local drinking poker game in the Nanning,GuangXi region 一款风靡广西南宁地区的拼酒类纸牌游戏 Installation Instructions:
1:Install npm if it has not been done:http://blog.npmjs.org/post/85484771375/how-to-install-npm
2:Navigate to the folder directory in the command line, execute npm install
, to install all the node modules.
3:Execute nodemon server.js
, to launch the server, the port number is set to 8000.
4:Open another command line window,execute mongod
, to lauch the mongo db server.
5:You can open another command line window and execute mongo
, to see the data or the database structure.Currently there are four documents.
6:Make necessary adjustments and enjoy the game!(open a brower and the url will be http://localhost:8000/)
PS:Currently all the characters are in Chinese.:)