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JayYang220 committed Oct 27, 2024
1 parent 8678473 commit 5e67fec
Showing 1 changed file with 95 additions and 95 deletions.
190 changes: 95 additions & 95 deletions assets/Script/Languages/zh-TW.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1433,117 +1433,117 @@ export const ZH_TW = {
InputBufferTypeStockpile: "Stockpile",
InputBuffer: "Resource Input Buffer",
"The maximum cycles of input resource to keep in the storage before this building will no longer transport that resource. Auto means using prediction to keep a minimum buffer that allows continuous production. Stockpile means always transporting input resources regardless of the amount in the storage",
InputCapacityOverride: "Input Capacity Override",
InputCapacityOverrideDesc: "For each production cycle, transport %{percent} of the resources needed for production",
InputCapacityOverride: "輸入容量覆蓋",
InputCapacityOverrideDesc: "每個生產循環,運輸生產所需資源的 %{percent} ",
PumpkinSpiceLatte: "南瓜拿鐵",
PumpkinPie: "南瓜派",
QuantumComputerLab: "量子電腦實驗室",
QuantumComputer: "量子電腦",
TVStudioPlus: "TV Studio+",
SetAsDefault: "Set as Default",
ClearTradesTitle: "Purge My Trades",
SetAsDefault: "設為預設",
ClearTradesTitle: "清除我的交易",
"Cash and resources will NOT be refunded - only use this if you have stale trades stuck on the server",
ClearTradesNo: "Don't Purge",
ClearTradesYes: "Purge My Trades",
OnlyShowPositiveModifiers: "Only show positive tile modifiers",
OnlyShowPositiveModifiersHint: "Tick the checkbox on the left of the building to show tile modifiers on the map",
ClearMyTradesV2: "Purge My Trades",
OpenSource: "Contribute",
OpenSourceDesc: "Industry Idle is now open source. You can contribute to the development on Github",
GameGuides: "Game Guides",
GameSetting: "Settings",
GameSettingDesc: "Configure the game to best suit you.",
GameSettingGeneral: "General",
GameSettingDisplay: "Display",
GameSettingHideElements: "Hide From View",
GameSettingAudio: "Audio",
GameSettingGameplay: "Gameplay",
GameSettingSinglePlayerMode: "Single Player Mode",
GameSettingBuildWarningPowerBank: "Disable Warning: Power Banks",
"現金和資源將不會被退款 - 只有在您有在服務器上卡住的過時交易時才使用這個功能",
ClearTradesNo: "不清除",
ClearTradesYes: "清除我的交易",
OnlyShowPositiveModifiers: "只顯示正面地圖修飾",
OnlyShowPositiveModifiersHint: "在建築物左邊打勾以在地圖上顯示地圖修飾",
ClearMyTradesV2: "清除我的交易",
OpenSource: "貢獻",
OpenSourceDesc: "Industry Idle 現在是開源的。您可以在 Github 上貢獻於開發",
GameGuides: "遊戲指南",
GameSetting: "遊戲設定",
GameSettingDesc: "根據您的需求配置遊戲。",
GameSettingGeneral: "通用",
GameSettingDisplay: "顯示",
GameSettingHideElements: "隱藏視圖",
GameSettingAudio: "音頻",
GameSettingGameplay: "遊戲玩法",
GameSettingSinglePlayerMode: "單人模式",
GameSettingBuildWarningPowerBank: "禁用警告:電池",
"Disable the build warning when trying to place a Power Bank not adjacent to a power generator.",
GameSettingBuildWarningResourceBooster: "Disable Warning: Resource Boosters",
GameSettingBuildWarningResourceBooster: "禁用警告:資源增強器",
"Disable the build warning when trying to place a Resource Booster not adjacent to a mine.",
GameSettingVolumeControl: "Volume Control",
GameSettingMusicVolume: "Music Volume",
GameSettingMusicVolumeDesc: "Controls the volume the background music is played at.",
GameSettingSFXVolume: "Sound Effects Volume",
GameSettingSFXVolumeOverride: "Sound Effect Volume Override",
GameSettingSFXVolumeDesc: "Controls the volume the sound effects are played at.",
GameSettingSFXEnableOverride: "Enable SFX volume overrides",
GameSettingSFXClick: "Click",
GameSettingVolumeControl: "音量控制",
GameSettingMusicVolume: "背景音樂音量",
GameSettingMusicVolumeDesc: "控制背景音樂的音量。",
GameSettingSFXVolume: "音效音量",
GameSettingSFXVolumeOverride: "音效音量覆蓋",
GameSettingSFXVolumeDesc: "控制音效的音量。",
GameSettingSFXEnableOverride: "啟用音效音量覆蓋",
GameSettingSFXClick: "點擊",
"Volume control for the sound effect that can be heard when you clicking on different things.",
GameSettingSFXCompleted: "Trade Filled",
GameSettingSFXCompleted: "交易完成",
"The sound effect that can be heard when you receive a new claimable trade via the player market.",
GameSettingSFXFreeChest: "Claim Offline Earnings",
GameSettingSFXFreeChest: "領取離線收益",
"Volume control for the initial sound effect that can be heard when claiming offline earnings.",
GameSettingSFXGold: "Coin Clink",
GameSettingSFXGold: "硬幣聲",
"Volume control for the sound effect of coins clinking that can be heard near the end of the claim offline earnings animation.",
GameSettingSFXError: "Error",
GameSettingSFXError: "錯誤",
"Volume control for the sound effect that can be heard when you when you attempt an action that cannot be completed or if an error as occurred.",
GameSettingSFXKaching: "Ka-ching",
GameSettingSFXKaching: "卡丁",
"Volume control for the sound effect that can be heard in a wide variety of contexts. Most commonly when claiming profits from CrowdFunding, Player Trade and the Wholesale Center.",
GameSettingSFXLevelup: "Achievement Unlocked",
GameSettingSFXLevelupDesc: "Volume control for the sound effect that can be heard when you unlock an achievement.",
GameSettingSFXPowerup: "New Wholesale Order",
GameSettingSFXLevelup: "成就解鎖",
GameSettingSFXLevelupDesc: "控制您解鎖成就時聽到的音效的音量。",
GameSettingSFXPowerup: "新批發訂單",
"Volume control for the sound effect that can be heard when you receive a new Wholesale Order.",
GameSettingSFXBubble: "Chat Mention",
GameSettingSFXBubbleDesc: "The sound effect that can be heard when you are mentioned '@' in chat.",
GameSettingInput: "Input",
PlayerTradesShowHistory: "Show Past Player Trades",
PlayerTradesHistory: "Past Player Trades",
PlayerTradeFillBy: "Fill By",
PlayerTradeCancelled: "Cancelled",
FormatTimeAgo: "%{time} ago",
EnableEdgePan: "Enable Edge Pan",
EnableEdgePanDesc: "Moving your cursor to the edge of the screen to pan camera in that direction",
EdgePanEdgeSize: "Edge Pan Size",
EdgePanEdgeSizeDesc: "The size (in pixels) of the edge that will activate edge pan",
EdgePanEdgeSensitivity: "Edge Pan Sensitivity",
EdgePanEdgeSensitivityDesc: "The sensitivity of camera pan - the bigger the number, the more sensitivity",
GameControllerSupport: "Game Controller Support",
GameControllerSupportDesc: "Enable game controller support - you should generally leave this on",
GameControllerCameraSensitivity: "Game Controller Camera Sensitivity",
GameControllerCameraSensitivityDesc: "Use your left joystick to move camera - this adjusts its sensitivity",
GameControllerCursorSensitivity: "Game Controller Cursor Sensitivity",
GameControllerCursorSensitivityDesc: "Use your right joystick to move cursor - this adjusts its sensitivity",
GameControllerScrollSensitivity: "Game Controller Scroll/Zoom Sensitivity",
GameControllerScrollSensitivityDesc: "Use your left/right trigger to scroll or zoom - this adjusts its sensitivity",
PlayerTradePendingFine: "Pending Player Trade Issues",
GameSettingSFXBubble: "聊天提及",
GameSettingSFXBubbleDesc: "您在聊天中被提及 '@' 時聽到的音效。",
GameSettingInput: "輸入",
PlayerTradesShowHistory: "顯示過去玩家交易",
PlayerTradesHistory: "過去玩家交易",
PlayerTradeFillBy: "填充方式",
PlayerTradeCancelled: "已取消",
FormatTimeAgo: "%{time} ",
EnableEdgePan: "啟用邊緣平移",
EnableEdgePanDesc: "將游標移動到屏幕邊緣以在該方向平移相機",
EdgePanEdgeSize: "邊緣平移大小",
EdgePanEdgeSizeDesc: "激活邊緣平移的邊緣大小(以像素為單位)",
EdgePanEdgeSensitivity: "邊緣平移敏感度",
EdgePanEdgeSensitivityDesc: "相機平移的敏感度 - 數字越大,敏感度越高",
GameControllerSupport: "遊戲控制器支持",
GameControllerSupportDesc: "啟用遊戲控制器支持 - 您應該總是保持這個功能開啟",
GameControllerCameraSensitivity: "遊戲控制器相機敏感度",
GameControllerCameraSensitivityDesc: "使用左搖桿移動相機 - 這調整了敏感度",
GameControllerCursorSensitivity: "遊戲控制器游標敏感度",
GameControllerCursorSensitivityDesc: "使用右搖桿移動游標 - 這調整了敏感度",
GameControllerScrollSensitivity: "遊戲控制器滾動/縮放敏感度",
GameControllerScrollSensitivityDesc: "使用左/右扳機滾動或縮放 - 這調整了敏感度",
PlayerTradePendingFine: "待決玩家交易問題",
"You have made $%{profit} profits from %{count} trade(s) with a cheating player %{player}. You need to return the profit before you can trade again",
PlayerTradePendingFineAction: "Return $%{profit} Profits",
PlayerTradePendingFineActionDesc: "You can either return profits by paying cash or resources",
PlayerTradePendingFineReturnCash: "Pay Cash",
PlayerTradePendingFineReturnResources: "Pay Resources",
PlayerTradePendingFineNotEnough: "Insufficient",
"您從與作弊玩家 %{player} 的 %{count} 筆交易中獲得了 $%{profit} 的利潤。您需要退還利潤才能繼續交易",
PlayerTradePendingFineAction: "退還 $%{profit} 利潤",
PlayerTradePendingFineActionDesc: "您可以通過支付現金或資源退還利潤",
PlayerTradePendingFineReturnCash: "支付現金",
PlayerTradePendingFineReturnResources: "支付資源",
PlayerTradePendingFineNotEnough: "不足",
"There are %{count} open trades that offers better profit - you should fill those first",
PlayerTradeBetterTradesAvailableAction: "Show Me Those Trades",
BuildingCount: "Count",
NoEfficiencyDesc: "This building does not benefit from following policies:",
AuthenticationSendSuccess: "Your authentication request is successfully sent",
AuthenticationSendFail: "Failed to send authentication request: %{message}",
Authenticate: "Authenticate Your Account",
PlatformCheck: "Account Connected",
PlatformCheckDesc: "Your account has already connected to another game profile",
FreeWeeklyCityDesc: "%{city} is free for all players this week regardless of expansion packs!",
HideCivIdleBanner: "Hide CivIdle Banner",
HideCivIdleBannerDesc: "Hide CivIdle banner in the headquarter",
"%{count} 筆開放的交易提供了更好的利潤 - 您應該先填充那些",
PlayerTradeBetterTradesAvailableAction: "顯示那些交易",
BuildingCount: "計數",
NoEfficiencyDesc: "這個建築物不受以下政策的影響:",
AuthenticationSendSuccess: "您的身份驗證請求已成功發送",
AuthenticationSendFail: "發送身份驗證請求失敗: %{message}",
Authenticate: "驗證您的帳戶",
PlatformCheck: "帳戶連接",
PlatformCheckDesc: "您的帳戶已經連接到另一個遊戲profile",
FreeWeeklyCityDesc: "%{city} 這週對所有玩家免費,無論擴展包!",
HideCivIdleBanner: "隱藏CivIdle 標幟",
HideCivIdleBannerDesc: "在總部隱藏CivIdle 標幟",
"If you own either expansion packs, you can double your offline earning without watching a reward video",
AutumnEvent: "Autumn event is going on: Harvest your pumpkins and make pumpkin pies and pumpkin spice latte!",
HalloweenEvent: "Halloween event is going on: there are a few new spooky ways to use your harvested pumpkins!",
ChristmasEvent: "Christmas event is going on: Santa and reindeers are bringing you new surprises!",
LunarNewYearEvent: "Lunar New Year event is going on: make lanterns and lights up the dark sky!",
AutumnEvent: "秋季活動正在進行: 收割南瓜,製作南瓜派和南瓜拿鐵!",
HalloweenEvent: "萬聖節活動正在進行: 有幾種新的方式來使用您的收割南瓜!",
ChristmasEvent: "聖誕節活動正在進行: 聖誕老人和馴鹿為您帶來新的驚喜!",
LunarNewYearEvent: "農曆新年活動正在進行: 製作燈籠,點亮暗黑的天空!",

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