- General Instructions
- Vrep scene
- Foundamental Packages
- The "action" branch
- The "ros2" branch
- Scripts folder
- SRV folder
- Launch folder
- Launch the simulation
- Release History
- Meta
- Contributing
The Professor's package has been modified by creating this repository, containing the given package and two additional branches:
Finally, in the main branch, I added a Vrep scene containing the robot interacting with the simulation. I will briefly introduce it in the following section
The sceneVrep.ttt file contains an ad-hoc scene adressed to the robot simulator (Coppelliasim). Moreover, a robot_pioneer_ctrl
has been placed within the Coppelliasim environment. The robot's motion is controlled through a ROS node belonging to the rt2_assignment package, inside the main branch.
In order to communicate with the robot, a pubisher to the /odom
topic has been decleared (within the robot child script). It is responsible for the announcement of the actual robot postion which will be then exploited by the subsciber of the /odom
topic go_to_point.py. To conclude with, to set the actuator velocity a subscriber to the /cmd_vel
topic has been introduced by means Twist message published within the go_to_point.py script.
- SimExtRos: The ROS2 Interface plugin for CoppeliaSim
- Coppeliasim it allows to integrate Vrep with ROS
- Ros1_bridge to let some portions of code written in ROS communicate with code in ROS2
This latter, should contain the same package in ROS, but with the go_to_point node modelled as a ROS action server, instead of a “simple” server. Given that, the robot FSM node should now implement mechanisms for possibly cancelling the goal, when the related user command is received. For more details, please click here
In the branch ros2
, the cpp nodes (Robot FSM and position server) should be written for ROS2, as components, so that, by using the ros1_bridge, they can be interface with the ROS nodes and with the simulation in Gazebo. The go_to_point can still be implemented as a service.
- a launch file to start the container manager and the components, should be created
- a script to launch all required nodes and the simulation should be implemented
For more details, please click here
Here below is reported a brief description of the content of this folder:
- user_interface.py implementing the user interface which basically allows the user to:
- start the robot movement by pressing
- stopping the robot movement by pressing
- start the robot movement by pressing
- go_to_point.py implementing a service to drive a robot toward a point in the environment
Here we can find, as for the ros2
branch, two files, respectively:
- state_machine.cpp The SM has been implemented as a service server whose activation depends on a boolean variable (start) retrieved by the
, as request, within the [user_interface.py]. The state_machine.cpp node also constitutes a service client for both:/go_to_point
REMARK: if the boolean varaiable "start" is set to true, it asks for a random position to then set its response equal to the request values of the the
- position_service.cpp It is implemented as a service Server Node and it replies with random values for x,y and theta where x and y should be limited between some max and min values (given as request)
It basically contains three different custom services:
- Command: It takes:
- as request: a string
- as reply: a Boolean
- RandomPosition It takes:
- as request: a minimum and a maximum x-y coordinates' value
- as reply: a random x, y and theta angle value
- Position It takes:
- as request: a position to reach
- as reply: a boolean
Here we can find the three launch files, singularly exploited among the branches
- simVrep.launch Launch file for starting the four nodes interacting with Vrep
- sim.launch Launch file for starting the four nodes and the overall simulation
- sim2.launch Launch file for starting the container manager and the components which have been created
To launch the node, please
- download coppelliasim at: http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/downloads.html
- launch the ROS master in background
roscore &
- In a second tab, please run
- Load the scene in Coppeliasim
- Open a third terminal tab and launc
roslaunch rt2_assignment1 simVrep.launch
The first proper release
Work in progress
Federico Civetta– s4194543 – fedeunivers@gmail.com
- Fork it (https://github.com/fedehub/rt2_assignment1/fork)
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/fooBar
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some fooBar'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/fooBar
) - Create a new Pull Request