Releases: gemarcano/GCN_Adapter-Driver
Second test release
This release includes bugfixes and management of deadzones for all axis. Refer to the readme file in the source code repository for details. This time around, instead of attaching 6 different packages for all 6 versions of Windows supported, this release contains a single zip file with all drivers inside it. One must select and install the right driver for their operating system, else there is a risk of the system crashing.
This release also includes a simple client application, ConsoleClient, that can be used to tweak the deadzone parameters the driver is using. It must be run as an administrator for it to work (in theory it should request permissions upon launching) since it has to access system resources (the exposed driver interface).
Original test release.
Binaries are provided for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 in both Win32 and x64 architectures (32 or 64 bit Windows). Download the files appropriate for your operating system. See the included INSTALL.txt for instructions on how to install the driver.
This version of the driver supports all 4 controllers, but does not support rumble via USB HID. It may be a good idea to calibrate the controller before using it in games!
It should be possible to connect to the driver directly and use ReadFile and WriteFile commands to it (for those wanting to play around with the low level details). ReadFile expects a buffer of size 37, and WriteFile expects a buffer of size 5. ReadFile should return the raw binary obtained from the device, and WriteFile can be used to trigger rumble (format: {0x11, 0|1, 0|1, 0|1, 0|1} ). The GUID for the driver can be found in the Public.h file in the source code.