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matthid committed Jul 9, 2018
2 parents dbcb96d + b8483ea commit 01dd24e
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Showing 2 changed files with 29 additions and 42 deletions.
65 changes: 26 additions & 39 deletions src/app/Fake.Core.Target/Target.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -66,6 +66,10 @@ and [<NoComparison>] [<NoEquality>] Target =
SoftDependencies: string list;
Description: TargetDescription option;
Function : TargetParameter -> unit}
member x.DescriptionAsString =
match x.Description with
| Some d -> d
| _ -> null

/// Exception for request errors
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,6 +178,14 @@ module Target =
Trace.traceError <| sprintf " - %s" target.Value.Name
failwithf "Target \"%s\" is not defined." name

/// Returns the DependencyString for the given target.
let internal dependencyString target =
if target.Dependencies.IsEmpty then String.Empty else
|> (fun d -> (get d).Name)
|> String.separated ", "
|> sprintf "(==> %s)"

let internal runSimpleInternal context target =
let watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
let error =
Expand All @@ -185,11 +197,16 @@ module Target =
with e -> Some e
{ Error = error; Time = watch.Elapsed; Target = target; WasSkipped = false }
let internal runSimpleContextInternal target context =

let internal runSimpleContextInternal (traceStart: string -> string -> string -> Trace.ISafeDisposable) context target =
use t = traceStart target.Name target.DescriptionAsString (dependencyString target)
let result = runSimpleInternal context target
if result.Error.IsSome then
{ context with PreviousTargets = context.PreviousTargets @ [result] }

/// This simply runs the function of a target without doing anything (like tracing, stopwatching or adding it to the results at the end)
let runSimple name args =
let target = get name
Expand All @@ -202,14 +219,6 @@ module Target =
|> runSimpleInternal ctx

/// Returns the DependencyString for the given target.
let internal dependencyString target =
if target.Dependencies.IsEmpty then String.Empty else
|> (fun d -> (get d).Name)
|> String.separated ", "
|> sprintf "(==> %s)"

/// Returns the soft DependencyString for the given target.
let internal softDependencyString target =
if target.SoftDependencies.IsEmpty then String.Empty else
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +271,6 @@ module Target =

getTargetDict().[targetName] <- { target with Dependencies = target.Dependencies @ [dependentTargetName] }

/// Appends the dependency to the list of soft dependencies.
/// [omit]
let internal softDependencyAtEnd targetName dependentTargetName =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,33 +322,17 @@ module Target =
/// [omit]
let internal runFinalTargets context =
|> Seq.filter (fun kv -> kv.Value) // only if activated
|> (fun kv -> kv.Key)
|> Seq.fold (fun context name ->
let target = get name
use t = Trace.traceFinalTarget target.Name (match target.Description with Some d -> d | _ -> null) (dependencyString target)
let res = runSimpleContextInternal target context
if res.HasError
then t.MarkFailed()
else t.MarkSuccess()
) context
|> Seq.filter (fun kv -> kv.Value) // only if activated
|> (fun kv -> get kv.Key)
|> Seq.fold (fun context target -> runSimpleContextInternal Trace.traceFinalTarget context target) context

/// Runs all build failure targets.
/// [omit]
let internal runBuildFailureTargets (context) =
|> Seq.filter (fun kv -> kv.Value) // only if activated
|> (fun kv -> kv.Key)
|> Seq.fold (fun context name ->
let target = get name
use t = Trace.traceFailureTarget target.Name (match target.Description with Some d -> d | _ -> null) (dependencyString target)
let res = runSimpleContextInternal target context
if res.HasError
then t.MarkFailed()
else t.MarkSuccess()
) context
|> Seq.filter (fun kv -> kv.Value) // only if activated
|> (fun kv -> get kv.Key)
|> Seq.fold (fun context target -> runSimpleContextInternal Trace.traceFailureTarget context target) context

/// List all targets available.
let listAvailable() =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -506,12 +498,7 @@ module Target =
/// Runs a single target without its dependencies... only when no error has been detected yet.
let internal runSingleTarget (target : Target) (context:TargetContext) =
if not context.HasError then
use t = Trace.traceTarget target.Name (match target.Description with Some d -> d | _ -> null) (dependencyString target)
let res = runSimpleContextInternal target context
if res.HasError
then t.MarkFailed()
else t.MarkSuccess()
runSimpleContextInternal Trace.traceTarget context target
{ context with PreviousTargets = context.PreviousTargets @ [{ Error = None; Time = TimeSpan.Zero; Target = target; WasSkipped = true }] }

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/app/Fake.Core.Trace/Trace.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let traceHeader name =

/// Puts an opening tag on the internal tag stack
let openTagUnsafe tag (description:string) =
let openTagUnsafe tag description =
let sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew()
openTags.Value <- (sw, tag) :: openTags.Value
TraceData.OpenTag(tag, if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty description then None else Some description) |> CoreTracing.postMessage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ let traceFailureTarget name description dependencyString =
asSafeDisposable (fun state -> traceEndFailureTargetUnsafeEx state name)

/// Traces the begin of a task
let traceStartTaskUnsafe task (description:string) =
let traceStartTaskUnsafe task description =
openTagUnsafe (KnownTags.Task task) description

/// Traces the begin of a task
Expand All @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ let traceEndTaskUnsafe task = traceEndTaskUnsafeEx TagStatus.Success task
let traceEndTask task = traceEndTaskUnsafe task

/// Wrap functions in a 'use' of this function
let traceTask name (description:string) =
let traceTask name description =
traceStartTaskUnsafe name description
asSafeDisposable (fun state -> traceEndTaskUnsafeEx state name)

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