This is a climbing application being built as a place to pour the things I've learned (and am learning) into.
That being said, I do hope to introduce some novel tools for crag exploration, and eventually publish tools that can be useful to the community or modelled for other purposes.
-- PNPM workspacespackages/models
-- domain modelspackages/ui
-- Next.js UI
-- CLimbing FLutter app
This is purely a passion project, where I'm hoping to provide more useful tools and guides for the community.
I'm very cognizant of the current ecosystem (eg. (this discussion)[]), and especially for Santee, where everything was sent decades ago without pomp or a paper trail and proper attribution can be even harder.
I have tried my best to:
- respect all the work and love that has gone into these crags for decades
- avoid any route names that aren't well established
- avoid any copyright violations
- avoid any other ethically questionable faux pas or gafs
Of course, I'm human, and if you see anything flagrant or even questionable, please reach out to me direct @ .
All the factual data was compiled from a myriad of sources and my own exploration. Special thanks to:
- some original GIS data compiled forever ago by Lu Wu (for Tram)
- OpenBeta for most of the Santee factual data
- Mountain Project admins and contributors for Santee, which OpenBeta is based on of course, and which I've utilized directly for years to enjoy Santee.
- "Climber's Guide to Southern California" by Paul Hellweg and Nathan Warstler
- I see it referenced in MP but have never read directly
- Hand drawn topos, jpg topos, photos of photos
- and of course, all the classic strong ol' climbing gurus of Santee describing their storied ascents and rug based protection
All photos were taken by myself. AFAIK all the copied descriptions from OpenBeta through MP should have been removed and re-written, but again please reach out if you notice anything.