A guide on understanding how rotations work in FreeCAD.
Understanding a rotation about one axis is simple to understand.
This guide focuses on rotating about more than one axis.
Install FreeCAD 19.2.
Start FreeCAD.
Select Part workbench from workbench dropdown.
Click "Create a cone solid" button on toolbar.
Set the
property of the Cone to0.00 mm
. -
Select View > Toggle axis cross (
).- Red, Green, and Blue represents X, Y, and Z axes respectively.
With Cone selected, select Edit > Placement from the top main file menu.
Select "Euler Angles (xy'z")" from the dropdown under "Rotation".
- Positive rotations are clockwise when viewed from the Origin along an axis — or counter-clockwise when viewed towards the Origin (see Right-hand rule).
- Also see, explanation of xy'z" notation.
- x-y'-z" (intrinsic rotations) or z-y-x (extrinsic rotations).
Enter 90° around x-axis.
and 90° around z-axis.
Click the OK button.
is 120°, andAxis
is (0.58, 0.58, 0.58).
- But how is this calcuated?
Euler angles combine a series of rotations around X, Y, and Z axes into a single rotation about one axis.
A rotation about Z, Y, and X axes is also know as a rotation about Yaw, Pitch, and Roll axes (from aircraft axes).
Yaw (Z) |
![]() |
Pitch (Y) |
![]() |
Roll (X) |
![]() |
GIF Source: FreeCAD Wiki: Position and Yaw, Pitch and Roll.
The order of multiplication is Yaw, Pitch, Roll.¹
Ensure View > Panels > Python console is checked.
We can calculate the Angle
and Axis
vector and using FreeCAD.
>>> from FreeCAD import Rotation, Vector
>>> yaw = Rotation(Vector(0, 0, 1), 90)
>>> roll = Rotation(Vector(1, 0, 0), 90)
>>> rotation = yaw.multiply(roll)
>>> rotation.Axis
Vector (0.5773502691896258, 0.5773502691896256, 0.5773502691896258)
>>> from math import degrees
>>> degrees(rotation.Angle)
How does FreeCAD caculate this though?
The following formula doesn't work if the rotation matrix is symmetric! For example (-90, 0, 180) in (yaw, pitch, roll) or (z, y, x).
┌ cos(θ) -sin(θ) 0 ┐
│ sin(θ) cos(θ) 0 │
└ 0 0 1 ┘
┌ cos(θ) 0 sin(θ) ┐
│ 0 1 0 │
└ -sin(θ) 0 cos(θ) ┘
┌ 1 0 0 ┐
│ 0 cos(θ) -sin(θ) │
└ 0 sin(θ) cos(θ) ┘
Using these elemental rotation matrices, we substitute our angle for θ, for each corresponding axis.
┌ cos(90) -sin(90) 0 ┐
│ sin(90) cos(90) 0 │
└ 0 0 1 ┘
┌ 1 0 0 ┐
│ 0 cos(90) -sin(90) │
└ 0 sin(90) cos(90) ┘
Then we evaluate sin(90)
and cos(90)
, which results in 1
and 0
0 -1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 0 -1
0 1 0
Finally, we multiply Yaw(90)
with Roll(90)
using Matrix multiplication and WolframAlpha (individual steps not shown).
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
We can verify these with a print_matrix
from FreeCAD import Matrix
def print_matrix(matrix: Matrix, precision=2, width=5) -> None:
translation_vector = [matrix.A14, matrix.A24, matrix.A34]
has_translation = all(translation_vector)
num_dimensions = 4 if has_translation else 3
for i in range(1, num_dimensions + 1):
for j in range(1, num_dimensions + 1):
attr = 'A' + str(i) + str(j)
# + 0 to format -0 as positive 0.
value = round(getattr(matrix, attr), ndigits=precision) + 0
print("{:>{width}}".format(value, width=width), end='')
>>> print_matrix(yaw.toMatrix(), precision=None)
0 -1 0
1 0 0
0 0 1
>>> print_matrix(roll.toMatrix(), precision=None)
1 0 0
0 0 -1
0 1 0
>>> print_matrix(rotation.toMatrix(), precision=None)
0 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
The Angle
, θ
, can be calcuated by using the following formula.²
θ = arccos(tr(R) - 1 / 2)
Where R
is the rotation
matrix above.
means calculate the trace of R
which is the sum of the elements on the main diagonal.
tr(R) = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
Substituting 0
for tr(R)
results in the following simplified formula.
θ = arccos(-1/2)
We can then use Python to calculate theta
for us.
>>> from math import degrees, acos
>>> theta = acos(-1/2)
>>> degrees(theta)
Where R
is the rotation
matrix above.
┌ R₁₁ R₁₂ R₁₃ ┐
R = │ R₂₁ R₂₂ R₂₃ │
└ R₃₁ R₃₂ R₃₃ ┘
Substitute our values in.
┌ 0 0 1 ┐
R = │ 1 0 0 │
└ 0 1 0 ┘
A vector u
is computed using the following.
┌ R₃₂ - R₂₃ ┐
u = │ R₁₃ - R₃₁ │
└ R₂₁ - R₁₂ ┘
Substitute our values in
┌ 1 - 0 ┐
u = │ 1 - 0 │
└ 1 - 0 ┘
Complete the calculation.
┌ 1 ┐
u = │ 1 │
└ 1 ┘
We then normalize the axis vector u
from above to calculate the Axis
w = (1 / 2 * sin(θ)) * u
In python.
>>> from math import sin, acos
>>> 1 / (2 * sin(theta))
>>> u = Vector(1, 1, 1)
>>> 1 / (2 * sin(theta)) * u
Vector (0.5773502691896258, 0.5773502691896258, 0.5773502691896258)
The following matrix product uses the following nomenclature:
subscripts represent the anglesα
(i.e. the angles corresponding to the first, second and third elemental rotations respectively).X
are the matrices representing the elemental rotations about the axes x, y, z (e.g.Z₁
represents a rotation about z by an angle α).s
represent sine and cosine (e.g.s₁
represents the sine of α).
┌ c₁c₂ c₁s₂s₃ - c₃s₁ s₁s₃ + c₁c₃s₂ ┐
Z₁Y₂X₃ = │ c₂s₁ c₁c₃ + s₁s₂s₃ c₃s₁s₂ - c₁s₃ │
└ -s₂ c₂s₃ c₂c₃ ┘
from math import cos, radians, sin
from typing import Tuple
def euler_to_quaternion(yaw: float,
pitch: float,
roll: float) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:
Convert Euler angles (in degrees) to quaternion form:
q0 = x, q1 = y, q2 = z and q3 = w
where the quaternion is specified by q = w + xi + yj + zk.
y = radians(yaw)
p = radians(pitch)
r = radians(roll)
c1 = cos(y / 2.0)
s1 = sin(y / 2.0)
c2 = cos(p / 2.0)
s2 = sin(p / 2.0)
c3 = cos(r / 2.0)
s3 = sin(r / 2.0)
qx = (c1 * c2 * s3) - (s1 * s2 * c3)
qy = (c1 * s2 * c3) + (s1 * c2 * s3)
qz = (s1 * c2 * c3) - (c1 * s2 * s3)
qw = (c1 * c2 * c3) + (s1 * s2 * s3)
return (qx, qy, qz, qw)
>>> euler_to_quaternion(-90, 0, 180)
(0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865475, -4.329780281177466e-17, 4.329780281177467e-17)
from math import acos, degrees, sqrt
from typing import Tuple
def quaternion_to_axis_angle(quaternion: Tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float, float], float]:
Convert quaternion to axis-angle form.
Axis-angle is a two-element tuple where
the first element is the axis vector (x, y, z),
and the second element is the angle in degrees.
qx, qy, qz, qw = quaternion
s = sqrt(1 - qw**2)
normalization_factor = 1 if s < 0.001 else s
x = qx / normalization_factor
y = qy / normalization_factor
z = qz / normalization_factor
axis = (x, y, z)
angle = degrees(2 * acos(qw))
return (axis, angle)
Source: https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/rotations/conversions/quaternionToAngle/index.htm