This repository contains a collection of optimization-based projects that utilize mathematical programming techniques to solve problems assigned in Operations Research for Systems course at the University of Utah. Each project includes Python code, data files, and detailed reports describing the objectives, methodology, and outcomes. The project descriptions are as follows:
This project optimizes weekly production for a metal production company to maximize profits while meeting daily demand for six products. It uses a linear programming model with constraints on production capacity, inventory costs, and backorders.
This project develops a trading strategy to maximize returns over a year using historical stock prices. A linear programming model optimizes buy-sell decisions, considering daily cash flow, stock ownership, and interest earnings.
This project minimizes employee costs while meeting hourly staffing needs at a superstore. It uses a linear programming model to assign employees to roles based on availability, skillsets, and required hours. The Python script reads data from an Excel file, solves the scheduling problem, and outputs the optimal schedule and costs.