What's Changed
Bug fixes:
- fix: Document never saved when upload existing document - EXO-70777
- fix: Fix Uploading multiple existing documents & infinite loading - EXO-69948
- fix: Fix process attachment wrong permissions - EXO-70208
- fix: Prevent the preview when choosing an article attachment - EXO-70170
- fix: Activity stream documents folder creation issue - EXO-68612
- fix: Fix ellipsis in long Breadcrumb of file path nor file name - EXO-69737
- fix: Attachments - display of video files for .log & .class icons - EXO-69215
- fix: Adjust the document preview style mode on the single content view template - EXO-69505
- fix: Article drafts deletion makes the article displayed on top of the news application - EXO-58132
- fix: Fix direct Access to Search application - MEED-3125 - Meeds-io/meeds#1486
- fix: In top-bar menu the link Node Type redirection ko if '/#/' is included - EXO-70678 - Meeds-io/meeds#1815
- fix: fix space menu navigation display of selected application - EXO-70787 - Meeds-io/meeds#1841
- fix: PLF language set isn't considered on external invitation - EXO-70327 - Meeds-io/meeds#1609
- fix: Fix PLF language change makes link gadget labels to disappear - EXO-70358 - Meeds-io/meeds#1610
- fix: Extension point in space top bar popover does not display extensions the second time - EXO-70575
- fix: In top-bar menu the link Node Type redirection ko if '/#/' is included - EXO-70678 - Meeds-io/meeds#1815
- fix: In space menu the link Node Type redirection ko if '/#/' is included - EXO-70360 - Meeds-io/meeds#1815
- fix: Fix UI display of space popover for the external visio list - EXO-69422
- fix: Breadcrumb portlet not displayed in spaces - EXO-70408 - Meeds-io/meeds#1789
- fix: Link Node Type : redirection and target ko on left navigation menu drawer space details - EXO-70359 - Meeds-io/meeds#1790
- fix: Fix add links issue with overlay effect - EXO-69307
- fix: Disallow attachment of non-image types in task description-EXO-70180-Meeds-io/meeds#1767
- fix: Disallow attachment of non-image types in task description - EXO-70180 - Meeds-io/meeds#1767
- fix: Spaces Admin : unresponsive spaces' table display - EXO-70163 - Meeds-io/meeds#1749
- fix: Long Space node names not displaying properly in recent spaces drawer - EXO-68186 - Meeds-io/meeds#1746
- fix: Adjust the space's navigation stream icon after the migration context - EXO-69389 - Meeds-io/meeds#1677
- fix: Fix posting activities - EXO-5947 - Meeds-io/meeds#1708
- fix: In space settings, if the wallet application is not active for the current space, the extension about wallet configuration is emty, but display a margin - EXO-69808 - Meeds-io/meeds#1710
- fix: Image in AS post is blur after editing it - EXO-69849 - Meeds-io/meeds#1715
- fix: Component - Top bar application - UI issue on hovering over button - EXO-67786 - Meeds-io/meeds#1370
- fix: Upgrade and reindex user profile ES index - EXO-64127 - Meeds-io/meeds#1631
- fix: Group Synchronization ko is attribute is Group synchronized attribute is multvalued - EXO-69313 - Meeds-io/meeds#1665
- fix: Top bar application - ESC not working when on filter by name - EXO-67784 - Meeds-io/meeds#1369
- fix: Setting the 'isMember' Property During Notification Sending to Ensure Accurate Workspace Membership Verification - EXO-69364 - Meeds-io/meeds#1651
- fix: Fix add users suggester generates an Exception on log server - EXO-69655 - Meeds-io/meeds#1645
- fix: Fix invite users suggester generated Exception - EXO-69652 - Meeds-io/meeds#1639
- fix: Add main role on the login page - EXO-69065 - Meeds-io/meeds#1637
- fix: Fix add links issue with overlay effect - EXO-69307
- fix: Make GroupSynchronizationSocialProfileListener Asynchronous - EXO-69333
- fix: Fix email notification issue when a new user joins the platform - EXO-69237 - Meeds-io/meeds#1616
- fix: Filter Drag & Drop effect to be display on files drag only - MEED-3287 - Meeds-io/meeds#1594
- fix: Configure GroupPortalConfigListener with the group name pattern "/spaces/" in order to create only spaces group sites - EXO-69296 - Meeds-io/meeds#1608
- fix: Fix greeting text for posted/published news - EXO-69145
- fix: NewsList template display 2 columns of new when used in small column - EXO-70464
- fix: News bloc : Title display issue - EXO-70313
- fix: Fix greeting text for posted/published news
- fix: Disable the see all button for Slider and News alert templates - EXO-70156
- fix: Template list : see all option + URL - EXO-69855
- fix: Fix the news list slider view is missing on small screens - EXO-69373
- fix: Fix the embedded media that is not displayed on the scheduled news details - EXO-69716
- fix: Can't access to published news through notification - EXO-69364
- fix: Fix deleted news figure in missed activities counter - EXO-69288
- fix: Remove public site configuration - EXO-69425
- fix: Article drafts deletion makes the article displayed on top of the news application - EXO-58132
- fix: News bloc disappear if header contains apostrophe -EXO-69247
- fix: Fix Wrong number of tasks in project card detail - EXO-55498 - Meeds-io/meeds#1837
- fix: Fix Dynamic Display of Task Top-bar after adding first Task - MEED-3330 - Meeds-io/meeds#1627
- fix: Fix Tasks Placeholder Display when archived Tasks - MEED-3276 - MEED-3277 - Meeds-io/meeds#1587 - Meeds-io/meeds#1581
- fix: Allow reindexing indexes while upgrading - EXO-64127 - Meeds-io/meeds#1631
- fix: Trim white spaces from links on embed media insertion - EXO-69832 - Meeds-io/meeds#1703
- fix: Some SAML properties cannot be modified by configuration - EXO-70965
- fix: Login with non-existing user lead to a white page - EXO-70765
- fix: Fix breadcrumb portlet redirection in spaces - EXO-70408 - Meeds-io/meeds#1789
- fix: Update GroupPortalConfigListener in order to create group sites only for those respecting group name pattern - EXO-69296 - Meeds-io/meeds#1608
- fix: Notes add/update options are missing in mobile view - EXO-71192 - Meeds-io/meeds#1879
- fix: add statistics collection for Noes editor page - EXO-70178 - Meeds-io/meeds#1751
- fix: Prevent the auto import of the knowledge base space if it already exists - EXO-69419
- fix: Remove public site configuration - EXO-69425
- fix: Enable to edit file with name created using uni-codes - EXO-67738
- fix: Toolbar not well displayed on mobile view - EXO-67913 - Meeds-io/meeds#1682
- fix: Fix displaying site name in site cards - EXO-68195
- fix: Allow to disable/enable jitsi for a space - EXO-70569
- fix: Add visio conference link in agenda event - EXO-68458
- fix: Call button are not displayed when user is not administrator - EXO-70783
- fix: File saved on root path if space name has special chars œ - EXO-71175
- fix: File saved on root path if Document app node name isn't default - EXO-71098
- fix: Folder view: Options z-index issue - EXO-70566
- fix: Export Documents : Uppercase characters are lowered - EXO-70820
- fix: Open file location - URL & breadcrumb not displaying the good content - EXO-70410 - fix: Activity stream documents folder creation issue - EXO-68612
- fix: Prevent deleted documents from appearing on the document list after the page refresh - EXO-65212
- fix: White space glitches the search - EXO-69893
- fix: Top bar application - Black border when clicking on the New button - EXO-67787
- fix: Fix save version summary if it include '*' and ':' char - EXO-66009
- fix: The loading color when uploading new versions to files should be the same as the primary color - EXO-67385
- fix: Document search is case sensitive - EXO-68811
- fix: Correct the display of the four arrow icon in move by drag and drop of a file/folder - EXO-67275
- fix: Add visio conference link in agenda event - EXO-68458
- fix: Events in agenda timeline are not synchronized with agenda connectors - EXO-69488
- fix: Chat message form not preserved on edit message - EXO-703
- fix: @ in message resets the format - EXO-69693
- fix: Update the chat button class when the user status is updated - EXO-66137
- fix: Fix suggesting site in Protected Resource drawer - EXO-70336
- fix: Fix Server log errors related to Documents - EXO-70478 (#321) (#323)
- fix: Wrong modifier avatar displayed in file details - EXO-69919
- fix: Adapt the visual for the space administration web-conferencing - EXO-70213
- fix: Add visio conference link in agenda event - EXO-68458
- fix: Add web-conferencing link in event - EXO-68458
- fix: Allow to disable/enable jitsi for a space - EXO-70569
- fix: Call button are not displayed when user is not administrator -EXO-70783
- fix: Fix margin in visio admin app - EXO-70955
- fix: Remove webrtc option - EXO-68229
- fix: Split crowdin label in two strings - EXo-70174
- fix: Update transaction in reward dashboard when the transaction is boosted - EXO-70361
- fix: Fix display in Space settings if space wallet application is disabled - EXO-69808 - Meeds-io/meeds#1710
- fix: Mark transaction as Failed when Timed-out - MEED-3357 - Meeds-io/meeds#1646