No due date
0% complete
For now this milestone is a place to gather ideas we have for a v2.0.0 release. Detailed planning will happen once we plan to tackle the task.
- Disable routes controller by default
- When certain annotations are removed (e.g.,
), the default value should be configured - Revise configuration options and annotations…
For now this milestone is a place to gather ideas we have for a v2.0.0 release. Detailed planning will happen once we plan to tackle the task.
- Disable routes controller by default
- When certain annotations are removed (e.g.,
), the default value should be configured - Revise configuration options and annotations (w.r.t load balancers)
- HCCM should be configurable via a config file
- We have partially introduced duplicated config options where cloud-provider already has flags, and we have ens (e.g., route controller) -> revise this
- Currently, if private networks enabled we have to run on a cloud node -> we can probably remove this requirement
- Set logging format to JSON by default
- Remove legacy Robot provider ID
- Remove node-role master toleration
- Check if --cloud-provider=external is still needed and how it will develop in future releases
- Remove ccm-networks manifest and publish only one (HCLOUD_NETWORK env could be optional)