flobe is a tool suite aimed at measuring floating point performance of processors
tsv files made by hand (running madiag1_star.bash
without madiag1_batch.bash
- [file://./benchmarks/madiag1/measurements/fr.univ-rennes1.ipr.physix/dsyev_bench.tsv]
- 19106.00 measure made on 28/06/2021 with
graffy@physix90:/opt/ipr/cluster/work.local/graffy/bug3177$ time ./diag_mkl_omp 32000
- apparently made with
- 19106.00 measure made on 28/06/2021 with
get a copy of flobe:
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob$ git clone git@github.com:g-raffy/flobe.git
configure and build flobe
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob$ mkdir -p ./flobe_build
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob$ mkdir -p ./flobe_install
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob$ cd ./flobe_build
basic configuration (uses default blas and lapack library):
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe_build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/flobe_install -DUSE_MAGMA=FALSE ../flobe
if you want to configure to use Intel Math Kernel Libraries:
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe_build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/flobe_install -DUSE_MAGMA=FALSE -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp ../flobe
if you want to configure to use magma:
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe_build$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/flobe_install -DUSE_MAGMA=TRUE -DMAGMA_API=CPU_MEM_API ../flobe
then build an install the executables
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe_build$ make install
run the benchmark, here with num_cores=72
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe$ cd ./benchmarks/madiag1
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1$ ./madiag_batch.bash 72 physix90 10
# machine_id matrix_size num_loops num_processes duration_min(s) duration_max(s)
physix90 128 10000 1 12.38 12.38
physix90 128 10000 2 12.38 12.45
physix90 8192 1 71 123.45 234.56
physix90 8192 1 72 123.45 234.56
once the execution of all benchmarks is complete, the results are store in <machine-id>_<process-id>.tsv
bob@physix90:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1$ cat physix90_368318.tsv
#machine_id matrix_size num_loops num_processes duration_min(s) duration_max(s)
physix90 128 10000 1 12.38 12.38
physix90 128 10000 2 12.38 12.45
physix90 128 10000 3 12.57 12.62
physix90 128 10000 70 14.67 20.25
physix90 128 10000 71 14.42 19.52
physix90 128 10000 72 14.80 20.28
physix90 256 2000 1 11.98 11.98
physix90 256 2000 2 11.96 12.33
physix90 256 2000 3 12.08 12.12
physix90 256 2000 70 14.07 19.63
physix90 256 2000 71 14.53 18.22
physix90 256 2000 72 14.09 19.40
physix90 512 300 1 11.74 11.74
physix90 512 300 2 11.91 11.96
physix90 512 300 3 11.94 11.97
physix90 4096 1 70 585.42 824.14
physix90 4096 1 71 221.22 316.54
physix90 4096 1 72 331.30 650.13
physix90 8192 1 1 335.81 335.81
physix90 8192 1 2 203.35 332.07
physix90 8192 1 3 202.12 328.06
physix90 8192 1 64 1370.33 2175.10
physix90 8192 1 65 1384.70 1709.24
physix90 8192 1 66 2517.80 4155.65
bob@bob-ws:~/work$ git clone git@github.com:g-raffy/flobe.git
bob@bob-ws:~/work$ cd ./flobe/benchmarks/madiag1
optional: gather all the log files that were generated (one per run of madiag1_star.bash
bob@bob-ws:~/work/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1$ rsync --rsh=ssh -va bob@physix90.ipr.univ-rennes1.fr:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1/cohab* ./measurements/fr.univ-rennes1.ipr.physix/physix90/
retreive the tsv file containing the results of the benchmark physix90_368318.tsv
here is the id of the process, so it can be anything)
bob@bob-ws:~/work/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1$ rsync --rsh=ssh -va bob@physix90.ipr.univ-rennes1.fr:/opt/ipr/work.local/bob/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1/physix90* ./measurements/fr.univ-rennes1.ipr.physix/physix90/
generate plots graphics/*.svg
bob@bob-ws:~/work/flobe/benchmarks/madiag1$ python ./graphics.py