apache Spark - Data processing framework
- Spark ML - Spark machine learning
- pyspark - Spark API library
- Delight - Spark UI and history server
- Apache Sedona - Spatial data processing framework
- Apache Flink - Data processing framework
- flink-streaming-java - Flink
- flink-connector-twitter - Flink Twitter connector
- flink-connector-jdbc - Flink JDBC Connector
- flink-connector-redis - Flink Redis connector
- Apache Kafka - Distributed event streaming platform
- Client
- librdkafka - Kafka C/C++ client
- libserdes - AVRO serialization and deserialization
- confluent-kafka - Kafka Python client
- rust-rdkafka - Kafka Rust client
- librdkafka - Kafka C/C++ client
- Schema registry
- Confluent Schema Registry - Schema Registry
- Apicurio Registry - Schema Registry
- Replication
- MirrorMaker - Data replicating
- Connector
- Debezium - Distributed change-data-capture (CDC) platform
- debezium-connector-postgres - PostgreSQL CDC source connector
- confluentinc-kafka-connect-jdbc - JDBC source and sink connector
- confluentinc-kafka-connect-s3 - Amazon S3 Sink Connector
- snowflake-kafka-connector - Snowflake Sink Connector
- kafka-connect-elasticsearch - Elasticsearch sink connector
- http-connector-for-apache-kafka - HTTP sink connector
- kafka-connect-avro-converter - Confluent Avro converter
- apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter - Apicurio Avro converter
- Management tool
- Redpanda Console - Kafka management
- AKHQ - Kafka management
- UI for Apache Kafka - Kafka management
- topicctl - Kafka topic management
- Client
- dbt - Data transformation
- Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) - Data serialization format
- Apache Arrow - Columnar memory format for big data
- Apache Parquet - Columnar file format for big data
- Lance - Columnar file format for machine learning
- HDF5 - Hierarchical data format
- BLF - Binary log format
- TRC - PEAK-System trace capture
- MF4 - Measurement data format (MDF)
- Trino - Distributed SQL query engine
- PostgreSQL - Object-relational database
- Patroni - PostgreSQL high-availability (HA) template
- Postgres Operator - PostgreSQL cluster provisioning
- pgAdmin - PostgreSQL management tool
- MySQL - Relational database
- MariaDB - Fork of MySQL
- Hydra - Column-oriented SQL database
- ClickHouse - Column-oriented SQL database
- YugabyteDB - Distributed SQL database
- TimescaleDB - Time-series SQL database
- Prometheus - Time-series database
- InfluxDB - Distributed time-series database
- Loki - Log aggregation system
- DuckDB - Embedded analytical SQL database
- RocksDB - Embedded key-value store
- Redis - Distributed in-memory key-value store
- Valkey - Fork of Redis
- KeyDB - Multithreaded fork of Redis
- Apache Cassandra - Distributed wide-column NoSQL database
- LanceDB - Embedded vector database
- Qdrant - Distributed vector database
- Chroma - Distributed vector database
- Dgraph - Distributed graph database
- Elasticsearch - Distributed document-oriented search engine
- MinIO - Object storage
- Apache ZooKeeper - Distributed coordination system
- Apache Hadoop - Software utility collection
- Apache Hadoop HDFS (Distributed File System) - Distributed file system
- Apache Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) - Resource management and job scheduling framework
- Apache Hadoop MapReduce - Data processing framework
- Apache Hive - Distributed data warehousing and SQL-like query language system built on top of Apache Hadoop
- Delta Lake - Data lakehouse
- Snowflake - Data warehouse
- Odoo - Enterprise resource planning (ERP) and customer relationship management (CRM)
- golang-migrate/migrate - Database migrations
- Arrow Flight - High-performance data transport framework
- RTI Connext - Real-time, distributed systems framework
- DDS - Data distribution service
- Grafana - Data visualization
- Metabase - Data visualization
- Apache Superset - Data visualization
- Tableau - Data visualization
- IADS - Data visualization
- NumPy - Array computation library
- Numba - NumPy-aware Just-in-time (JIT) compiler
- CuPy - GPU-accelerated array computation library
- pandas - Data analysis library
- GeoPandas - Spatial data library
- AWS SDK for pandas - pandas integration with AWS services
- cuDF - GPU-powered DataFrame library
- Polars - High-performance DataFrame library
- Modin - Distributed DataFrame library
- Daft - Distributed DataFrame library
- NetworkX - Network analysis library
- JupyterLab - Web-based interactive computing platform
- nb-clean - Jupyter notebook cleaning
- Databricks - Unified data analytics platform
- Palantir - Data integration and analysis platform
- Data drift
- Covariate shift
- Concept drift
- Univariate drift
- Jensen-Shannen distance - categorical and continuous
- Hellinger - categorical and continuous
- Wasserstein - continuous
- Kolgomorov-Smirnov - continuous
- L-infinity - categorical
- Chi2 - categorical
- Multivariate drift
- Performance estimation
- Direct loss estimation (DLE) - Regression
- Mean absolute error (MAE)
- Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE)
- Mean squared error (MSE)
- Root mean squared error (RMSE)
- Mean squared logarithmic error (MSLE)
- Root mean squared logarithmic error (RMSLE)
- Confidence-based performance estimation (CBPE)- Classification
- Confusion matrix
- Accuracy
- Precision
- Recall
- F1 score
- Direct loss estimation (DLE) - Regression
- Regression analysis
- Linear regression
- Polynomial regression
- Lasso regression (L1 regularization)
- Ridge regression (L2 regularization)
- Elastic net (L1 + L2 regularization)
- Logistic regression
- Bayesian regression
- Stepwise regression
- Robust regression
- Ecological regression
- Quantile regression
- Ensemble learning
- Bagging
- Boosting
- Adaptive boosting
- AdaBoost
- Gradient boosting
- CatBoost
- XGBoost
- Adaptive boosting
- Stacking
- scikit-learn - Machine learning library
- cuML - GPU-accelerated machine learning library
- PyTorch - Machine learning
- PyTorch Geometric - PyTorch geometric deep learning extension
- TorchServe - PyTorch models serving
- Flax - Neural network for JAX
- Optax - Gradient processing and optimization for JAX
- Lightning - Deep Learning framework
- NeuralForecast - Neural forecasting
- Faster Whisper - Speech recognition model
- Transformers - Machine learning models
- Faiss - Vector search and similarity library
- Gradio - Machine learning web application building
- Streamlit - Data web application building
- AutoGluon - Automated machine learning (AutoML) library
- OGB - Open graph benchmark
- Rasa - Machine learning framework for automated text and voice-based conversations
- CML - Continuous machine learning
- DVC - Data version control
- Feast - Feature store
- Kubeflow - Machine learning platform
- MLflow - Machine learning experiment tracking
- Weights & Biases - Machine learning experiment tracking
- NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI) - GPU-accelerated data loading and preprocessing pipeline
- NVIDIA Triton Inference Server - Inference server
- NVIDIA Modulus - Physics-informed machine learning framework
- LlamaIndex - Large language model (LLM) data framework
- LangGraph - Large language model (LLM) workflows library
- LangChain - Large language model (LLM) application framework
- MinerU - Document data extraction
- Docling - Document data extraction
- pypdf - PDF manipulation
- SGLang - Large language model (LLM) and visual language model (VLM) serving framework
- LiteLLM - Large language model (LLM) gateway
- Open WebUI - AI chat interface
- Open WebUI Pipelines - OpenAI API plugin framework
- GPT4All - Local large language model (LLM) models
- Diffusers - Diffusion models
- Stable Diffusion - Text-to-image generation model
- ComfyUI - Node-based interface for diffusion model workflows
- ImageBind - Multimodal embedding model for images, text, audio, video, depth, thermal, and inertial measurement units (IMUs)
- OpenCLIP - Multimodal embedding model for images and text
- OpenCV - Computer vision library
- supervision - Computer vision library
- Ultralytics YOLOv8 - Object detection model
- Open3D - 3D data processing
- PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis
- Visualization Toolkit (VTK) - Image processing, 3D graphics, volume rendering and visualization
- LLVM - Compiler infrastructure
- CUDA - Parallel computing language
- Taichi - Parallel computing language
- Triton - Parallel computing language
- Julia - High-performance dynamic programming language
- JAX - High-performance numerical computing
- AWS ParallelCluster - High performance computing (HPC) cluster management
- NICE DCV - Remote display
- AWS Batch - Batch computing
- Open MPI - High-performance computing (HPC) library
- Slurm - Workload management
- Amazon EC2 - Cloud computing
- Ray - Distributed computing framework
- SkyPilot - Sky computing
- SunPy - Solar physics data analysis
- Qiskit - Quantum computing
- Amazon Web Services
- Amazon Athena - Serverless query service
- Amazon Bedrock - Generative AI model service
- Amazon CloudTrail - Data governance, data compliance, data auditing
- Amazon DynamoDB - NoSQL database
- Amazon EBS - Block storage
- Amazon EC2 - Cloud computing
- Amazon ECR - Container registry
- Amazon EKS - Kubernetes
- Amazon EMR - Big data platform
- Amazon EventBridge - Serverless event bus
- Amazon MSK - Kafka
- Amazon RDS - Relational database service
- Amazon Route 53 - Domain Name System (DNS) web service
- Amazon S3 - Object storage
- Mountpoint for Amazon S3 - High-performance file client for mounting Amazon S3 as a local file system
- Amazon Redshift - Data warehouse
- Amazon SageMaker - Machine learning platform
- Amazon SQS - Queue
- Amazon VPC - Virtual private cloud
- AWS Batch - Batch computing
- AWS Certificate Manager - SSL/TLS certificate management
- AWS CloudFormation - Infrastructure as code (IaC)
- AWS CodeCommit - Version control
- AWS Glue - Serverless data integration
- AWS Glue Crawler - Data source discovery
- AWS Glue Data Catalog - Data catalog
- AWS Glue DataBrew - Data cleaning
- AWS IAM - Identity and access management
- AWS IoT Core - Internet of Things (IoT)
- AWS KMS - Key management service
- AWS Lake Formation - Data lake governance
- AWS ParallelCluster - High performance computing (HPC) cluster management
- NICE DCV - Remote display
- AWS Secrets Manager - Password management
- Google Cloud
- BigQuery - Data warehouse
- BigQuery ML - BigQuery machine learning
- Dataprep - Data cleaning
- Looker Studio - Data visualization
- Vertex AI - Machine learning platform
- BigQuery - Data warehouse
- Terraform - Infrastructure as code (IaC)
- Pulumi - Infrastructure as code (IaC)
- Karpenter - Kubernetes node autoscaler
- Prowler - Cloud security assessments
- Komiser - Cloud cost monitoring
- Argo CD - Declarative GitOps CD for Kubernetes
- Rancher - Kubernetes container management platform
- Goldilocks - Kubernetes resource requests recommendation
- Polaris - Kubernetes best practices validation
- Sloop - Kubernetes history visualization
- OpenCost - Kubernetes cost monitoring
- Kubecost - Kubernetes cost monitoring
- Diun - Container image update notifier
- Vagrant - Development environments building and distributing
- Ansible - IT automation system
- Discord - ChatOps
- Opsgenie - Incident management platform
- GitHub Actions - Continuous integration
- Apache Ranger - Authorization, auditing
- Ory Hydra - OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect server
- Open Policy Agent (OPA) - Policy-based control
- OPAL - Open-policy administration layer
- CodeQL - Variant analysis
- Gitleaks - Git secret scanning
- GitGuardian - Git secret scanning
- xxHash - Hash algorithm
- Ouch! - Compressing and decompressing program
- Rclone - Cloud storage sync program
- restic - Encrypted backup program
- Vim - Terminal-based text editor
- Zellij - Terminal multiplexer
- Just - Command runner for managing project-specific tasks
- hexedit - File viewing and editing in hexadecimal and ASCII
- xxd - File viewing and editing in hexadecimal and ASCII
- strings - Strings of printable characters viewing
- objdump - Disassembler
- IDA - Disassembler
- Solidity - Contract-oriented programming language
- solc-js - JavaScript bindings for the Solidity compiler
- Verilog - Hardware description language
- VHDL - Hardware description language
- pySerial - Serial communication library
- cantools - Controller Area Network (CAN) bus tools
- python-can - Controller Area Network (CAN) bus library
- Valgrind - Memory debugging and profiling
- Yocto Project - Linux distribution creating
- ROS - Robot operating system
- FreeRTOS - Real-time operating system
- ASTERIOS - Real-time, safety-critical applications development
- OpenSCAD - 3D CAD Modeller
- Arduino Uno - Microcontroller board
- BeagleBone Black - Microcontroller board
- Raspberry Pi 4 Model B - Single-board computer (SBC)
- Jetson Nano - Single-board computer (SBC)
- Jetson TX2 - Single-board computer (SBC)
- RISC-V - Open standard instruction set architecture (ISA)
- Genesis - Physics platform for robotics, embodied AI, physical AI applications
- AnyLogic - Simulation modeling tool
- LabVIEW - Graphical programming environment
- VeriStand - Real-time testing and simulation
- CoppeliaSim - Robot simulation
- OpenFOAM - Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- SimScale - Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), thermal simulation
- AeroSandbox - Aircraft design and optimization
- MATLAB - Programming and numeric computing platform
- 5G Toolbox - 5G communications systems simulation, analysis, and testing
- 6G Exploration Library - 6G communications systems simulation, analysis, and testing
- Aerospace Toolbox - Aerospace vehicle motion analysis and visualization
- Automated Driving Toolbox - ADAS and autonomous driving systems design, simulation, and testing
- Bioinformatics Toolbox - Genomic and proteomic data analysis and visualization
- Computer Vision Toolbox - Computer vision, 3D vision, and video processing systems design and testing
- Database Toolbox - Relational and NoSQL databases interacting
- Lidar Toolbox - Lidar processing systems design, analysis, and testing
- Navigation Toolbox - Autonomous navigation algorithms design, simulation, and deployment
- Satellite Communications Toolbox - Satellite communications systems simulation
- Signal Processing Toolbox - Signal processing and analysis
- Simulink - Simulation and model-based designing
- Simscape - Multidomain physical systems simulation
- 5G Toolbox - 5G communications systems simulation, analysis, and testing
- AeroSandbox - Aircraft design and optimization
- OpenAeroStruct - Aerostructural optimization
- OpenMDAO - Multidisciplinary analysis and optimization
- OpenFOAM - Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
- SimScale - Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), finite element analysis (FEA), thermal simulation
- ParaView - Post-processing visualization
- PX4 - Flight control software
- CubeSat - Miniaturized satellite
- QGroundControl - Ground control station (GCS) for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
- ansible-lint - Ansible linter
- dotnet format - C# code formatter
- CSharpier - C# code formatter
- ClangFormat - C/C++ code formatter
- cpplint - C/C++ linter
- CMakeLint - CMake linter
- Prettier - Code formatter
- commitlint - Commit message linter
- Stylelint - CSS linter
- hadolint - Dockerfile linter
- gofmt - Go code formatter
- golangci-lint - Go linter
- @html-eslint - HTML linter
- ESLint - JavaScript linter
- @eslint/json - JSON linter
- Just - justfile code formatter
- Ktlint - Kotlin code formatter and linter
- detekt - Kotlin static type checker
- Kubeconform - Kubernetes manifest linter
- markdownlint-cli2 - Markdown linter
- MISS_HIT - MATLAB code formatter
- textlint - Natural language linter
- Buf - Protocol Buffers linter
- Ruff - Python code formatter and linter
- Mypy - Python static type checker
- qmllint - QML linter
- opa - Rego code formatter
- RuboCop - Ruby code formatter and linter
- rustfmt - Rust code formatter
- Clippy - Rust linter
- Scalafmt - Scala code formatter
- Scalafix - Scala linter
- ShellCheck - Shell linter
- Solhint - Solidity linter
- SQLFluff - SQL code formatter and linter
- Taplo - TOML code formatter
- terraform - Terraform code formatter
- tsc - TypeScript static type checker
- Verible - Verilog code formatter and linter
- VHDL Style Guide (VSG) - VHDL code formatter
- @prettier/plugin-xml - XML formatter
- yamllint - YAML linter
- GitHub - Version control
- SonarCloud, Codacy - Code reviews and analytics
- Codecov - Code coverage reports
- Depfu - Dependency monitoring
- FOSSA - License compliance
- Fusion 360 - Industrial design
- Blender - 3D graphic design
- Figma - UX design
- Renovate - Dependency updating
- CodeReview BOT - Code reviewing
- Mergify - Automatically merging
- Stale - Stale issues and pull requests closing
- semantic-release - Version management and package publishing
- Unit testing
- Marble testing
- Snapshot testing
- Visual testing
- Instrumented testing
- Smoke testing
- Sanity testing
- Compatibility testing
- Integration testing
- End-to-end testing
- Contract testing
- Mutation testing
- Penetration testing
- Ethical testing
- Performance testing
- Permutation testing
- Holdout testing
- Bias testing
- Duck testing
- Bus testing
- Load testing
- Durability testing
- Fault injection testing
- Parallel testing
- Acceptance testing
- Model-in-the-loop (MIL) testing
- Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing
- Environmental testing
- Vibration testing
- Shock testing
- Drop testing
- Temperature testing
- Humidity testing
- Altitude testing
- Icing testing
- Rain testing
- Fungus testing
- Salt fog testing
- Lightning testing
- Structural testing
- Battery drop testing
- Battery vibration testing
- Dyno testing
- Flammability testing
- Wind tunnel testing
- Ground testing
- Flight testing
- C
- Embedded C
- PsyC
- C++
- CUDA C++
- C#
- Cypher
- Docker
- Flux
- Go
- GraphQL
- Java
- Kotlin
- Scala
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Julia
- Just
- LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR)
- Lua
- Markdown
- OpenSCAD
- P4
- PowerShell
- Protocol Buffers
- Python
- Taichi
- Triton
- Rego
- Ruby
- Rust
- Shell
- Solidity
- LogQL
- PL/pgSQL
- PromQL
- SedonaSQL
- Snowflake SQL
- Spark SQL
- TraceQL
- Swift
- Verilog
- P4 - Programming Protocol-independent Packet Processors
- ZeroMQ - High-performance asynchronous messaging library
- NetMQ - C# implementation of ZeroMQ
- zmq.rs - Rust implementation of ZeroMQ
- Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model
- Layer 1: Physical layer
- Serial protocols
- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C)
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
- Controller Area Network (CAN)
- Serial protocols
- Layer 2: Data link layer
- Ethernet
- Wi-Fi
- Layer 3: Network layer
- The Internet Protocol (IP)
- IPv4
- IPv6
- Time protocols
- Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
- IRIG-B Time Protocol
- The Internet Protocol (IP)
- Layer 4: Transport layer
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Layer 5: Session layer
- WebSocket
- Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC)
- Layer 6: Presentation layer
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- RPC frameworks
- Apache Avro
- Apache Thrift
- gRPC Remote Procedure Calls (gRPC)
- Binary data serialization formats
- Avro
- Thrift
- Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
- RPC frameworks
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
- Layer 7: Application layer
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
- HTTP/0.9 - TCP/IP
- HTTP/1.0 - TCP/IP
- HTTP/1.1 - TCP/IP
- File transfer protocols
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- Server Message Block (SMB)
- Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
- Email protocols
- Post Office Protocol (POP)
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
- Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Layer 1: Physical layer
- 1G
- 2G
- 3G
- 3.9G - Long-Term Evolution (LTE)
- 4G - Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced
- 4.5G - Long-Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced Pro
- 5G - 5G New Radio (NR)
- 5.5G - 5G Advanced
- 6G
- Avionics Systems
- DO-178C - Software considerations in airborne systems and equipment certification
- DO-254 - Design assurance guidance for airborne electronic hardware
- ARP4754A - Guidelines for development of civil aircraft and systems
- DO-160G - Environmental conditions and test procedures for airborne equipment
- DO-331 - Model-based development and verification supplement to DO-178C and DO-278A
- DO-330 - Software tool qualification considerations
- Drone Systems
- Pixhawk standards - Hardware specifications and guidelines for drone systems development
- Automotive Systems
- ISO 26262 - Road vehicles — functional safety
- AUTOSAR - Automotive open system architecture
- Industrial Robot Systems
- ISO 10218 - Robots and robotic devices — safety requirements for industrial robots
- ANSI/RIA R15.06-2012 - Industrial robots and robot systems — safety requirements
The following presents a model of a radar-based air defense system. Bombers are dispatched to destroy ground facilities, while the buildings are safeguarded by the air defense system, comprising two radars equipped with guided surface-to-air missiles.
OpenFOAM simulation results viewed by ParaView.
The toroidal propeller allows a small multirotor aircraft to operate more quietly than the ones that use traditional propellers.
The VHDL waveforms are displayed in GTKWave.
Chatbot on Telegram powered by Rasa.
Distributed hyperparameter optimization result by Weights & Biases.
The website supports HTTP/3.
Images on the website are using AVIF format.
The WebP is almost half the size of JPEG, and AVIF is under half the size of WebP.
Below is the Mozilla HTTP observatory report for the website.
Profiling result by Clinic.js and autocannon.