Cactus is a reference-free whole-genome multiple alignment program. The principal algorithms are described here:
Cactus uses many different algorithms and individual code contributions, principally from Joel Armstrong, Glenn Hickey, Mark Diekhans and Benedict Paten. We are particularly grateful to:
- Yung H. Tsin and Nima Norouzi for contributing their 3-edge connected components program code, which is crucial in constructing the cactus graph structure, see: Tsin,Y.H., "A simple 3-edge-connected component algorithm," Theory of Computing Systems, vol.40, No.2, 2007, pp.125-142.
- Bob Harris for providing endless support for his LastZ pairwise, blast-like genome alignment tool.
We regularly test on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) and to a more limited degree on Mac OS X (using Docker).
Cactus uses substantial resources. For primate-sized genomes (3 gigabases each), you should expect Cactus to use approximately 120 CPU-days of compute per genome, with about 120 GB of RAM used at peak. The requirements scale roughly quadratically, so aligning two 1-megabase bacterial genomes takes only 1.5 CPU-hours and 14 GB RAM.
Note that to run even the very small evolverMammals example, you will need 2 CPUs and 12 GB RAM. The actual resource requirements are much less, but the individual jobs have resource estimates based on much larger alignments, so the jobs will refuse to run unless there are enough resources to meet their estimates.
To avoid problems with conflicting versions of dependencies on your system, we strongly recommend installing Cactus inside a Python virtual environment. Note that Cactus will only currently work with Python 2.7, until some of our dependencies become Python 3 compatible.
To install the virtualenv
command, if you don't have it already, run:
pip install virtualenv
To set up a virtual environment in the directory cactus_env
, run:
virtualenv cactus_env
Then, to enter the virtualenv, run:
source cactus_env/bin/activate
You can always exit out of the virtualenv by running deactivate
. The rest of the README assumes you're running inside a virtual environment.
If your version of pip
or virtualenv
uses Python 3 by default, you will need to use a Python 2 version to create your environment. To do that, use:
virtualenv -p /path-to-your-python2-install/python2.7 cactus_env
Cactus uses Toil to coordinate its jobs. To install Toil into your environment, run:
pip install --upgrade toil[all]
Finally, to install Cactus, from the root of the cactus
repository, run:
pip install --upgrade .
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommend that one not run Cactus using the Toil Grid Engine-like batch systems (GridEngine, HTCondor, LSF, SLURM, or Torque). Cactus creates a very large number of small jobs, which can overwhelm these systems.
By default Cactus uses containers to distribute its binaries, because compiling its dependencies can sometimes be a pain. If you can use Docker or Singularity, which we highly recommend, you can skip this section since all that needs to be installed in that case is the Python workflow as described above. However, in some environments (e.g. HPC clusters) you won't be able to use Docker or Singularity, so you will have to compile the binaries and install a few dependencies.
First, ensure you have KyotoTycoon installed. If you have root access, it is available through most package managers under kyototycoon
or kyoto-tycoon
. To compile it manually, you are best off using the unofficial Altice Labs repository. If you've installed KyotoTycoon (and its library, KyotoCabinet) from a package manager, you should be OK to go. If you've installed it in a non-standard location, however, (because you don't have root access, for example) you will need to set the following environment variables:
ttPrefix=<path of the PREFIX where you installed Kyoto>
export kyotoTycoonIncl="-I${ttPrefix}/include -DHAVE_KYOTO_TYCOON=1"
export kyotoTycoonLib="-L${ttPrefix}/lib -Wl,-rpath,${ttPrefix}/lib -lkyototycoon -lkyotocabinet -lz -lbz2 -lpthread -lm -lstdc++"
and copy the ktserver
binary to somewhere on your PATH, and depending on your install directory, you may also need to add ${ttPrefix}/lib
to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH. (This can be a bit of a pain--we have an updated scons
-based build system in the works that will automate most of this, but it's not ready yet.)
Once you have KyotoTycoon installed, you should be able to compile Cactus and its dependencies by running:
git submodule update --init
To run using these local executables, you will need to provide the --binariesMode local
option to all cactus
commands and add the bin
directory to your PATH.
Cactus will take about 20 CPU-hours per bacterial-sized (~4 megabase) genome, about 20 CPU-days per nematode-sized (~100 megabase) genome, and about 120 CPU-days per mammalian-sized (~3 gigabase) genome. You will need at least one machine with very large amounts of RAM (150+ GB) to run mammalian-sized genomes. The requirements will vary a bit depending on how closely related your genomes are, so these are only rough estimates.
To run Cactus, the basic format is:
cactus <jobStorePath> <seqFile> <outputHal>
The jobStorePath
is where intermediate files, as well as job metadata, will be stored. It must be accessible to all worker systems.
When first testing out Cactus on a new system or cluster, before running anything too large, try running the small (5 600kb genomes) simulated example in examples/evolverMammals.txt
. It should take less than an hour to run on a modern 4-core system. That example, even though it's small, should be enough to expose any major problems Cactus may have with your setup. The command you should run is:
cactus jobStore examples/evolverMammals.txt examples/evolverMammals.hal --root mr
Within an hour at most (on modern computers), you should have a HAL file which relates simulated mouse and rat genomes.
By default, Cactus uses Docker to run its compiled components (to avoid making you install dependencies). It can instead use Singularity to run its binaries, or use a locally installed copy. To select a different way of running the binaries, you can use the --binariesMode singularity
or --binariesMode local
options. (If running using local binaries, you will need to make sure cactus's bin directory is in your PATH
The input file, called a "seqFile", is just a text file containing the locations of the input sequences as well as their phylogenetic tree. The tree will be used to progressively decompose the alignment by iteratively aligning sibling genomes to estimate their parents in a bottom-up fashion. Polytomies in the tree are allowed, though the amount of computation required for a sub-alignment rises quadratically with the degree of the polytomy. The file is formatted as follows:
NEWICK tree (optional)
name1 path1
name2 path2
nameN pathN
An optional * can be placed at the beginning of a name to specify that its assembly is of reference quality. This implies that it can be used as an outgroup for sub-alignments. If no genomes are marked in this way, all genomes are assumed to be of reference quality. The star should only be placed on the name-path lines and not inside the tree.
- The tree must be on a single line. All leaves must be labeled and these labels must be unique. Ancestors may be named, or left blank (in which case the ancestors in the final output will automatically be labeled Anc0, Anc1, etc.) Labels must not contain any spaces.
- Branch lengths that are not specified are assumed to be 1.
- Lines beginning with # are ignored.
- Sequence paths must point to either a FASTA file or a directory containing 1 or more FASTA files.
- Sequence paths must not contain spaces.
- Each name / path pair must be on its own line
, etc. URLs may be used.
Please ensure your genomes are soft-masked with RepeatMasker. We do some basic masking as a preprocessing step to ensure highly repetitive elements are masked when repeat libraries are incomplete, but genomes that aren't properly masked can still take tens of times longer to align that those that are masked. Hard-masking (totally replacing repeats with stretches of Ns) isn't necessary, and is strongly discouraged (you will miss a lot of alignments!).
# Sequence data for progressive alignment of 4 genomes
# human, chimp and gorilla are flagged as good assemblies.
# since orang isn't, it will not be used as an outgroup species.
*human /data/genomes/human/human.fa
*chimp /data/genomes/chimp/
*gorilla /data/genomes/gorilla/gorilla.fa
orang /cluster/home/data/orang/
There isn't much to configure if running locally. Most importantly, if on a shared system, you can adjust the maximum number of processors used with --maxCores <N>
(by default, Cactus will use all cores).
Cactus (through Toil) supports many batch systems, including LSF, SLURM, GridEngine, Parasol, and Torque. To run on a cluster, simply add --batchSystem <batchSystem>
, e.g. --batchSystem gridEngine
. If your batch system needs additional configuration, Toil exposes some environment variables that can help.
Cactus supports running on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform using Toil's autoscaling features. For more details on running in AWS, check out these instructions (other clouds are similar).
Cactus outputs its alignments in the HAL format. This format represents the alignment in a reference-free, indexed way, but isn't readable by many tools. To export a MAF (which by its nature is usually reference-based), you can use the hal2maf
tool to export the alignment from any particular genome: hal2maf <hal> --refGenome <reference> <maf>
You can use the alignment to generate gene annotatations for your assemblies, using the Comparative Annotation Toolkit.
Cactus supports incrementally updating existing alignments to add, remove, or update genomes. The process involves minor surgery on the output HAL files. See this document for details.
Q: I'm running under macOS using the Docker functionality and get an error from Docker: docker: Error response from daemon: Mounts denied: [...]
A: Go to your Docker preferences. In the "File Sharing" tab, double-click the last entry ("/path/to/exported/directory") and type in /var/folders
. (Don't use the +
button, it won't work because it resolves symlinks before adding).
The reason you have to do this is that the Docker VM requires explicitly listing the directories that can be bind-mounted. The default temp directory on macOS (/var/folders/...
) is symlinked to a directory that is already listed as bind-mountable, but Docker checks the listing before resolving the symlink, returning an error.