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Nir Galon edited this page Nov 13, 2016 · 2 revisions

So, you want to start contribute, Great!

  1. First step is to clone the repo (git clone
  2. After it talk with the team members and get yourself and issue. Create a new branch (git branch -b <number_of_issue>-<optional_text>), and start working on it.
  3. After you do the first commit create a PL (Pull Request) (you can do it from github GUI or Pycharm/Webstorm under VCS -> Git -> Create Pull Request) and if you don't finish the PL yet (what I assume is true because it's only the first commit) write WIP (stand for "Work In Progress") in the title. Example: WIP: Create Docker image.. In the body of the PL write the issue number. Example: #11
  4. When you finish, remove the WIP from the title and assign it to @nirgn975, and write some text like "@nirgn975 Ready for review" (because GitHub will send a notification to that person when you mention him like that, with @ symbol).
  5. Have fun!
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