This repository is created for my thesis during the bachelor degree at Innopolis University. The topic for research is Learning behavioral strategies for a multi-robot system in a predator-prey environment using Reinforcement Learning.
If you like this work and intend to use this software or the information inside has helped you in your work, I would be happy to cite it as below. (Hopefully a publication will be released later)
• Links: Preprint in English & presentation
author = {Hamed, Hany and Klimchik, Alexandr and Nolfi, Stefano},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1234},
month = {6},
title = {{Learning behavioral strategies for a predator and prey using Self-play Reinforcement Learning}},
url = {},
version = {1.0.0},
year = {2022}
- gym-predprey
- bach-utils
- submodule PettingZoo
- submodule gym-pybullet-drones
- gym-predprey-drones
- gym-pz-predprey
- Create setup script to setup everything
- At least 2 useful commits per day (Not update neither update submodules)
- Submit +1 paper(s) in top-tier conferences by the end of the thesis
git clone --recursive
# Or through ssh
# First, need to register ssh key to github:
git clone --recursive
Export the following variable that points to the directory of predpreylib that inside 2D/gym-predprey
# /home/hany606/repos/research/Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/gym-predprey/predpreylib
# /home/hany606/Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/gym-predprey/predpreylib
export PREDPREYLIB="absolute/path/to/the/root/folder/predpreylib"
or even better, put it inside ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
cd Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/gym-predprey
cd predpreylib
# Edit
# include_gsl_dir, lib_gsl_dir
python3 build_ext --inplace
cd ..
#cd gym_predprey/envs/
# Edit 6th line in
# sys.path.append('/home/hany606/repos/research/Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/gym-predprey/predpreylib')
pip3 install -e .
# Stable-baselines 3:
pip3 install stable-baselines3[extra]
# Wandbai:
pip3 install wandb
wandb login
# & Setup API key
# Ray:
pip3 install ray
pip3 install ray[debug]
pip3 install ray[rllib]
# It is a local module to include multiple utilities
cd Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/bach-utils/
pip3 install -e .
Note: this will require installation and authentication for visualization
cd Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/experiments/
cd Drones-PEG-Bachelor-Thesis-2022/2D/experiments/
python3 --exp <experiment-path>
An example:
python3 --exp selfplay-results/save-SelfPlay1v1-Pred_Prey-v0-PPO-full-vel-08.18.2021_01.08.37
- Submodules To update the submodules to be the same as the remote (master/main)
First, go to the submodules, Check that you pushed everything to the main/master
git push origin HEAD:main
Then, updates the submodules:
git submodule update --remote --recursive
Then, add, commit, and push
git add submodule
git commit -m "Update submodules"
git push
- Remove changes in a file
For example:
git stash --
- Pull with the newest changes in submodules
git pull --recurse-submodules
To remove submodules: Check
Fetch and merge with upstream from a fork: check
Merge with some conflicts: check, it is better to use gitkraken
In order to run the experiment on the server that you connected to it through ssh, and then close the server. You can use screen or nohup
To use screen:
screen # creates new screen
screen -S <name-screen>
screen -ls # shows the ids and names of the opened screens
screen -r <screen-id>
ctrl+a+d to go out of the screen
ctrl+a+ESC to go up and down using scrolling and then press ESC to go out of the scrolling mode
To use nohup
nohup <cmd> &
- To copy output of command directly to the clipboard:
<command> | xclip -selection clipboard