🎯 cub3D is a graphical pseudo-3D game inspired by Wolfenstein 3D, developed in C using the MLX graphical library as part of the 42 School curriculum. The project demonstrates raycasting techniques to render a first-person perspective.
- Parsing: Reads and interprets a map file defining walls and player positions.
- Raycasting Algorithm: Implements a raycasting engine to create a 3D effect using a 2D map.
- Texture Mapping: Applies textures to walls using pixel manipulation for a realistic appearance.
- Bonus Features: Includes a minimap for navigation and sprites, including a player's gunshot animation.
- MLX Library (MinilibX)
- gcc or clang compiler
- Make utility
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/hienptx/cub3D.git
cd cub3D
# Compile the project
# Compile the project with bonus
make bonus
# Run the gamel like in Demo
./cub3D maps/2.cub
- W / A / S / D - Move forward, left, backward, right
- Left / Right Arrow - Rotate camera
- ESC - Exit game
- SPACE - Shooting
- main.c - Entry point, initializes game
- parsing/ - Handles map loading and validation
- raycasting/ - Implements the raycasting algorithm
- rendering/ - Manages drawing and textures
Raycasting Algorithm (DDA - Digital Differential Analysis) Purpose: Converts a 2D grid-based map into a pseudo-3D perspective.
Key Steps: 1. Cast a ray for each vertical pixel column on the screen. 2. Step through the grid to detect where the ray hits a wall. 3. Calculate distance from the player to the wall to determine wall height. 4. Adjust perspective using a fish-eye correction (to avoid distortion). 5. Texture Mapping: If implemented, determines which texture to render on the wall. Used Functions: dda_algorithm() → Iterates through grid cells until a wall is hit. calculate_wall_height() → Uses distance to compute correct rendering.
# Open .cub file
vim maps/1.cub
# paths to wall pictures for rendering
NO ./images/N_wide.png
SO ./images/S_wide.png
WE ./images/W_wide.png
EA ./images/E_wide.png
# rgb color values of floor (F) and ceiling (C)
F 100,150,105
C 60,50,110
# maze with 1 represent wall, 0 empty space
# place player with N, S, E, W
- Implementing an efficient raycasting engine.
- Handling pixel rendering and texture mapping.
- Parsing and validating custom map formats.
- 👤 Hien Pham
- 👤 Dongjub Lee
📜 This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.