Logo by @pwissenlit
DragonFFI is a C Foreign Function Interface (FFI) library written in C++ and based on Clang/LLVM. It allows any language to call C functions throught the provided APIs and bindings.
Feel free to join the Gitter chat for any questions/remarks!
For now, only python bindings and a C++ API are provided.
Please note that this project is still in alpha stage. Documentation is far from complete and, although many efforts have been put into it, its APIs aren't considered stable yet!
Supported OSes/architectures, with Python wheels precompiled and uploaded to PyPI:
- Linux i386/x64, with bindings for Python 2/3
- Linux/AArch64. with bindings for Python 3
- OSX x64, with bindings for Python 2/3
- Windows x64, with bindings for Python 3
libffi is a famous library that provides FFI for the C language. cffi are python bindings around this library that also uses pycparser to be able to easily declare interfaces and types.
has the issue that it doesn't support recent calling conventions
(for instance the MS x64 ABI under Linux x64 OSes), and every ABI has to be hand written
in assembly. Moreover, ABIs can become really complex (especially for instance when
structure are passed/returned by values).
has the disadvantage of using a C parser that does not support
includes and some function attributes. Thus, using a C library usually means
adapting by hand the library's headers, which isn't always easily maintainable.
is based on Clang/LLVM, and thanks to that is able to get around
these issues:
- it uses Clang to parse header files, allowing direct usage of a C library headers without adaptation
- Clang and LLVM allows on-the-fly compilation of C functions
- support as many calling conventions and function attributes as Clang/LLVM do
Moreover, in theory, thanks to the LLVM jitter, it would be possible for every language bindings to JIT the glue code needed for every function interface, so that the cost of going from on a language to another could be as small as possible. This is not yet implemented but an idea for future versions!
Python wheels are provided for Linux. Simply use pip to install the
$ pip install pydffi
If your system already provides LLVM development package (e.g. on Debian-based system), you might be able to use them directly. Otherwise, you can compile Clang/LLVM from sources like this:
$ cd /path/to/llvm
$ wget https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-11.1.0/llvm-11.1.0.src.tar.xz
$ wget https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-11.1.0/clang-11.1.0.src.tar.xz
$ tar xf llvm-11.1.0.src.tar.xz && tar xf clang-11.1.0.src.tar.xz
$ ln -s $PWD/clang-11.1.0.src llvm-11.1.0.src/tools/clang
$ make
Debian-based system provides development packages for clang & llvm:
$ sudo apt install llvm-11-dev libclang-11-dev llvm-11-tools
The path to llvm-config
can be found with which llvm-config-11
, and used directly in the CMake command line below.
After compiling LLVM, DragonFFI can be build:
$ cd /path/to/dragonffi
$ mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DLLVM_CONFIG=/path/to/llvm/build/bin/llvm-config ..
$ cd build && make
Let's compile a C function that performs an addition:
import pydffi
# First, declare an FFI context
F = pydffi.FFI()
# Then, compile a module and get a compilation unit
CU = F.compile("int add(int a, int b) { return a+b; }")
# And call the function
print(int(CU.funcs.add(4, 5)))
The compile
API exposes every defined functions . Declared-only functions won't
be exposed. cdef
can be used for this case, like in this example:
import pydffi
F = pydffi.FFI()
CU = F.cdef("#include <stdio.h>")
CU.funcs.puts("hello world!")
Structures can also be used:
import pydffi
F = pydffi.FFI()
CU = F.compile('''
#include <stdio.h>
struct A {
int a;
int b;
void print_struct(struct A a) {
printf("%d %d\\n", a.a, a.b);
a = CU.types.A(a=1,b=2)
C++ can be compiled, and used through extern C
import pydffi
FFI = pydffi.FFI(CXX=pydffi.CXXMode.Std17)
CU = FFI.compile('''
template <class T>
static T foo(T a, T b) { return a+b; }
extern "C" int foo_int(int a, int b) { return foo(a,b); }
More advanced usage examples are provided in the examples directory.
DragonFFI can generate purectypes <https://github.com/aguinet/purectypes> types from any C type. The main use case for this is to be able to parse and generate C structures for a given ABI in a portable way. For instance, you could generate the purectypes <https://github.com/aguinet/purectypes> version of the DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3 <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/dxgi1_6/ns-dxgi1_6-dxgi_adapter_desc3> DirectX structure, and then parse a blob of data that represents this structure under any OS.
To do such a thing, we first need to generate the purectypes-related code under Windows. Let's install the relevant packages:
> pip install purectypes pydffi
And then export our structure using this Python code:
import pydffi
import purectypes
FFI = pydffi.FFI()
CU = FFI.cdef("#include <dxgi1_6.h>")
G = purectypes.generators.pydffi()
open("DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3.py", "w").write(purectypes.dump(T))
We can now import this Python file from any system (for instance under Linux) and parse/generate such structures. For instance, this code will unpack a bunch of bytes:
import purectypes
Data = bytes.fromhex("...")
Obj = purectypes.unpack(DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3, Data)
We can for instance modify Obj and regenerate the packed structure:
Obj.SharedSystemMemory = 0
Data = purectypes.pack(DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC3, Obj)
purectypes <https://github.com/aguinet/purectypes> is a pure Python module, and does not depend on DragonFFI per se.
Some C features are still not supported by dffi (but will be in future releases):
- C structures with bitfields
- functions with the noreturn attribute
- support for atomic operations
The python bindings also does not support yet:
- proper
support (need support in pybind11)
Do not hesitate to report bugs!
- Adrien Guinet (@adriengnt)