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Some performance optimisation
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Thorium committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent 31dd412 commit 52d7987
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Showing 12 changed files with 72 additions and 63 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Furnace.Backends.Reference/Reference.RawTensor.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ module internal RawTensorCPU =
let inline LUDecomposition (m: ^T[,]) =
let rows = m.GetLength(0)
let res = Array2D.copy m
let perm = Array.init rows (fun i -> i)
let perm = Array.init rows id
let mutable toggle = LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne<'T>
for j = 0 to rows - 2 do
let mutable colmax:'T = abs res[j, j]
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/Furnace.Core/Distributions.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -249,10 +249,12 @@ type Empirical<'T when 'T:equality>(values:seq<'T>, ?weights:Tensor, ?logWeights
let uniques = Dictionary<'T, Tensor>()
for i = 0 to _values.Length-1 do
let v, lw = _values[i], _categorical.logits[i]
if uniques.ContainsKey(v) then
let lw2 = uniques[v]

match uniques.TryGetValue v with
| true, lw2 ->
uniques[v] <- FurnaceImage.stack([lw; lw2]).logsumexp(dim=0)
else uniques[v] <- lw
| false, _ ->
uniques[v] <- lw
Dictionary.copyKeys uniques, FurnaceImage.stack(Dictionary.copyValues uniques).view(-1)
let vals, counts = _values |> Array.getUniqueCounts false
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39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions src/Furnace.Core/Dtype.fs
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Expand Up @@ -85,35 +85,38 @@ module DtypeAutoOpens =
module Dtype =

/// Matches all floating point tensor element types
let (|FloatingPoint|_|) (x: Dtype) = if x.IsFloatingPoint then Some() else None
[<return: Struct>]
let (|FloatingPoint|_|) (x: Dtype) = if x.IsFloatingPoint then ValueSome() else ValueNone

/// Matches all integral tensor element types
let (|Integral|_|) (x: Dtype) = if x.IsIntegral then Some() else None
[<return: Struct>]
let (|Integral|_|) (x: Dtype) = if x.IsIntegral then ValueSome() else ValueNone

/// Matches all integral or boolean tensor element types
[<return: Struct>]
let (|IntegralOrBool|_|) x =
match x with
| Integral | Bool -> Some()
| _ -> None
| Integral | Bool -> ValueSome()
| _ -> ValueNone

/// Find the Dtype into which dtype1 and dtype2 can be widened
let widen (dtype1: Dtype) (dtype2: Dtype) =
if dtype1 = dtype2 then Some dtype1
if dtype1 = dtype2 then ValueSome dtype1
match dtype1, dtype2 with
| Float64, _ | _, Float64 -> Some Float64
| Float32, _ | _, Float32 -> Some Float32
| BFloat16, _ | _, BFloat16 -> Some BFloat16
| Float16, _ | _, Float16 -> Some Float16
| Int64, _ | _, Int64 -> Some Int64
| Int32, _ | _, Int32 -> Some Int32
| Int16, _ | _, Int16 -> Some Int16
| Int8, Bool | Bool, Int8 -> Some Int8
| Byte, Bool | Bool, Byte -> Some Byte
| Int8, Int8 -> Some Int8
| Byte, Byte -> Some Byte
| Bool, Bool -> Some Bool
| Int8, Byte | Byte, Int8 -> None
| Float64, _ | _, Float64 -> ValueSome Float64
| Float32, _ | _, Float32 -> ValueSome Float32
| BFloat16, _ | _, BFloat16 -> ValueSome BFloat16
| Float16, _ | _, Float16 -> ValueSome Float16
| Int64, _ | _, Int64 -> ValueSome Int64
| Int32, _ | _, Int32 -> ValueSome Int32
| Int16, _ | _, Int16 -> ValueSome Int16
| Int8, Bool | Bool, Int8 -> ValueSome Int8
| Byte, Bool | Bool, Byte -> ValueSome Byte
| Int8, Int8 -> ValueSome Int8
| Byte, Byte -> ValueSome Byte
| Bool, Bool -> ValueSome Bool
| Int8, Byte | Byte, Int8 -> ValueNone

/// Get or set the default element type used when creating tensors. Only floating point types are supported as the default type. Note, use <c>FurnaceImage.config(...)</c> instead.
let mutable Default = Dtype.Float32
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Furnace.Core/Extensions.fs
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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ module Array =
let getUniqueCounts (sorted:bool) (values:'T[]) =
let counts = Dictionary<'T, int>()
for v in values do
if counts.ContainsKey(v) then counts[v] <- counts[v] + 1 else counts[v] <- 1
match counts.TryGetValue v with
| true, cv -> counts[v] <- cv + 1
| false, _ -> counts[v] <- 1
if sorted then
counts |> Array.ofSeq |> Array.sortByDescending (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) -> v) |> (fun (KeyValue(k, v)) -> k, v) |> Array.unzip
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/Furnace.Core/Model.fs
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Expand Up @@ -352,19 +352,19 @@ type ModelBase() =
/// <summary>TBD</summary>
member m.hasOwnParameters
with get () =
let childrenParams = m.children |> (fun c -> c.nparameters) |> List.sum
let childrenParams = m.children |> List.sumBy (fun c -> c.nparameters)
m.nparameters <> childrenParams

/// <summary>TBD</summary>
member m.hasOwnBuffers
with get () =
let childrenBuffers = m.children |> (fun c -> c.nbuffers) |> List.sum
let childrenBuffers = m.children |> List.sumBy (fun c -> c.nbuffers)
m.nbuffers <> childrenBuffers

/// <summary>TBD</summary>
member m.hasOwnState
with get () =
let childrenState = m.children |> (fun c -> c.nstate) |> List.sum
let childrenState = m.children |> List.sumBy (fun c -> c.nstate)
m.nstate <> childrenState

/// <summary>TBD</summary>
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28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions src/Furnace.Core/Tensor.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ type Tensor =
member a.max(b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "max" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "max" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
Expand All @@ -775,8 +775,8 @@ type Tensor =
member a.min(b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "min" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "min" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ type Tensor =
static member (+) (a:Tensor, b:Tensor) : Tensor =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "+" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "+" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
aCast + bCast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1155,8 +1155,8 @@ type Tensor =
static member (-) (a:Tensor, b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "-" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "-" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
aCast - bCast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1216,8 +1216,8 @@ type Tensor =
static member (*) (a:Tensor, b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "*" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "*" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
aCast * bCast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1267,8 +1267,8 @@ type Tensor =
static member (/) (a:Tensor, b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "/" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "/" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
aCast / bCast
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1327,8 +1327,8 @@ type Tensor =
static member internal powImpl (a:Tensor, b:Tensor) =
if a.dtype <> b.dtype then
match Dtype.widen a.dtype b.dtype with
| None -> opNotSupported "Pow" a.dtype b.dtype
| Some tnew ->
| ValueNone -> opNotSupported "Pow" a.dtype b.dtype
| ValueSome tnew ->
let aCast = a.cast(tnew)
let bCast = b.cast(tnew)
Tensor.Pow (aCast, bCast)
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20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions src/Furnace.Core/Util.fs
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Expand Up @@ -178,10 +178,10 @@ module DataConverter =
| ArrayTy (_,ety) -> sprintf "%s[]" (formatType ety)
| SeqTy ety -> sprintf "seq<%s>" (formatType ety)
| TupleTy etys -> String.concat "*" ( formatType etys)
| ty when ty = typeof<int64> -> "int64"
| ty when ty = typeof<int> -> "int"
| ty when ty = typeof<double> -> "double"
| ty when ty = typeof<float32> -> "float32"
| ty when Type.(=)(ty, typeof<int64>) -> "int64"
| ty when Type.(=)(ty, typeof<int>) -> "int"
| ty when Type.(=)(ty, typeof<double>) -> "double"
| ty when Type.(=)(ty, typeof<float32>) -> "float32"
| _ -> ty.ToString()

let private (|SeqTupleTy|_|) (ty: Type) =
Expand All @@ -193,15 +193,17 @@ module DataConverter =
Some (etys[0])
| _ -> None

[<return: Struct>]
let private (|TupleLeafTy|_|) (tgt: Type) (ty: Type) =
match ty with
| TupleTy etys when etys |> Array.forall (fun ety -> ety = tgt) -> Some ()
| _ -> None
| TupleTy etys when etys |> Array.forall (fun ety -> ety = tgt) -> ValueSome ()
| _ -> ValueNone

[<return: Struct>]
let private (|SeqTupleLeafTy|_|) (tgt: Type) (ty: Type) =
match ty with
| SeqTy (TupleLeafTy tgt) -> Some ()
| _ -> None
| SeqTy (TupleLeafTy tgt) -> ValueSome ()
| _ -> ValueNone

let private flatArrayAndShape1D<'T> (v: 'T[]) =
v, [|Array.length v|]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ module DataConverter =
// An exact type-match test is needed because of and
// That is in .NET and F#, a boxed "byte[]" can be unboxed to "int8[]" and vice-versa.
// This also affects pattern matches of the element types of sequences as well
let typesMatch<'T> (array: System.Array) = (array.GetType().GetElementType() = typeof<'T>)
let typesMatch<'T> (array: System.Array) = Type.(=)(array.GetType().GetElementType(), typeof<'T>)

let rec tryFlatArrayAndShape<'T> (value:obj) : ('T[] * int[]) option =
match value with
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module PythonHelpers =
// your mileage may differ
if Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTERNAME") = "MSRC-3617253" then
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONHOME", @"C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\", EnvironmentVariableTarget.User)
if Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PYTHONHOME") = null then failwith "expect PYTHONHOME to be set"
if isNull (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "PYTHONHOME") then failwith "expect PYTHONHOME to be set"
let _prepPython = scope.Exec("import torch")

let execPython(code) =
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/Furnace.Benchmarks.Python/Program.fs
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Expand Up @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ let main args =
for case in summary.BenchmarksCases do
let v =
if case.Descriptor <> null &&
case.Descriptor.Categories <> null &&
if not (isNull case.Descriptor) &&
(not(isNull case.Descriptor.Categories)) &&
case.Descriptor.Categories.Length > 0 then
if summary <> null && (try (summary[case] |> ignore); true with _ -> false) then
if (not (isNull summary)) && (try (summary[case] |> ignore); true with _ -> false) then
let report = summary[case]
let tensorSize = case.Parameters["tensorSize"] :?> int
let dtypeName = case.Parameters["dtypeName"] :?> string
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/Furnace.Benchmarks/BasicTensorOpsPerf.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ type BasicTensorOps() =
member perf.simulatePythonResult(nm) =
// Note, this string allocation and dictionary lookup can affect result
let key = nm + string perf.tensorSize + perf.dtypeName + perf.deviceName
if PythonResults.pythonResults.ContainsKey(key) then
let time = PythonResults.pythonResults[key]
match PythonResults.pythonResults.TryGetValue key with
| true, time ->
| false, _ ->
failwithf "key '%s' not found in python results, have you run Furnace.Benchmarks.Python?" key

member perf.configure(backend, factor) =
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/Furnace.Tests/TestModel.fs
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Expand Up @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ type TestModel () =
let m3 = Sequential([l1; l2; l3])

let childrenParams (m:Model) =
m.children |> (fun c -> c.nparameters) |> List.sum
m.children |> List.sumBy (fun c -> c.nparameters)

let m1Params = m1.nparameters
let m2Params = m2.nparameters
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions tests/Furnace.Tests/TestTensor.fs
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Expand Up @@ -1738,8 +1738,8 @@ type TestTensor () =
for combo in Combos.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
for dtype2 in Dtypes.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
match Dtype.widen combo.dtype dtype2 with
| None -> ()
| Some dtypeRes ->
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome dtypeRes ->
let t1 = combo.tensor([1.; 2.]) + combo.tensor([3.; 4.], dtype=dtype2)
let t1Correct = combo.tensor([4.; 6.], dtype=dtypeRes)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2086,8 +2086,8 @@ type TestTensor () =
for combo in Combos.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
for dtype2 in Dtypes.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
match Dtype.widen combo.dtype dtype2 with
| None -> ()
| Some dtypeRes ->
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome dtypeRes ->

let t1 = combo.tensor([1.; 2.]) - combo.tensor([3.; 4.], dtype=dtype2)
let t1Correct = combo.tensor([-2.; -2.], dtype=dtypeRes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2138,8 +2138,8 @@ type TestTensor () =
for combo in Combos.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
for dtype2 in Dtypes.IntegralAndFloatingPoint do
match Dtype.widen combo.dtype dtype2 with
| None -> ()
| Some dtypeRes ->
| ValueNone -> ()
| ValueSome dtypeRes ->
let t1 = combo.tensor([1.; 2.]) * combo.tensor([3.; 4.], dtype=dtype2)
let t1Correct = combo.tensor([3.; 8.], dtype=dtypeRes)

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