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Releases: harvard-vpal/bridge-adaptivity

Bridge for Adaptivity (Stable release)

21 Jan 08:28
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Security vulnerabilities were improved in the requirements.
Implemented new feature: Deliver message when assignment score reaches 95%
Fixed some UI issues.

Bridge for Adaptivity (Stable release)

20 Mar 11:55
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The stable release of version 1 before the project is growing into a new version 2.0.0

Fixed the bunch of bugs appear in UI/UX testing.

Bunch of small bugs was fixed.


06 Dec 19:10
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  • Adds collection ordering within group
  • Adds sync endpoint

Bridge for Adaptivity (minor release)

04 Sep 12:12
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UI/UX changes on the LMS sequence view:

Fixed the bunch of bugs appear under the case of strict forward flow with the collection contains non-problem activities.
Fixed redirection error after collection slug was updated in the modal window.
Fix back button response after collection is synced manually.

Bunch of small bugs was fixed.

Bridge for Adaptivity (stable release)

17 Jul 09:39
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New features are added to the Bridge for Adaptivity (BFA).

  • The project is switched on Python 3.6
  • The project is switched on Django 2.0.5
  • Added new feature with the possibility of the collection repetition, the same collection could be added to the same course with the new generated LTI Launch URL from the group-detail page on the Bridge dashboard.
  • Added new feature with the Activity repetition inside the collection, to make Activity be the repeatable default value of the new field repetition in Activity edit mode should be updated.
  • The types of the learning components which are handled by the Bridge were extended and currently, all types could be added (LTI components are also supported). Attribute is_problem still be mapped to the only one type "problem".
  • Added Base API client was created. It could be used for adding new content sources by itself or by inheriting from new source clients.
  • Changed external relations with the Collection from id to slug. (VPAL engine API was changed respectively)
  • Added new feature sequence preview of the Collection which is able on the Collection detail view on the Bridge dashboard.
  • Added new feature upgrade student's grade which do student's grade updating of the sequences related to the certain Group. The feature is able on the Group detail view on the Bridge dashboard.

Added UI/UX changes on the dashboard:

  • All create, update, and edit pages were converted to the modal windows to simplify the process of the manipulating with adaptive content.
  • Activity which is not visible to the student is marked with the grey background and warns the instructor from the adding such activity to the collection.

Fixed bugs:

  • Incorrect rendering of the iframe in case error happens on the source side.
  • Bunch of small bugs was fixed.

Bridge for Adaptivity v.0.2.0

16 Mar 16:17
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New features are added to the Bridge for Adaptivity (BFA).

  • Added support for simultaneous usage of multiple Engines (Mock and VPAL instances).

  • Added support for simultaneous usage of multiple Content Sources (Open Edx instances).

  • Added new policies. Additionally to trials_count and points_earned new policies: full_credit (gives 1.0 point grade after the sequence is completed) and engine_grade (gives grade received from the VPAL engine) are added.

  • Added Collection Group instance and relative Collection Group page for applying engine and policy to the chosen collection which is used in the LMS Platform

  • Added Course instance and relative course page for helping the instructor managing/gathering group of collections which are related to the certain course.

  • Fixed and updated communication process between Bridge and Engine.

  • Improved a lot of items in the UI of the Bridge dashboard

  • As an extra feature added API endpoints for programmatically get/create/update/delete collections and activities.

Bridge for Adaptivity main functionality

22 Sep 15:40
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Main Bridge for Adaptivity (BFA) functionality is added.

Implemented BFA admin UI page.
Implemented Mock Engine
Implemented VPAL Engine driver for VPAL Adaptive Engine