This project is a container deployment of a full-stack Ironic for managing a home bare-metal lab. What do I mean by "full-stack?" In contrast to a project like Bifrost <>, this OpenStack Ironic deployment is:
- Container-based.
- Uses all of the core OpenStack projects, with Ironic as a Nova driver.
As of January 29, 2018, this project can successfully deploy Ironic and manage a home lab. However, it is still a work in progress with many features planned for the roadmap. Features include:
- Better documentation, this README.rst file being the first step in that direction.
This is very much my own project for maintaining a home lab, and if you want to use the project you will likely need to modify it. The goal is to have a system that lets me automate testing and demonstration of both OpenStack and Kubernetes environments. If you see videos that I produce in 2018 and forward, chances are this is the seed that I'm starting from.
Many thanks to Julia Kreuger (TheJulia) for providing the foundations of this work with her excellent standalone Ironic project: Bifrost. I've shamelessly stolen many of her ideas and implented them in containers here.
Begin by configuring your Docker to use your own Docker Hub for image storage. Export the name of you Docker Hub namespace into the DOCKERHUB_NAMESPACE evnironment variable.
You can the then build the Loci images by running make loci. This will build the base loci images and push them to your Docker Hub account.
Follow up with building the application images by running make service-containers. This will do local builds of all of the application images.
Configure your deployment by editing the config file with your environment specific values.
Load necessary kernel modules by running make kernel-modules.
Bring the whole thing up with docker-compose up.
If you need to restart the services, you must call docker-compose down to clear out existing containers, or you will run into network problems with the neutron-dhcp-agent.
Have a good time with OpenStack!
- Load the necessary kernel modules for Neutron and Cinder
- make kernel-modules
- Set up your swift storage endpoint
- make swift-storage
- Build the Loci images and push them to Docker Hub
- make loci
- Build the service containers (optional)
- make service-containers
- Start the services with docker-compose
- docker-compose up
If you need to restart the services (with your database and images intact), you must run
- docker-compose down
- If you want to restart the services with an empty database
- docker-compose down -v