This repository is a template for automating log processing with ezpaarse using the ezp command and loading ECs using the ezm command.
Table of content
This is a docker container containing node scripts that will read the contents of the configuration file and run ezp and ezm according to it. These scripts generate logs and send an email at the end of all processing with a summary of what has happened. These scripts are called via a cron.
The tools you need to start this container run are :
├── /archives
│ └── <machine>
│ ├── <portal>
│ │ ├── <yyyy>
│ │ │ ├── <yyyy-mm>
│ │ │ │ ├── <filename>.<yyyy>.<mm>.<dd>.log.gz
├── /results
│ └── <machine>
│ ├── <portal>
│ │ ├── <yyyy>
│ │ │ ├── <yyyy-mm>
│ │ │ │ ├── <filename>.<yyyy>.<mm>.<dd>.ec.csv
│ │ │ │ ├── <filename>.<yyyy>.<mm>.<dd>.report.json
"<machine>": [
"portal": "<portalName>",
"headers": {
"<header-key>": "<header-value>"
name | description |
NODE_ENV | env of application |
TIMEZONE | Timezone of application |
ARCHIVES_DIR_PATH | Path of the ‘archive’ folder containing the logs |
RESULTS_DIR_PATH | Path of the ‘results’ folder containing ECs |
EZPAARSE_HOST | ezPAARSE host for ezp command |
EZMESURE_USERNAME | ezMESURE username to create token |
EZMESURE_PASSWORD | ezMESURE password to create token |
EZUNPAYWALL_URL | URL of ezunpaywall |
EZUNPAYWALL_APIKEY | API key to enrich line with ezu log in JSON format |
ELASTIC_URL | Elastic URL to send data from log in JSON format |
NOTIFICATIONS_RECEIVERS | emails receivers |
CRON_SCHEDULE | Schedule of cron |
- Make sure you have ezpaarse and ezmesure start in dev mode on your machine
- Create config.json on @/config and put your config inside
- Start script node ./utils/dev to create log example
- Create
- Set all necessary env variables
- Start docker compose up
node ./src/bin/reprocessing.js \
# Name of machines separeted by comma.
# If no machine is specified, all machines will be selected.
machines=vpanoms,vparchitoul \
# Name of portals separeted by comma.
# If no portals is specified, all machines will be selected.
# it is not obligatory to indicate the machine linked to this portal
portals=in2p3,inc \
# Start date of files processed at yyyy-mm-dd format
startDate=2024-01-01 \
# End date of files processed at yyyy-mm-dd format
endDate=2024-01-31 \
# ezp reprocessing
ezp \
# ezm reprocessing
ezm \
# delete generate file from period
force \
# bibApi reprocessing
bibApi \
# unifAccess reprocessing