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Minesweeper API project

This repo contains the backend code built using Python/Django for the Minesweeper game.

The Frontend is built with React and the code is available at Minesweeper API

You can check the live game here: Minesweeper API is available here: Minesweeper API

How to run the project with docker

1. Clone the project
 $ git clone
2. Enter on the project folder
 $ cd minesweeper-api
3. Create your .env file
 $ cp contrib/.env-sample .env
4. Build the project
 $ make build

5. Run the project
 $ make up
6. Run the migrations
 $ make migrate
7. Check the Makefile for more options
 $ make help

Stack used

  • Python 3.11
  • Django 5
  • Django Rest Framework
  • Postgres
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • RUFF
  • Gunicorn
  • Running on

API Endpoints

  • GET /api/games/: List all games

  • POST /api/games/: Create a new game

    You can create a game in 4 different modes: easy, medium, hard, custom

    • Easy: 9x9 board with 10 mines
    • Medium: 16x16 board with 40 mines
    • Hard: 16x30 board with 99 mines
    • Custom: You can pass the board size and the number of mines (number of mines must be smaller than total of cells)
         "mode": "easy"
         "mode": "medium"
         "mode": "hard"
         "mode": "custom",
         "rows": 5,
         "columns": 5,
         "mines": 3
  • GET /api/games/<game_id>/: Retrieve a game

  • PUT /api/games/<game_id>/: Update a game

  • PATCH /api/games/<game_id>/: Partial update a game

  • DELETE /api/games/<game_id>/: Delete a game

  • POST /api/games/<game_id>/reveal/: Reveal a cell

            "row": 2,
            "column": 3
  • POST /api/games/<game_id>/flag/: Flag/unflag a cell

            "row": 2,
            "column": 3
  • GET /api/leaderboard/: List all leaderboards

By default, it returns the 10 leaders for each mode. you can pass the query param size to change the number of leaders returned


The project was developed using tests. You can run them with the following commands: make test or make cov and check the coverage report with make cov-report

Coverage Report

Name                              Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
core/                      0      0   100%
core/                         8      0   100%
core/                          4      0   100%
core/                     6      0   100%
core/migrations/       6      0   100%
core/migrations/           0      0   100%
core/                       50      0   100%
core/                  50      0   100%
core/                     91      0   100%
core/tests/                0      0   100%
core/tests/            23      0   100%
core/tests/            151      0   100%
core/                          6      0   100%
core/                        39      0   100%                            11      2    82%   13-14
minesweeper/               0      0   100%
minesweeper/              26      0   100%
minesweeper/                   3      0   100%
TOTAL                               474      2    99%


No description, website, or topics provided.






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