A project help you to predict your salary with your informations (such as Working Experience, calculate by month or year).
Project uses:
- Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
- NumPy 1.26.0.
- Matplotlib 3.8.0.
- Scikit-Learn - A popular library for Machine Learning.
- Linux
Turn on your terminal.
Download python to your computer
- Type:
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python3.6
Download numpy
- Type:
$ python3 install numpy
Download matplotlib
$ python3 install matplotlib
Download sckit-learn library
$ python3 install -U scikit-learn
You should run main.py (the main code) with one of data (in directory data). For example, when you run with data "YearExperience_Salary_1.data":
python3 main.py data/YearExperience_Salary_1.data
It will return the best model for this data, then request you to predict. You shoud type information to get your result - the expected salary.
_ If you have new data, you can extract your csv data by file extractData.py:
python3 extractData.py csv/yourDataName.csv > data/yourDataName.data