Olives & Herbs is an Arabic recipe social media blog where users can discover fresh, seasonal ingredients and create meals that celebrate Arabic culture.
- User Registration: Easy sign-up and login process.
- Recipe Discovery: Explore a wide variety of recipes.
- Filter Recipes: Filter out all recipes that contain certain ingredients.
- Category View: See all recipes under a specific category.
- User Management: Sign up, sign in, and manage user accounts easily.
- Follower System: Follow other users and view followers.
- Comment on Recipes: Share your thoughts on recipes through comments.
- Manage Recipes: Create, edit, and delete recipes as an authenticated user.
- Manage Ingredients: Create and add new ingredients while crafting recipes.
- React
- React Router
- Slick Carousel
- Tailwind CSS
- Node.js
- Express
Here are some images showcasing our website:
- Hala Almuatiri
- Amna Alrashid
- Dalal Salam