The PHP development environment includes the following services:
Service | Container | Port | Description | Enabled |
beanstalkd | phpdev-beanstalkd | 11300 | Beanstalkd | ❌ |
mailhog | phpdev-mailhog | 8025, 10250 | SMTP, Mailhog | ❌ |
mariadb | phpdev-mariadb | 3306 | MariaDB | ❌ |
mongo | phpdev-mongodb | 27017 | MongoDB | ❌ |
mongo-express | phpdev-mongo-express | 8081 | Mongo Express | ❌ |
mysql | phpdev-mysql | 3307 | MySQL | ❌ |
nginx | phpdev-nginx | 8000 | Nginx | ✅ |
php-fpm | phpdev | - | PHP-FPM | ✅ |
postgres | phpdev-postgres | 5432 | PostgreSQL | ❌ |
redis | phpdev-redis | 6379, 13333 | Redis Stack, RedisInsight | ✅ |
Run the following script to create the required directories:
Use the
argument if you want to symlinkhtdocs
to an existing directory.
Build the Docker images using the following command:
docker-compose build
Starting the environment is done using the following command:
docker-compose up -d
If you don't want to start all enabled services then you can pass a list of the ones you want to use:
docker-compose up -d php
Stopping the environment is done using the following command:
docker-compose down