๐ MSc. IT Student | GGDSD-32, Chandigarh
ย ๐ ย Based in India
- Languages: SQL, Python
- Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SQLite3
- Data Visualization Tools: Tableau, PowerBI
- Databases: MySQL
- Tools & Technologies: Git, GitHub, Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets
- Superstore Dashboard (Power BI): Analyzed sales, profit, customer behavior and sales managers performance.
- Diwali Sales Analysis (Python, Tableau): Analyzed Diwali sales data to uncover customer trends, purchasing behaviors, and product performance.
- SQL Sales Insights (SQL): Analyzed sales data using advanced SQL techniques like CTEs, window functions, and views to derive insights on salesperson performance, product sales, and customer spending.
- Spam Detection Model (Python): Spam detection project using Naive-Bayes Classifier with a Tkinter GUI.
- Spotify Song Analysis (in progress).