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Imagebuilder for GL.iNet devices. The Image Builder (previously called the Image Generator) is a pre-compiled environment suitable for creating custom images without the need for compiling them from source.

System Requirement

  • x86_64 platform
  • ubuntu or other linux
  • You need to install necessary software
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install subversion build-essential git-core libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip git wget

How to use it

It's easy to generate an image by issueing gl_image script. It will generate all GL.iNet's devices, and you can specify the target image to build with -d option. Issueing gl_image --help to see more details.


Here is a brief description for images.json configuration file.

  • version: The version variable will generate a verison file into /etc/glversion and override /etc/opk/distfeeds.conf with the version number.
  • profiles: A list of devices that you prefer to build, you can issue make info to see all available device.
  • packages: The default option is a list of packages to embed into the image which is specified in profiles variable. It also supports an option name after profile that will overlay in default packages.


Imagebuilder for ramips mt76x8.






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