Hi 👋, I'm Fırat Emre ŞİRVAN, a Fullstack developer from Istanbul, Turkey.
🚀 My Open Source Projects:
- node.js starter template: Node.js rapid development template with docs.
- ChatApp: Responsive designed chat application with user system.
- MongoDB Dökümantasyon Turkish MongoDB documentation. (There is only aggregation at the moment.)
- Weighted Playlist Generator Advertisement playlist generator by their weights.
- Vale Carpark Application (Backend) Vale carpark application project. (Only backend side)
- MenuBoard Simple frontend project that allows you see Restourant Menu.
- IEEE-IoT OYEUS Forest fire tracking IoT system. (Only backend and frontend side)
- Calendar App Calendar application includes time, user system etc. with MERN stack.
Talking about Personal Stuffs:
- 😎 I’m currently partcipating in as much Hackathons as I can.
- 👨🏽💻 I've been coding with node.js for a long time.
- 💬 Ask me about anything, I am happy to help
- 📫 How to reach me: femresirvan@gmail.com
Languages and Tools:
- Teknofest 2020 2nd Prize - IEEE IoT