This project involves the creation of a website that provides the user with a wide range of classes to which they can attend.
Steps to use this project:
- Pull this repository
- Create a virtualenv and install dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure your .env variables
- Run the website using
python runserver
This project includes:
- The Django Debug Toolbar already setup
- Multiple settings modules setup for easily deploying
- Python-decouple for securely referencing keys, passwords and other settings.
- A custom Django command for renaming the project
This project is also available in docker hub: The version available currently is jymbud:test To download and run the doker image in linux:
sudo docker pull sc186/jymbud:test
sudo docker run -i -t --network host sc186/jymbud:test
- the website will be available at
The original project is taken from: , whom I thank for his tutorials, videos and all the materials that made this project possible.