An adapter for cljs.test to run in Karma
The simplest way to install karma-cljs.test
is by adding it to the
in your package.json.
"devDependencies": {
"karma-cljs.test": "git://"
You can also run the following command:
npm install git:// --save-dev
First, add the adapter to the frameworks
array in your karma configuration
and then configure it by setting the following properties in the client
: (required)
The namespace where you've configured functions to collect your tests and run them using karma.entry
: (optional)
The entry point in the aforementioned namespace. This function should take care of collecting all tests so they can be executed with karma.
Once configured, you must write a test loader as part of your test suite (see example below).
module.exports = function(config) {
frameworks: ["cljsTest"],
client: {
cljsTest: {
main: "my-tests.namespace",
entry: "run-all-the-karma-tests" // optional: defaults to `run`.
In the example given above, the adapter expects the find the following:
(ns my-tests.namespace
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
[cemerick.cljs.test :as test]))
(defn get-total-test-count []
(reduce + (map count (vals @test/registered-tests))))
(defn run-karma-test! [test-name test]
(let [log-output (atom '())
start (.getTime (js/Date.))]
(test/set-print-fn! (fn [x] (swap! log-output conj x)))
;; [{:result result :time time} (run-test-with-time test)]
[result (test/test-function test)]
(.result js/__karma__
{ "id" ""
"description" (-> test-name name)
"suite" [(-> test-name namespace str)]
"success" (and (zero? (:error result))
(zero? (:fail result)))
"skipped" nil
"time" (- (.getTime (js/Date.)) start)
"log" [(string/join "\n" (reverse @log-output))]})))))
(defn ^:export run-all-the-karma-tests []
(do (.info js/__karma__ (clj->js {:total (get-total-test-count)}))
(doseq [[ns ns-tests] @test/registered-tests ]
(doseq [[test-name test] ns-tests]
(run-karma-test! test-name test)))
(.complete js/__karma__ (clj->js {}))))
For more information and an example of how to setup your tests, see tests for the CircleCI frontend.