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make stat printing optional
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Red-Panda64 authored and michael-schwarz committed Mar 8, 2025
1 parent 3ebe993 commit ac16004
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Showing 2 changed files with 22 additions and 14 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/config/options.schema.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2510,6 +2510,12 @@
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"stats": {
"title": "solvers.td3.narrow-sides.stats",
"description": "Record stats on botified side-effects and dead globals.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"stable": {
"title": "solvers.td3.narrow-sides.stable",
"description": "Controls when to narrow. true: If unknown remains stable after evaluating its rhs, apply all sides with narrowing. false: Apply sides that did not increase with narrowing.",
Expand Down
30 changes: 16 additions & 14 deletions src/solver/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ module Base =
let narrow_sides_gas_default = if narrow_sides_gas_default < 0 then None else Some (narrow_sides_gas_default, D_Widen) in
let narrow_sides_eliminate_dead = GobConfig.get_bool "solvers.td3.narrow-sides.eliminate-dead" in
let apinis = GobConfig.get_bool "solvers.td3.narrow-sides.apinis" in
let narrow_sides_stats = GobConfig.get_bool "solvers.td3.narrow-sides.stats" in

let reluctant = GobConfig.get_bool "incremental.reluctant.enabled" in

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,9 +392,9 @@ module Base =
| Some prev_sides_x -> VS.iter (fun y ->
if Option.is_none @@ HM.find_option acc y then begin
ignore @@ divided_side D_Narrow ~x y ( ());
HM.replace omitted_contributions y @@ VS.add x @@ HM.find_default omitted_contributions y VS.empty;
if narrow_sides_stats then HM.replace omitted_contributions y @@ VS.add x @@ HM.find_default omitted_contributions y VS.empty;
if S.Dom.is_bot @@ HM.find rho y then
dead_globals := VS.add y !dead_globals;
if narrow_sides_stats then dead_globals := VS.add y !dead_globals;
let casualties = S.postmortem y in
List.iter (fun x -> solve x Widen) casualties
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1133,24 +1134,24 @@ module Base =
HM.iter (fun k gas -> Logs.debug "%a (gas: %d)" S.Var.pretty_trace k gas) wpoint_gas;
Logs.newline ();

(* Can't easily remove this in the non-stat case *)
let remove_non_function_entries unknowns =
VS.filter (fun u -> match S.Var.node u with
| x when Node.equal x (Function GoblintCil.dummyFunDec) -> false
| FunctionEntry _ -> true
| _ -> false
) unknowns in
let all_unknowns = HM.fold (fun u _ -> VS.add u) rho VS.empty in
let all_unknowns = if narrow_sides_stats then HM.fold (fun u _ -> VS.add u) rho VS.empty else VS.empty in
let killed_entries_count = VS.cardinal (remove_non_function_entries !dead_globals) in
let all_entries_count = VS.cardinal (remove_non_function_entries all_unknowns) in
let all_contributions_count = HM.fold (fun k v acc -> acc + HM.length v) divided_side_effects 0 in
let all_contributions_count = if narrow_sides_stats then HM.fold (fun k v acc -> acc + HM.length v) divided_side_effects 0 else 0 in
let omitted_contributions_count = HM.fold (fun k v acc -> acc + VS.cardinal v) omitted_contributions 0 in
(*let truly_omitted_contributions_count = HM.fold (fun y xs acc -> acc + VS.fold (fun x -> Option.bind (fun cs -> Option.bind (f) HM.find_option cs x) @@ HM.find_option divided_side_effects y) xs) omitted_contributions 0 in *)
let truly_omitted_contributions_count = HM.fold (fun y xs acc ->
VS.fold (fun x acc ->
acc + (
Option.map_default (fun is_bot -> if is_bot then 1 else 0) 1 @@
Option.bind (HM.find_option divided_side_effects y) (fun cs ->
Option.bind (HM.find_option divided_side_effects y) (fun cs ->
Option.bind (HM.find_option cs x) (fun (d,_) ->
Some (S.Dom.is_bot d)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1341,15 +1342,16 @@ module Base =

print_data_verbose data "Data after postsolve";

let omitted_to_dead_count = HM.fold (fun g ls acc -> if HM.mem rho g then acc else acc + VS.cardinal ls) omitted_contributions 0 in
let omitted_from_dead_count = HM.fold (fun g ls acc -> VS.fold (fun l acc -> if HM.mem rho l then acc else acc + 1) ls acc) omitted_contributions 0 in "Omitted contributions: %d still bot of %d omitted of %d; %d to dead; %d from dead" truly_omitted_contributions_count omitted_contributions_count all_contributions_count omitted_from_dead_count omitted_to_dead_count;

let truly_live_unknowns = HM.fold (fun u _ -> VS.add u) rho VS.empty in
let truly_live_entries_count = VS.cardinal (remove_non_function_entries truly_live_unknowns) in
let truly_dead_entries_count = all_entries_count - truly_live_entries_count in "Botified contextualized functions: %d botified of %d dead of %d total" killed_entries_count truly_dead_entries_count all_entries_count;
if narrow_sides_stats then (
let omitted_to_dead_count = HM.fold (fun g ls acc -> if HM.mem rho g then acc else acc + VS.cardinal ls) omitted_contributions 0 in
let omitted_from_dead_count = HM.fold (fun g ls acc -> VS.fold (fun l acc -> if HM.mem rho l then acc else acc + 1) ls acc) omitted_contributions 0 in "Omitted contributions: %d still bot of %d omitted of %d; %d to dead; %d from dead" truly_omitted_contributions_count omitted_contributions_count all_contributions_count omitted_from_dead_count omitted_to_dead_count;

let truly_live_unknowns = HM.fold (fun u _ -> VS.add u) rho VS.empty in
let truly_live_entries_count = VS.cardinal (remove_non_function_entries truly_live_unknowns) in
let truly_dead_entries_count = all_entries_count - truly_live_entries_count in "Botified contextualized functions: %d botified of %d dead of %d total" killed_entries_count truly_dead_entries_count all_entries_count;
verify_data data;
(rho, {st; infl; sides; prev_sides; divided_side_effects; orphan_side_effects; rho; wpoint_gas; stable; side_dep; side_infl; var_messages; rho_write; dep})
Expand Down

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