This is a tool to observe multiaple directories. Fetch any new file (XML or CSV) and insert all the data into either (MySQL or MongoDB). It's scalable to support different kind of files and databases. It will generate a report with:
- Succesfully inserted all the documents (how many)
- Partialy failed to insert with a reason why for each row (for example duplicate primary key, or failed to connect to the database).
- Failed to insert all the data
- Read the config file and watch source directories, every watcher is a new thread.
- Parse XML and CSV files.
- Insert the data in either MySQL or MongoDB database.
- Move the files to either success or error folder based on the final result (success, partially, or failed).
- Generate an XML report with a postfix (-report), and include the error message and each record has been failed to be inserted.
- I divided the functionality into separate classes so it would be easier to scale.
To run the tool:
make sure to export the jar dependcies in the CLASSPATH, or add them in your IDE.
To add them in your CLASSPATH: export CLASSPATH=.:/"FULL PATH"/mongo-java-driver-3.4.2.jar:/"FULL PATH"/mysql-connector-java-5.1.41-bin.jar
To read more about how to set a CLASSPATH ->
Add your import settings in the file importer-settings.xml:
"The directory you want to watch" "Inserted files successfully will be moved to this directory along with a generated report" "Partially inserted or failed to insert along with a report with each row or document failed to be inserted"
Then simply run these commands
javac tools/*.java
java tools.DataImporter importer-settings.xml
Copyright: This tool was made for a learning purpose. Please feel free to use it, modify it, or take snippets of code