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gabelevi committed Mar 7, 2015
1 parent da3ef3b commit 8d5d963
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Showing 177 changed files with 2,621 additions and 1,222 deletions.
231 changes: 130 additions & 101 deletions hack/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,17 +15,22 @@ open Utils
(* Types, constants *)

type mode =
| Suggest
| Color
| Coverage
| Prolog
| Lint
| Errors

type options = {
filename : string;
suggest : bool;
color : bool;
coverage : bool;
prolog : bool;
lint : bool;
rest : string list
mode : mode;

let builtins_filename = "builtins.hhi"
let builtins_filename =
Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy "builtins.hhi"

let builtins = "<?hh // decl\n"^
"interface Traversable<Tv> {}\n"^
"interface Container<Tv> extends Traversable<Tv> {}\n"^
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,15 +59,25 @@ let builtins = "<?hh // decl\n"^
" public function add(Tv $value): Vector<Tv>;"^
" public function addAll(?Traversable<Tv> $it): Vector<Tv>;"^
"final class ImmVector<Tv> implements ConstVector<Tv> {}\n"^
"final class ImmVector<Tv> implements ConstVector<Tv> {"^
" public function map<Tu>((function(Tv): Tu) $callback): ImmVector<Tu>;"^
"final class Map<Tk, Tv> implements ConstMap<Tk, Tv> {"^
" /* HH_FIXME[3007]: This is intentional; not a constructor */"^
" public function map<Tu>((function(Tv): Tu) $callback): Map<Tk, Tu>;"^
" public function mapWithKey<Tu>((function(Tk, Tv): Tu) $fn): Map<Tk, Tu>;"^
" public function contains(Tk $k): bool;"^
"final class ImmMap<Tk, Tv> implements ConstMap<Tk, Tv>{}\n"^
"final class StableMap<Tk, Tv> implements ConstMap<Tk, Tv> {}\n"^
"final class Set<Tv> extends ConstSet<Tv> {}\n"^
"final class ImmSet<Tv> extends ConstSet<Tv> {}\n"^
"final class ImmMap<Tk, Tv> implements ConstMap<Tk, Tv>{"^
" public function map<Tu>((function(Tv): Tu) $callback): ImmMap<Tk, Tu>;"^
" public function mapWithKey<Tu>((function(Tk, Tv): Tu) $fn): ImmMap<Tk, Tu>;"^
"final class StableMap<Tk, Tv> implements ConstMap<Tk, Tv> {"^
" public function map<Tu>((function(Tv): Tu) $callback): StableMap<Tk, Tu>;"^
" public function mapWithKey<Tu>((function(Tk, Tv): Tu) $fn): StableMap<Tk, Tu>;"^
"final class Set<Tv> implements ConstSet<Tv> {}\n"^
"final class ImmSet<Tv> implements ConstSet<Tv> {}\n"^
"class Exception { public function __construct(string $x) {} }\n"^
"class Generator<Tk, Tv, Ts> implements KeyedIterator<Tk, Tv> {\n"^
" public function next(): void;\n"^
Expand All @@ -72,7 +87,7 @@ let builtins = "<?hh // decl\n"^
" public function valid(): bool;\n"^
" public function send(?Ts $v): void;\n"^
"final class Pair<Tk, Tv> extends KeyedContainer<int,mixed> {public function isEmpty(): bool {}}\n"^
"final class Pair<Tk, Tv> implements KeyedContainer<int,mixed> {public function isEmpty(): bool {}}\n"^
"interface Stringish {public function __toString(): string {}}\n"^
"interface XHPChild {}\n"^
"function hh_show($val) {}\n"^
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,45 +130,36 @@ let error l = output_string stderr (Errors.to_string (Errors.to_absolute l))

let parse_options () =
let fn_ref = ref None in
let suggest = ref false in
let color = ref false in
let coverage = ref false in
let prolog = ref false in
let lint = ref false in
let rest_options = ref [] in
let rest x = rest_options := x :: !rest_options in
let usage = Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s filename\n" Sys.argv.(0) in
let mode = ref Errors in
let set_mode x () =
if !mode <> Errors
then raise (Arg.Bad "only a single mode should be specified")
else mode := x
let options = [
Arg.Set suggest,
Arg.Unit (set_mode Suggest),
"Suggest missing typehints";
Arg.Set color,
Arg.Unit (set_mode Color),
"Produce color output";
Arg.Set coverage,
Arg.Unit (set_mode Coverage),
"Produce coverage output";
Arg.Set prolog,
Arg.Unit (set_mode Prolog),
"Produce prolog facts";
Arg.Set lint,
Arg.Unit (set_mode Lint),
"Produce lint errors";
Arg.Rest rest,
] in
Arg.parse options (fun fn -> fn_ref := Some fn) usage;
let fn = match !fn_ref with
| Some fn -> fn
| None -> die usage in
{ filename = fn;
suggest = !suggest;
color = !color;
coverage = !coverage;
prolog = !prolog;
lint = !lint;
rest = !rest_options;
mode = !mode;

let suggest_and_print fn { FileInfo.funs; classes; typedefs; consts; _ } =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,20 +204,13 @@ let parse_file file =
let contentl = Str.full_split delim content in
let files = make_files contentl in
List.fold_right begin fun (sub_fn, content) ast ->
List.fold_left begin fun acc (sub_fn, content) ->
let file =
Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy (abs_fn^"--"^sub_fn) in
let {Parser_hack.file_mode; comments; ast = ast'} =
Parser_hack.program file content
ast' @ ast
end files []
else begin
let {Parser_hack.file_mode; comments; ast} =
Parser_hack.program file content
Relative_path.Map.add file (Parser_hack.program file content) acc
end Relative_path.Map.empty files
Relative_path.Map.singleton file (Parser_hack.program file content)

(* Make readable test output *)
let replace_color input =
Expand All @@ -232,76 +231,106 @@ let print_coverage fn type_acc =
let counts = ServerCoverageMetric.count_exprs fn type_acc in
ClientCoverageMetric.go ~json:false (Some (Leaf counts))

let print_prolog { FileInfo.funs; classes; typedefs; consts; _ } =
let facts = Prolog.facts_of_defs [] funs classes typedefs consts in
let print_prolog files_info =
let facts = Relative_path.Map.fold begin fun _ file_info acc ->
let { FileInfo.funs; classes; typedefs; consts; _ } = file_info in
Prolog.facts_of_defs acc funs classes typedefs consts
end files_info [] in
PrologMain.output_facts stdout facts

let handle_mode mode files_info errors lint_errors =
match mode with
| Color ->
Relative_path.Map.iter begin fun fn fileinfo ->
if fn = builtins_filename then () else begin
let result = ServerColorFile.get_level_list
(fun () -> ignore (ServerIdeUtils.check_defs fileinfo); fn) in
print_colored fn result;
end files_info
| Coverage ->
Relative_path.Map.iter begin fun fn fileinfo ->
if fn = builtins_filename then () else begin
let type_acc = ServerCoverageMetric.accumulate_types fileinfo in
print_coverage fn type_acc;
end files_info
| Prolog ->
print_prolog files_info
| Lint ->
let lint_errors =
Relative_path.Map.fold begin fun fn fileinfo lint_errors ->
lint_errors @ fst (Lint.do_ begin fun () ->
Linting_service.lint fn fileinfo
end files_info lint_errors in
if lint_errors <> []
then begin
let lint_errors = Lint.to_absolute lint_errors in
ServerLint.output_text stdout lint_errors;
exit 2
else Printf.printf "No lint errors\n"
| Suggest
| Errors ->
let errors = Relative_path.Map.fold begin fun _ fileinfo errors ->
errors @ ServerIdeUtils.check_defs fileinfo
end files_info errors in
if mode = Suggest
then Relative_path.Map.iter suggest_and_print files_info;
if errors <> []
then (error (List.hd errors); exit 2)
else Printf.printf "No errors\n"

(* Main entry point *)

(* This was the original main ... before there was a daemon.
* This function can also be called interactively from top_single to
* populate the global typing environment (see for
* a given file. You can then inspect this typing environment, e.g.
* with 'Typing_env.Classes.get "Foo";;'
let main_hack { filename; suggest; color; coverage; prolog; lint; _ } =
let main_hack { filename; mode; } =
ignore (Sys.signal Sys.sigusr1 (Sys.Signal_handle Typing.debug_print_last_pos));
Hhi.set_hhi_root_for_unit_test "/tmp/hhi";
let builtins_filename =
Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy builtins_filename in
let filename = Relative_path.create Relative_path.Dummy filename in
let lint_errors, (errors, fileinfo) =
let lint_errors, (errors, files_info) =
Lint.do_ begin fun () ->
Errors.do_ begin fun () ->
let {Parser_hack.file_mode; comments; ast = ast_builtins} =
Parser_hack.program builtins_filename builtins
let parsed_files = parse_file filename in
let parsed_builtins = Parser_hack.program builtins_filename builtins in
let parsed_files =
Relative_path.Map.add builtins_filename parsed_builtins parsed_files
let ast_file = parse_file filename in
let ast = ast_builtins @ ast_file in
Parser_heap.ParserHeap.add filename ast;
let funs, classes, typedefs, consts = Ast_utils.get_defs ast in
let nenv =
Naming.make_env Naming.empty ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts in
let all_classes = List.fold_right begin fun (_, cname) acc ->
SMap.add cname (Relative_path.Set.singleton filename) acc
end classes SMap.empty in
Typing_decl.make_env nenv all_classes filename;
{ FileInfo.
file_mode; funs; classes; typedefs; consts; comments;
consider_names_just_for_autoload = false }

let files_info =
Relative_path.Map.mapi begin fun fn parsed_file ->
let {Parser_hack.file_mode; comments; ast} = parsed_file in
Parser_heap.ParserHeap.add fn ast;
let funs, classes, typedefs, consts = Ast_utils.get_defs ast in
{ FileInfo.
file_mode; funs; classes; typedefs; consts; comments;
consider_names_just_for_autoload = false }
end parsed_files in

(* Note that nenv.Naming.itcopt remains TypecheckerOptions.empty *)
let nenv = Relative_path.Map.fold begin fun fn fileinfo nenv ->
let {FileInfo.funs; classes; typedefs; consts; _} = fileinfo in
Naming.make_env nenv ~funs ~classes ~typedefs ~consts
end files_info Naming.empty in

let all_classes =
Relative_path.Map.fold begin fun fn {FileInfo.classes; _} acc ->
List.fold_left begin fun acc (_, cname) ->
SMap.add cname (Relative_path.Set.singleton fn) acc
end acc classes
end files_info SMap.empty in

Relative_path.Map.iter begin fun fn _ ->
Typing_decl.make_env nenv all_classes fn
end files_info;

end in
if color then
let result = ServerColorFile.get_level_list
(fun () -> ignore (ServerIdeUtils.check_defs fileinfo); filename) in
print_colored filename result;
else if coverage then
let type_acc = ServerCoverageMetric.accumulate_types fileinfo in
print_coverage filename type_acc;
else if prolog then
print_prolog fileinfo
else if lint then
let lint_errors = lint_errors @ fst (Lint.do_ begin fun () ->
Linter.lint filename fileinfo
end) in
if lint_errors <> []
then begin
let lint_errors = Lint.to_absolute lint_errors in
ServerLint.output_text stdout lint_errors;
exit 2
else Printf.printf "No lint errors\n"
else begin
let errors = errors @ ServerIdeUtils.check_defs fileinfo in
if suggest
then suggest_and_print filename fileinfo;
if errors <> []
then (error (List.hd errors); exit 2)
else Printf.printf "No errors\n"
handle_mode mode files_info errors lint_errors

(* command line driver *)
let _ =
Expand Down
50 changes: 29 additions & 21 deletions hack/naming/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ and get_constraint env tparam =
and hintl ~allow_this env l = (hint ~allow_this env) l

(* All the methods and static methods of an interface are "implicitely"
(* All the methods and static methods of an interface are "implicitly"
* declared as abstract
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1059,18 +1059,34 @@ and class_ genv c =

and user_attributes env attrl =
let seen = Hashtbl.create 0 in
List.fold_left begin fun acc {ua_name = (pos, name) as ua_name; ua_params} ->
let tc_options = (fst env).tcopt in
let validate_seen = begin fun ua_name ->
let pos, name = ua_name in
let existing_attr_pos =
try Some (Hashtbl.find seen name) with Not_found -> None in
match existing_attr_pos with
| Some p -> Errors.duplicate_user_attribute ua_name p; acc
| None ->
Hashtbl.add seen name pos;
let attr = {
N.ua_name = ua_name;
N.ua_params = (expr env) ua_params
} in
attr :: acc
try Some (Hashtbl.find seen name)
with Not_found -> None
in (match existing_attr_pos with
| Some p -> Errors.duplicate_user_attribute ua_name p; false
| None -> Hashtbl.add seen name pos; true
end in
let validate_name = begin fun ua_name ->
(validate_seen ua_name) && begin
let pos, name = ua_name in
let valid = if str_starts_with name "__"
then SSet.mem name SN.UserAttributes.as_set
else (TypecheckerOptions.allowed_attribute tc_options name)
in if not valid then Errors.unbound_attribute_name pos name;
end in
List.fold_left begin fun acc {ua_name; ua_params} ->
if not (validate_name ua_name) then acc
else let attr = {
N.ua_name = ua_name;
N.ua_params = (expr env) ua_params
} in
attr :: acc
end [] attrl

and enum_ env e =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1511,7 +1527,7 @@ and extend_params genv paraml =
end paraml genv.type_params in
{ genv with type_params = params }

and typechecker_options env = env.itcopt
and typechecker_options env : TypecheckerOptions.t = env.itcopt

and uselist_lambda f =
(* semantic duplication: This is copied from the implementation of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1955,14 +1971,6 @@ and expr_ env = function
| [e] -> N.Special_func (N.Gen_array_rec (expr env e))
| _ -> Errors.gen_array_rec_arity p; N.Any
| Call ((p, Id (_, cn)), el, uel) when cn = SN.FB.fgen_array_va_rec_DEPRECATED ->
splat_unexpected uel ;
if List.length el < 1
then begin
Errors.gen_array_va_rec_arity p;
else N.Special_func (N.Gen_array_va_rec (exprl env el))
| Call ((p, Id f), el, uel) ->
N.Call (N.Cnormal, (p, N.Id (Env.fun_id env f)),
exprl env el, exprl env uel)
Expand Down

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