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Gotphoto logging

Example log format:

  "@timestamp": "2022-07-06T12:28:54.571699+00:00",
  "@version": 1,
  "timestamp": 1657110534571,
  "host": "maually/automatic defined host",
  "environment": "prod",
  "app": "ServiceName",
  "message": "Something happened",
  "context": {
    "hello": "people"
  "extra": {
    "system-id": "48446546"
  "level": 200,
  "level_name": "INFO",
  "channel": "security",
  "": "newrelic_defined",
  "entity.type": "newrelic_defined",
  "hostname": "newrelic_defined",
  "": "newrelic_defined",
  "": "newrelic_defined"

Exception context

Sometimes we want to log additional data from or when an exception appear. In many case you add additional dependency which is the Logger. We can automize it with Exception context. You can create your custom error and rules how to extract the context from them. See examples in folder ExceptionContext.

And here Guzzle example

class GuzzleRequestExceptionContext implements ExceptionContext
     * @return array{message?: string}
    public function __invoke(RequestException $exception): array
        if ($exception->getResponse() !== null && $exception->getResponse()->getBody() !== null) {
            return ['message' => $exception->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents()];
        return [];

!WARNING: it is working automatically with Symfony integration only now. If you want you always can add integrations for another frameworks.



add in config/logging.php in channels section:

        'gotphoto' => [
            'driver' => 'custom',
            'via' => new Gotphoto\Logging\Laravel\LaravelLoggerCreating,
            'app_name' => 'ServiceName',
            'channel' => 'app'(security/reauest/order),
            'processors' => [new Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface()], //OPTIONAL
            'level' => Monolog\Logger::INFO, //OPTIONAL
            'stream_to' => 'php://stderr', //OPTIONAL
        'security' => [
            'driver' => 'custom',
            'via' => new Gotphoto\Logging\Laravel\LaravelLoggerCreating,
            'app_name' => 'ServiceName',
            'channel' => 'security',
            'processors' => [new Monolog\Processor\ProcessorInterface()], //OPTIONAL
            'exceptionContexts' => [ //OPTIONAL
                RequestException::class => [new GuzzleRequestExceptionContext()],
                AwsException::class => [new AwsExceptionContext()],
            ], //OPTIONAL
            'level' => Monolog\Logger::INFO, //OPTIONAL
            'stream_to' => 'php://stderr', //OPTIONAL

Do not forget to set one of them as default one in the same file : 'default' => env('LOG_CHANNEL', 'gotphoto'),


Add bundle Gotphoto\Logging\Symfony\SymfonyLoggingBundle::class => ['all' => true],;

Add config gotphoto_logging.yaml

 app_name: ServiceName

make monolog configuration looks like this

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

use Gotphoto\Logging\LogstashFormatter;
use Gotphoto\Logging\OtelFormatter;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
use Symfony\Config\MonologConfig;

return static function (MonologConfig $monolog, ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {

        // log start from info messages (debug is lowest level)
        // log start from info messages (debug is lowest level)

Where the most important things are:





Exception context

Works in Symfony automatically. Just create implementation for the interface Gotphoto\Logging\ExceptionContext\ExceptionContext and add it as a service(usualy should be done automatically by $services->load()). And Symfony automatically will start to use it for you.