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gpseqc_estimate output

Gabriele Girelli edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

When running gpseqc_estimate in normal mode (i.e., without the -d flag of debugging mode), four files are generated in output:

  • settings.*.tsv contains a number of information on the current run, including: a command line to re-run the job, timestamp, readable settings and other details useful for debugging/testing purposes.
  • combined.*.tsv contains statistics for each region and dataset, one row per region per dataset. The first three column follow the BED3 format.
  • estimated.*.tsv contains the centrality scores for each region. The first three column follow the BED3 format.
  • ranked.*.tsv contains the regions (as chrN:start-end) ordered by increasing scores (i.e., from periphery to center), for each score column.
  • rescaled.*.tsv contains the centrality scores for each region, with the scores rescaled for inter-sample comparison purposes. The first three column follow the BED3 format.