What's Changed
- fix: Restore oldAdministrationMenu feature after rebase conflict resolution
- feat: Implement "Manage navigation feature" - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Add feature Flag on the new administration node "Sites" - EXO-64653 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Implement feature flag for dynamic display of space node icons - EXO-67402 - Meeds-io/MIPs#95
- feat: Implement feature flag for new left navigation drawer - EXO-65449 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Implement feature flag for old administration menu - EXO- 66659 - Meeds-io/MIPs#88
- feat: Implement left navigation feature - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Implement "Site management feature" - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Remove dynamicSpaceNodeIcons feature flag - EXO-67431 - Meeds-io/MIPs#95
- feat: Remove "newSiteManagement" feature Flag - EXO-65954 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- fix: Improve security for rememberme feature - EXO-59675 - Meeds-io/MIPs#69
- feat: Implement "Site management feature" - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Implement "Manage navigation feature" - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Implement "Left navigation feature" - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Add Email validation feature when registering - MEED-1958
- feat: Delete feature flag SNVFullPageAccess - MEED-2993 - Meeds-io/MIPs#108
- feat: Disable full page editing using Feature Flag - MEED-2725 - Meeds-io/meeds#1192
- feat: Delete feature flag SNVFullPageAccess - MEED-2993 - Meeds-io/MIPs#108
- feat: Disable full page editing using Feature Flag - MEED-2725 - Meeds-io/meeds#1192
- feat: Add feature Flag on the new administration node "Sites" - EXO-64653 -Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Make false by default the value of old edit navigation menu feature flag - EXO-64562 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Remove feature flag of new site navigation drawer - EXO-63358 - Meeds-io/meeds#51
- feat: Remove "newSiteManagement" feature Flag - EXO-65954 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Add Multi-Selection feature
- feat: remove feature flags - EXO-65215
- feat: Modify agenda notification to rely on mute space feature - EXO-66729
Bug fixes:
- fix: Make configuration of PDF viewer services overridable - EXO-68305
- fix: Apply border radius to Document portlet - EXO-67627
- fix: Apply the border radius for the transfer rules application - EXO-67638
- fix: Remove unneeded editor resizing after uploading an image - EXO-67793
- fix: Apply border radius to Content list view portlet - EXO-67628
- fix: Fix displaying analytics page - EXO-67565
- fix: Breadcrumb folder links are broken - EXO-67575
- fix: Apply border radius and padding rule to Single content view portlet - EXO-67629
- fix: Reuse centralized Toast Notifs component - EXO-67595
- fix: Apply border radius to documents user setting - EXO-67622
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Change the document preview URL with the new pattern - EXO-67548
- fix: Update the default image of ecms applications - EXO-67096
- fix: Store files under space root folder - EXO-64344
- fix: Select the drive of the current space in attachment drawer -EXO-67230
- fix: Enable to create a news with title contains a '.' character followed by a special character - EXO-66277
- fix: Disabling transition effects on the circular progress bar for fie uploads - EXO-63220
- fix: Fix trash cleaner transaction timeout exception - EXO-66248
- fix: After adding a document version, allow to create a new activity when the original is deleted - EXO-65154
- fix: Downloading files fails with some encoded chars - EXO-65735
- fix: Can not preview a file when its title contains a % - EXO-65642
- fix: Move eXoResources and eXoSkin Maven Modules from meeds to eXo - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: Move Third party libraries dependencies from meeds to exo - Meeds-io/MIPs#42
- fix: Allow downloading documents with special characters and '+' - EXO-65518
- fix: Enable the preview of imported documents from Google Drive - EXO-65281
- fix: Error when loading ckedito config in documents preview - EXO-65351
- fix: Gif without animation in news illustration EXO-64163
- fix: Enable liking/disliking an activity from attachment preview - EXO-64824
- fix: Enable to download document with name contains a + character from chat application - EXO-64667
- fix: Enable to preview and dowload file with name contains a special character - EXO-64575
- fix: Insert from existing Uploads : display issue - EXO-64517
- fix: Enable to preview a file containing an '+' character in its name- EXO-64192
- fix: Select from existing uploads filtered space displays empty content - EXO-63848
- fix: Preventing users from re-uploading documents to the same attachment drawer after reaching the maximum limit - EXO-64261
- fix: ok button disabled when inserting image -EXO-63849
- fix: Reset the number of attachement after posting an activity - EXO-64141
- fix: Do not allow uploading more than the defined maximum number of documents - EXO-61841
- fix: Add attachment app to Notes edition page - EXO-64149
- fix: Warning when loading files - EXO-64092
- fix: Add missing German transaltion in Ckeditor - EXO-63816
- fix: Save new version by only office generate no contenet activity - EXO-63508
- fix: Work experience: Missing indication for required fields - EXO-62858 - Meeds-io/meeds#814
- fix: activity params keys case insensitivity block activity updates -EXO-62802 - Meeds-io/meeds#815
- fix: Attribute options in edit mode not updating according to the position - EXO-63127 - Meeds-io/meeds#827
- fix: Deactivating sub attributes of IMs does not work - Meeds-io/meeds#797 - EXO-63174
- fix: Fix displaying Space Navigation Arrows - MEED-1971 - Meeds-io/meeds#833
- fix: Fix Spaces Application Cards Drawer Width - MEED-1972 - Meeds-io/meeds#834
- fix: fix the phones types not filled are displayed - EXO-63187
- fix: Fix Home Selection from Left Menu - MEED-1978 - Meeds-io/meeds#838
- fix: Fix Collapsing Second and Third level of Hamburger menu Drawer - MEED-1979 - Meeds-io/meeds#839
- fix: Work experience values are empty after migrating from 5 to 6.4 EXO-63059 - Meeds-io/meeds#848
- fix: Deactivating sub attributes of IMs does not work int edit drawer - Meeds-io/meeds#797 - EXO-63174
- fix: Profile new multi field sub attributes are not saved in profile - Meeds-io/meeds#801 - EXO-63188
- fix: Profile - Attribute position change not taken into account - EXO-63150
- fix: Erroneous number of search results when using advanced people search - EXO-63148 - Meeds-io/meeds#818
- fix: Unable to invite user in a room, or in a space - EXO-63472
- fix: Update isActivityDeletable method for non removable activities - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Replace the error alert with a global notification alert when creating a space with an existing name - Meeds-io/meeds#859 - EXO-62856
- fix: Cancel a gamified event - MEED-1842 - Meeds-io/meeds#775
- fix: Refresh cache is needed after renaming profile attribute - Meeds-io/meeds#867 - EXO-62875
- fix: Social organization provider does not return disabled users - EXO-63637 - Meeds-io/meeds#888
- fix: third element in people card menu is invisible - EXO-62230 - Meeds-io/meeds#891
- fix: New multi valued profile attribute not saved - Meeds-io/meeds#889 - EXO-63578
- fix: OpenId connection is KO - EXO-63713 - Meeds-io/meeds#894
- fix: Technical label displayed instead of label on people advanced filter button - Meeds-io/meeds#890 - EXO-63060
- fix: Fix Rich Editor Configuration Rest Content Type - MEED-2090 - Meeds-io/meeds#919
- fix: Fix Spaces administration label display - MEED-2086 - Meeds-io/meeds#916
- fix: Fix Rich Editor Configuration JS Variables interpretation - MEED-2097 - Meeds-io/meeds#925
- fix: Implement method to retrieve the technical identifiers of the spaces I manage - MEED-2063 - Meeds-io/meeds#898
- fix: Incorrect advanced people filter if the searched attribute value ends with a space character - EXO-64041 - Meeds-io/meeds#929
- fix: Can't like an activity after detaching its attachment - EXO-64057 - Meeds-io/meeds#935
- fix: cache correctly response for Safari browser - EXO-64072 - Meeds-io/meeds#938
- fix: Fix technical nodes labels in space navigation - EXO-62470 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Fix Issue of space root node not changed on space navigation topbar - EXO-64294 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Display Hidden option in a space member's card options list - EXO-64105 - Meeds-io/meeds#950
- fix: Fix Avatar Fullname Truncation Display - MEED-2249 - Meeds-io/meeds#988
- fix: Fix renamed space root node label issue - EXO-64817 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Fix Notifications Alert Z-index - MEED-2220 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix displaying likers list - MEED-2268 - Meeds-io/meeds#998
- fix: Fix top bar navigation behavior - EXO-64657 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Fix Email footer name and link - MEED-2267
- fix: Fix space top bar navigation behavior - EXO-65369 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- fix: Fix Activity Stream loading style - MEED-2238 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Activity Delete ACL - MEED-2313 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Space Avatar Display When Hidden space - MEED-2371 - Meeds-io/meeds#1032
- fix: Fix Expand View of Action drawer - MEED-2373 - Meeds-io/meeds#1034
- fix: Fix Clear Cache when deleting comment - MEED-2381 - Meeds-io/meeds#1039
- fix: Fix user avatar border applied on name - MEED-2383 - Meeds-io/meeds#1041
- fix: can not search attributes containg spaces in the field name - EXO-65498 - Meeds-io/meeds#1031
- fix :The full name isn't updated after updating multiple profile properties including the first name or the last name - EXO-65382 - Meeds-io/meeds#1050
- fix: Remove the user from the old group synchronized profile property groups - EXO-64814 - Meeds-io/meeds#1052
- fix: Notification drawer : close a notification issue - EXO-65724 - Meeds-io/meeds#1054
- fix: Issue with cursor icon when hovering over a notification text -EXO-63933
- fix: Check user existence before updating his salt - EXO-65151 - Meeds-io/MIPs#69
- fix: add missing id attributes to the Share activity drawer - EXO-67173 - Meeds-io/meeds#1497
- fix: Add some enhancements to the the activity toolbar icons - MEED-2581 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Add workaround for Viewport definition in Mobile - MEED-2819 - Meeds-io/meeds#1232
- fix: Adjust the kudos CTA from general stream - MEED-2568 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Adjust the placeholder depending the audience - MEED-2464 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: allow importing custom & system multivalued properties with csv - EXO-65669 - Meeds-io/meeds#1070
- fix: Avoid loading useless URLs - MEED-3076 - Meeds-io/meeds#1440
- fix: Avoid sending uploaded images with reverse order - MEED-2358 - Meeds-io/MIPs#53
- fix: button favorite and 3 dots menu in activity detail have no accessible name - EXO-62416 - Meeds-io/meeds#1376
- fix: Change the banner of Platform settings site - EXO-67724 - Meeds-io/meeds#1354
- fix: Change the composer filter texts - MEED-2503 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Chat icon should only be displayed for space members - EXO-64806 - Meeds-io/meeds#1069
- fix: Clean the profile property group synchronized name of special characters - EXO-66936 - Meeds-io/meeds#1228
- fix: Correctly display the space after space selection in composer - EXO-67423 - Meeds-io/meeds#1273
- fix: Default activity - no radius applied- MEED-2932-Meeds-io/meeds#1287
- fix: Delete Breadcrumb Margins - MEED-3023 - Meeds-io/meeds#1349
- fix: Delete confirmation alert before reloading page - MEED-411 -Meeds-io/meeds#619
- fix: Deleted typed chars from search field when searching with long names - EXO-66349 - Meeds-io/meeds#1128
- fix: Delete spacing in Links Portlet - MEED-2674 - Meeds-io/meeds#1167
- fix: Delete useless Class in Image Preview - MEED-2713 - Meeds-io/meeds#1185
- fix: Delete zoom on Links Column preview - MEED-2716 - Meeds-io/meeds#1187
- fix: Disable rule management to allow displaying Space pages in different shared layouts - MEED-3014 - Meeds-io/meeds#1334
- fix: Disable rule management to allow displaying Space pages in different shared layouts - MEED-3014 - Meeds-io/meeds#1334
- fix: Disable the save profile property edit button when no changes - EXO-63068 - Meeds-io/meeds#1096
- fix: Display the audience choice when only create an activity - MEED-2572 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Display the default user avatar for disabled users - EXO-66363 - Meeds-io/meeds#1129
- fix: Display wallet settings in Space Settings - MEED-3058 - Meeds-io/meeds#1412
- fix: Enable the main stream composer property - MEED-2548 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Enahnce Stream Composer Loading - MEED-2589 - Meeds-io/meeds#1131
- fix: Extra margin to remove when no about me in profile you visit- MEED-2989-Meeds-io/meeds#1315
- fix: Fix About Me Field Update and use Rich Editor field for it - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Fix Activity Comment Editing - MEED-2705 - Meeds-io/meeds#1179
- fix: Fix Activity Not Found Placeholder Style - MEED-2494 - Meeds-io/meeds#1095
- fix: Fix Administration Menu items alignments - MEED-3010 - Meeds-io/meeds#1330
- fix: Fix Bottom Site Navigation Display in Public Site - MEED-2851 - Meeds-io/MIPs#100
- fix: Fix BreadCrumb Navigation Border radius - MEED-3011 - Meeds-io/meeds#1331
- fix: Fix color of Notification CTA - MEED-2958 - Meeds-io/meeds#1277
- fix: fix conflict after merging mip-53 - Meeds-io/MIPs#53
- fix: Fix conflict related to merge Meeds-io/MIPs#92
- fix: Fix Direct Link to reply on comment - MEED-2663 - Meeds-io/meeds#1151
- fix: Fix Drawer Loading Effect Display - MEED-2550 - Meeds-io/meeds#1113
- fix: Fix Dynamic Refresh of Attached images when deleted all - MEED-2038 - Meeds-io/MIPs#53
- fix: Fix feedbacks - Meeds-io/MIPs#95
- fix: Fix Hub Access URLs - MEED-3037 - Meeds-io/meeds#1381
- fix: Fix I18N Activity processing when having emoji - MEED-2990 - Meeds-io/meeds#1117
- fix: Fix Icon alignments and Space navigation spacing - MEED-3036 - Meeds-io/meeds#1380
- fix: Fix JS error in Site Navigation - MEED-2747 - Meeds-io/meeds#1198
- fix: Fix Left Space Selection - MEED-2490 - Meeds-io/meeds#1092
- fix: Fix license Header of newly introduced Java file - Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Fix link type node opening from top bar navigation menu portlet - EXO-68401 - Meeds-io/meeds#1488
- fix: Fix Mail Notification Subject Label for watched activity - MEED-2549 - Meeds-io/meeds#1112
- fix: Fix Mention User Processing - MEED-2930 - Meeds-io/meeds#1286
- fix: Fix Mocked Web Storage Unit Test - MEED-2436 - Meeds-io/meeds#1122
- fix: Fix Preloaded navigation URL for Hamburger Menu - MEED-2727 - Meeds-io/meeds#1176
- fix: Fix Recent Spaces Loading - MEED-2951 - Meeds-io/meeds#1022
- fix: Fix Rendering Old Grouped Comments - MEED-2533 - Meeds-io/meeds#1101
- fix: Fix replacing algorithm for Rich Editor Cotnent - MEED-2704 - Meeds-io/meeds#1178
- fix: Fix Rich Editor modification change - MEED-2596 - Meeds-io/meeds#1135
- fix: Fix Sanitized HTML Processing - MEED-2644 - Meeds-io/meeds#1155
- fix: Fix sending Watch notification when Activity isn't of predefined type - MEED-2531 - Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Fix Server Error Logs for Image Attachments - MEED-2284 - Meeds-io/MIPs#53
- fix: Fix single attributes when it is considered as parent - EXO-67825 - Meeds-io/meeds#1383
- fix: Fix the edit message from general stream - MEED-2665 -Meeds-io/meeds#1159
- fix: Fix the post attach image in general stream - MEED-2587 -Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Fix the post button activation when the property is set to false - MEED-2608 -Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Fix the space stream filter - MEED-2622 - Meeds-io/meeds#1148
- fix: Fix the users mention in CKeditor for the kudos case - MEED-2749 - Meeds-io/meeds#1200
- fix: Fix the users mention in CKeditor - MEED-2666 - Meeds-io/meeds#1160
- fix: Fix Top Bar Items Loading UX - MEED-3022 - Meeds-io/meeds#1326
- fix: Fix topbar menu accessibility - EXO-62481
- fix: fix topbar UI/UX issue - EXO-68385
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Fix User Setting Edit Icon colors - MEED-2690 - Meeds-io/meeds#1169
- fix: Fix User Sugester performances issue - MEED-2879 - Meeds-io/meeds#1258
- fix: Fix UX of Site Details in Mobile - MEED-3033 - Meeds-io/meeds#1372
- fix: Fix Vertical Menu Scroll Style - MEED-3022 - Meeds-io/meeds#1326
- fix: Handle 'Everyone' permission when computing site permissions - EXO-68132 - Meeds-io/meeds#1474
- fix: Hide Activity Composer when not space redactor - MEED-2698 - Meeds-io/meeds#1174
- fix: Hide the reset filter button when using mobile - MEED-2543 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Improve the post CTA from a space - MEED-2070 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Improve the toolbar post CTA - MEED-2401 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Left/right arrow buttons in activity have not accessible name - EXO-62419 - Meeds-io/meeds#1304
- fix: Mention a user when changing the audience - MEED-2463 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Mobile view of activity actions - meed-2275
- fix: Move administration site and default site banners from social to meeds - EXO-68183 - Meeds-io/meeds#1449
- fix: Multifactor group suggestor isn't working - EXO-67960 - Meeds-io/meeds#1494
- fix: Non visible profile attribute is visible in the advanced filter drawer - EXO-65618 - Meeds-io/meeds#1100
- fix: Notification button in top bar have not accessible name - EXO-62523 - Meeds-io/meeds#1296
- fix: Notification options behind watch activity CTA-MEED-2895-Meeds-io/meeds#1270
- fix: Notifications apps in expanded view - no radius applied- MEED-2940-Meeds-io/meeds#1293
- fix: Notification snack-bar not closed - EXO-68048 - Meeds-io/meeds#1425
- fix: paste menu for post short messages - EXO-65657 - Meeds-io/meeds#1073
- fix: Pin activity - no radius applied- MEED-2933-Meeds-io/meeds#1289
- fix: Radius not to be applied to language settings drawer- MEED-2952-Meeds-io/meeds#1298
- fix: Refresh Space cache when activity marked as read - MEED-2986 - Meeds-io/meeds#1309
- fix: Refresh Space Favorite Button in Popups when change elsewhere - MEED-2673 - Meeds-io/meeds#1166
- fix: Remove extra margin in stream page- MEED-2959 - Meeds-io/meeds-1314
- fix: Remove placeholder when editing an activity - MEED-2444 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Remove the html tag when editing an activity and removed mentioned users - MEED-2762 - Meeds-io/meeds#1207
- fix: Remove useless FT flag newLeftNavigationDrawer navigation missed after Meeds-io/MIPs#72 merge
- fix: Reset Style of all CKEditor Contents to have WYSIWYG effect after editing - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102
- fix: Restore oldAdministrationMenu feature after rebase conflict resolution
- fix: Review the display of the composer drawer when space audience chosen - MEED-2569 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Space Activity Stream Load more issue - EXO-66818 - Meeds-io/meeds#1199
- fix: Space application titles not well displayed on mobile view - EXO-68043 - Meeds-io/meeds#1424
- fix: Space popover Favorite icon status - MEED-2667 - Meeds-io/meeds#1161
- fix: Suggestor isn't displaying users - EXO-68574 - Meeds-io/meeds#1503
- fix: The password confirmation validation is not functional - EXO-65860 - Meeds-io/meeds#1075
- fix: Unable to manage documents and notes app in space settings - EXO-65679
- fix: Unify space between activities- MEED-2987-Meeds-io/meeds#1310
- fix: Update Activity Link Template Params on Content Update - MEED-2467 - Meeds-io/meeds#1087
- Fix: Update Profile when synchronized profile property setting from AD - EXO-65023 - Meeds-io/meeds#1084
- fix: Update the global stream cache after joining or leaving space - EXO-66567 - Meeds-io/meeds#1145
- fix: Update the kudos receiver - MEED-2598 -Meeds-io/meeds#1137
- fix: Update the social applications images of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- fix: update upgrade plugin to support Posgresql DB - EXO-67619 - Meeds-io/meeds#1373
- fix: Use "about an hour" instead of "about 60 minutes" - MEED-2828 - Meeds-io/meeds#162
- fix: Use current configured default language in LinkPortlet app - EXO-68280 - Meeds-io/meeds#1463
- feat: Fix link node redirection in top and left navigations - EXO-64557 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix link node redirection issue for sub nodes of top bar navigation - EXO-64610 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix Space Events Triggering - MEED-2263 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- feat: Fix accessibility issue on siteHumburger portlet - EXO-66125 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix breadcrumbs responsive behavior - EXO-67480 - Meeds-io/MIPs#87
- feat: Fix breadcrumbs responsive behavior - EXO-67480 - Meeds-io/MIPs#87
- feat: Fix displaying default folder icon for navigation nodes in left navigation menu - EXO-66373 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix displaying general settings page on administration standalone site - EXO-66546 - Meeds-io/MIPs#88
- feat: Fix feedbacks - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix feedbacks - Meeds-io/MIPs#86
- feat: Fix issue when clicking on a link node from top navigation bar third level - EXO-66389 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix left navigation display problem when the new left navigation FT is disabled - EXO-66217 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix left navigation first and second level issues and feedbacks - EXO-66221 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix left navigation UI issues and filter navigations to be dispayed - EXO-66384 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix login loop when redirecting on the default site as the first not group available - EXO-66447 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix vertical menu UI issues - EXO-67231 - Meeds-io/MIPs#86
- fix: Add cancel button in article creation page to return to previous page - EXO-63301
- fix: Add content title for News analytics - EXO-61869
- fix: Adjust the Styling of the Error Messages for News Header Input - EXO-65316
- fix: Adjust the styling of the news list portlet - EXO-66613
- fix: Adjust the styling of the news mosaic view on the extra-large screen - EXO-66168
- fix: Apply border radius and padding rule to News application portlet - EXO-67631
- fix: Apply border radius for the news target administration - EXO-67636
- fix: apply the border radius to the write news composer button - EXO-68053
- fix: Article drafts edition makes the article displayed on top of the news app - EXO-56012
- fix: Back arrow button on browser shouldn't be redirecting to news editor - EXO-67362
- fix: Button favorite and 3 dots menu in activity detail have no accessible name - EXO-62416
- fix: Change all news redirection urls from current portal name to meta portal name - EXO-68049
- fix: Enable post button after inserting draged or pasted image on the news body - EXO-66290
- fix: Enable to add numbers in the header of news - EXO-64519
- fix: Enable to create a news with title contains a '.' character followed by special character - EXO-66277
- fix: Enable to display published news images for non members - EXO-64339
- fix: Enable to display published news images selected from existing upload for non members - EXO-65111
- fix: Enhance news load resources using load-group - EXO-63805
- fix: favorite button is not colored for news posted in other spaces - EXO-62273
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Fix auto saving of an article edited using his public link - EXO-65336
- fix: Fix Gamification API package name - MEED-2237 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Image Alignment Issue After Saving - EXO-68298
- fix: Fix news filtering by space with search terms - EXO-64778
- fix: Fix News Rich Editor content display style - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102
- fix: Fix news settings form grayed out and not editable - EXO-68547
- fix: fix open embedded links - EXO-65753
- fix: Fix styling issue and prevent empty news template display for non-publishers - EXO-66925
- fix: Gif without animation in news illustration EXO-64163.
- fix: '#' glitches the filter - EXO-65188
- fix: Inserted images/videos aren't considered as a content in news - EXO-65311
- fix: Move eXoResources and eXoSkin Maven Modules from meeds to eXo - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: Move Third party libraries dependencies from meeds to exo - Meeds-io/MIPs#42
- fix: News Card news template does not have a unique ID - EXO-62572 .
- fix: Filtered articles aren't retreived if they contain links - EXO-64780
- fix: News illustration is not centered in news details - EXO-67803
- fix: News list button see have a constrast problem - EXO-62421
- fix: News template accessibility problems - EXO-62419
- fix: Ordred list not dispalyed on news details article - EXO-64061
- fix: Pasted image not displayed after posting news - EXO-66378
- fix: Remove the margin bottom from the news list view portlet - EXO-66613
- fix: Remove the text transformation from the news portlet title - EXO-66613
- fix: Search - paste filtered url in a new tab glitches the display - EXO-65200
- fix: suggest all spaces for the spaces administrator group - EXO-65113
- fix: The search for news using the news tag text does not display any results - EXO-64009
- fix: Unread activities is displayed for hidden activities - EXO-68198
- fix: Update btn disabled in Edit posting/ publishing drawer - EXO-65317
- fix: Update news configuration for image storage location - EXO-64344
- fix: Update the news application image of page editor - EXO-67096
- fix: Update v-alert components - EXO-67600
- fix: User and space avatar are not accessible - EXO-62527
- feat: Gamification connector Fix News gamification event config - EXO-66377 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: add task link for push notification - EXO-67587 - Meeds-io/meeds#1299
- fix: Change task drawer title
- fix: Clear Task Drawer UI components on close - MEED-2643 - Meeds-io/meeds#1154
- fix: Color bullet points of tasks status - EXO-61421 - Meeds-io/meeds#1153
- fix: Enhance task gamification achievement - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Error when trying to add a comment in task with curl - EXO-65882 - Meeds-io/meeds#1067
- fix: filter glitches on myTasks tab when making an edit on a task from the filtred list
- fix: fix style issues with task drawer - EXO-63729 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: Fix Task Changes Drawer left Margin - MEED-1974 - Meeds-io/meeds#835
- fix: Fix Task Comment and description WYSIWYG style - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102
- fix: Fix Task Comment Delete Icon - MEED-2414 - Meeds-io/meeds#941
- fix: Fix Task Label Text truncation - MEED-2664 - Meeds-io/meeds#1065
- fix: Fix Task Mail Notification - MEED-2338 - Meeds-io/meeds#1016
- fix: Fix Task Mention content generation - MEED-2529 - Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Participants Are Only Mentioned - MEED-2689 - Meeds-io/meeds#1168
- fix: Preventing the apply button from triggering the blur event of the task editor description - EXO-66080 Meeds-io/meeds#1105
- fix: Process space is displayed twice in the process task project participants - EXO-62456 - Meeds-io/meeds#924
- fix: Remove Label Thanks to Keyboard - MEED-2707 - Meeds-io/meeds#391
- fix: Replace usage of - by Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Task comments are not working - EXO-66946 - Meeds-io/meeds#1242
- fix: task drawer does not open for task search results - EXO-62888 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: Task mention notification are not displayed inline - EXO-66779 - Meeds-io/meeds#1181
- fix: Tasks event to cancel - MEED-2755 -Meeds-io/meeds#1202
- fix: update duplicated skin module name - EXO-63729 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: Update task widget dynamically - MEED-2802 - Meeds-io/meeds#1224
- fix: Update the task applications images of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- feat: Gamification connector Fix Task gamification event config - MEED-2441 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Add error message context - EXO-66779 - Meeds-io/meeds#1181
- fix: add Natural sorting comparator for Strings with digits - EXO-46735 - Meeds-io/meeds#1056
- fix: Allow retro-compatibility for Meeds DAO members - Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Allow to filter unread notifications - MEED-2552 - Meeds-io/meeds#1110
- fix: anchor disappear in notes app for accentuated chars - EXO-68365 - Meeds-io/meeds#1495
- fix: CKeditor margin issues in font size and paragraph format dropdown lists - EXO-68267 - Meeds-io/meeds#1496
- fix: Delete confirmation alert before reloading page - MEED-411 -Meeds-io/meeds#619
- fix: Error when getting notes app tree drafts after creating a new draft page without title - EXO-65932 - Meeds-io/meeds#1077
- fix: fix accessibility plugin skin name - EXO-66514 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix blank notification settings and administration pages after upgrade from 6.3.x to 6.4.x - EXO-62945 - Meeds-io/meeds#850
- fix: Fix color definition for Heading elements - MEED-3015 - Meeds-io/meeds#1335
- fix: Fix displaying notification when built message is null - MEED-1650 - Meeds-io/meeds#576
- fix: Fix Email footer name and link - MEED-2267
- fix: fix feedback on ckeditor improvements - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix Notification language to use only supported languages - MEED-2897 - Meeds-io/meeds#1272
- fix: Fix Suggester doesn't appear anymore on CKEditor - MEED-2434 - Meeds-io/meeds#1079
- fix: fix table border wyiswyg issue - EXO-65752 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix Toogle CKEditor Format when multiple CKeditors - MEED-2109 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Unread Flag Count Update after Marking as Unread a Web Notification - MEED-2551 - Meeds-io/meeds#1111
- fix: Make Web Notification List retrieving fault tolerant - MEED-2555 - Meeds-io/meeds#1118
- fix: No key for Documents label in settings>Manage notifications page - EXO-64493 - Meeds-io/meeds#1074
- fix: paste menu for post short messages - EXO-65657 - Meeds-io/meeds#1073
- fix: Review border-style of composer/comment field-MEED-2840-Meeds-io/meeds#1177
- fix: Task notification like mention are not displayed in site in certain case - EXO-66779 - Meeds-io/meeds#1181
- fix: Update Time of Web Notification not preserved when marking as read - MEED-2564 - Meeds-io/meeds#1123
- fix: Upgrade Plugin are not comparing meeds version correctly - Meeds-io/meeds#1072
- fix: Update indonesian language identifier - EXO-66238 - Meeds-io/meeds#1163
- fix: Update database changelog and add a postgresql script - EXO-67619 - Meeds-io/meeds#1373
- fix: Unable to login just after password encoder update using rest service
- fix: Too many redirect when login - EXO-68055 - Meeds-io/meeds#1423
- fix: Set "displayed" property of space sites to true - EXO-67478 - Meeds-io/MIPs#88
- fix: Rename Default Registration properties and make it case insensitive - Meeds-io/MIPs#63
- fix: Rename Default Registration properties and make it case insensitive - Meeds-io/MIPs#63
- fix: Rename content Web Contributors name - Meeds-io/MIPs#92
- fix: Rename content Web Contributors name - Meeds-io/MIPs#92
- fix: Provide the portal default language in a js variable - EXO-68280 - Meeds-io/meeds#1463
- fix: New created disabled user displayed in active members list - EXO-64050
- fix: New created disabled user displayed in active members list - EXO-64050
- fix: Navigation redirection for group navigation - EXO-68058 - Meeds-io/meeds#1426
- fix: LDAP user unable to login - EXO-67267 - Meeds-io/meeds#1244
- fix: Improve security for rememberme feature - EXO-59675 - Meeds-io/MIPs#69
- Fix: Fix technical nodes labels in space navigation - EXO-62470 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- Fix: Fix technical nodes labels in space navigation - EXO-62470 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Fix startup server exception when creating PORTAL_SITES indexes - EXO-66763 - Meeds-io/meeds#1175
- fix: Fix startup server exception when creating PORTAL_SITES indexes - EXO-66763 - Meeds-io/meeds#1175
- fix: Fix site properties changing after edit portal layout - EXO-67453 - Meeds-io/MIPs#88
- fix: fix redirecting when user is not logged in - EXO-68381 - Meeds-io/meeds#1426
- fix: fix redirecting for global site navigation - EXO-68381 - Meeds-io/meeds#1426
- fix: Fix Misleading Transaction status on IDM listeners - MEED-2899 - Meeds-io/meeds#1276
- fix: Fix Meta Portal Site Definition in API - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Fix Id Generator in Tests - MEED-2700 - Meeds-io/MIPs#93
- fix: Fix Id Generator in Tests - MEED-2700 - Meeds-io/MIPs#93
- fix: Fix filtering application after changing permissions - EXO-68546 - Meeds-io/meeds#1505
- fix: Fix Emoji usage in Settings Service Value fields - MEED-2896 - Meeds-io/meeds#1271
- fix: Fix displaying page access permissions and page edit permission after update - EXO-68000 - Meeds-io/meeds#1429
- fix: Fix Anonymous access to site - MEED-2505 - Meeds-io/MIPs#84
- fix: Fix Anonymous access to site - MEED-2505 - Meeds-io/MIPs#84
- fix: Display Shared layout in all portal types different from site - MEED-3014 - Meeds-io/meeds#1334
- fix: Delete useless preloaded resource - MEED-2589 - Meeds-io/meeds#1131
- fix: Delete useless preloaded resource - MEED-2589 - Meeds-io/meeds#1131
- Fix: Delete a useless Comma - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- Fix: Delete a useless Comma - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Default Cache configuration of Groups
- fix: correctly remove the remember me token if it does not manage to authenticate - EXO-63622 - Meeds-io/meeds#882
- fix: correctly remove the remember me token if it does not manage to authenticate - EXO-63622 - Meeds-io/meeds#882
- fix: Clean Useless Maven Modules - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: Clean Useless Maven Modules - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: Clean insert left/right dropdown from UISimpleColumn container - EXO-64611 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Clean insert left/right dropdown from UISimpleColumn container - EXO-64611 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Avoid NPE when displaying Page - Meeds-io/meeds#845
- fix: Allow to create a user with hyphen in user if authorized by regexp property - EXO-66876 - Meeds-io/meeds#1197
- fix: Allow to create a user with hyphen in user if authorized by regexp property - EXO-66876 - Meeds-io/meeds#1197
- fix: Add Test Conf to ignore Hibernate warnings - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Add passwordSalt128 attribute to non profile keys - EXO-65823 - Meeds-io/meeds#1061
- fix: Add passwordSalt128 attribute to non profile keys - EXO-65823 - Meeds-io/meeds#1061
- fix: Add hidden class when portlet is empty-MEED-2977-Meeds-io/meeds#1313
- feat: Fix login loop when redirecting on the default site as the first not group available - EXO-66447 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- fix: Add Missing file in Crowdin Configuration File - MEED-2273 - Meeds-io/meeds#999
- fix: Adjust wysiwyg issue in content area between view and edit mode - EXO-66650 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Apply MOP API Refactoring to Enahance Loading Time of Sites - MEED-1777 - Meeds-io/meeds#660
- fix: Create a note is not working - EXO-67185 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Display Notes Editor Page in standalone mode - Meeds-io/meeds#755 - MEED-1912
- Fix: Enhance notes gamification achievement - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Error when searching notes - EXO-65101 - Meeds-io/meeds#1038
- fix: Fix Border Radius of Notes Application - MEED-2976 - Meeds-io/meeds#1305
- fix: Fix Browser Go Back in Notes - MEED-3019 - Meeds-io/meeds#1336
- fix: fix cke embed media wysiwyg issue - EXO-65717 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: fix detecting tags on notes update - EXO-66540 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix feedback in ckeditor improvement - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix HTML codesnippet on edit - MEED-3013 - Meeds-io/meeds#1333
- fix: Fix Image Alignment Issue After Saving - EXO-68298 - Meeds-io/meeds#1482
- fix: fix inserted image wysiwyg issue in edit mode - EXO-66452 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix note don't get posted if its content isn't changed - EXO-58861
- fix: Fix Notes Page gamification listener braodcast - MEED-2230 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: fix note version language favorite item issue - EXO-65766 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: Fix Note WYSIWYG style - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102
- fix: fix open embedded links - EXO-65753 - Meeds-io/meeds#1306
- fix: Fix scrolling issue in the single note view application edit mode - EXO-68518_68519 - Meeds-io/notes#917
- fix: Fix SNV toolbar position - MEED-3004 - Meeds-io/MIPs#108
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Hide unnecessary warning alert message for note access without edit permission - EXO-62612 Meeds-io/meeds#840
- fix: Insert position is wrong EXO-65312 - Meeds-io/meeds#1019
- fix: Navigation menu appears randomly in wrong place - EXO-64938 - Meeds-io/meeds#1025
- Fix: Notes - Navigation menu in a note with a text is not displayed in view mode - EXO-67951 - Meeds-io/meeds#1484
- fix: ok button disabled when inserting image for a not saved note -EXO-64433 - Meeds-io/meeds#944
- fix: Publish Note when Created - MEED-2980 - Meeds-io/meeds#1308
- fix: Resolve the mobile display issue related to the bulleted list - EXO-68427
- fix: Return child notes sorted with natural sorting rule - EXO-46735 - Meeds-io/meeds#1056
- fix: Set primary text color for navigation menu - EXO-67647 - Meeds-io/meeds#1318
- fix: Set zero margin top of first title comes in page content - EXO-66864 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Standardize font styles/size - EXO-61667 - Meeds-io/meeds#641
- fix: Update notes configuration for image storage location - EXO-64344
- fix: Update the notes applications images of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- fix: Use the content of the note in the zip when importing a note - EXO-68356 - meeds-io/meeds~1475
- fix: Wrong UX for translation button in view mode - EXO-67284 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: Wysiwyg issue in tabel when width property is not set - EXO-66882 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Wysiwy issue in table border property EXO-66692 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- feat: fix merge conflicts - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- feat: Gamification connector Fix Notes gamification event config - MEED-2441 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Can not preview a file when its title contains a % - EXO-65642
- fix: Change Charset of DOCUMENT_TITLE to UTF-8 - EXO-64213
- fix: Don't prevent other users from saving new versions even if they have not added changes - EXO-64990
- fix: Enable to download document containing apostrophe from action menu of preview mode - EXO-66214
- fix: Re-enforce lock when versionning the node in case of edition with multiple users - EXO-67975
- fix: Remove unneeded functions from IdentityManager Mock - EXO-68162 - Meeds-io/meeds#142
- fix: Set correctly the Onlyoffice editor language - EXO-64615
- fix: Unable to open a document in edition - EXO-67974
- fix: When a version is created by system, the version history drawer is empty - EXO-65435
- fix: Add Class Helpers for padding and margin outside Vue apps - MEED-3023 - Meeds-io/meeds#1349 (#713)
- fix: Add missing class for uiIconMiniArrowRight - MEED-2468 - Meeds-io/meeds#1088 (#672)
- fix: Add Missing file in Crowdin Configuration File - MEED-2273 - Meeds-io/meeds#999
- fix: Add workaround for Viewport definition in Mobile - MEED-2819 - Meeds-io/meeds#1232 (#704)
- fix: Adjust the identity suggester display - MEED-2540 - Meeds-io/meeds#1132 (#682)
- fix: Adjust wysiwyg issue in content area between view and edit mode - EXO-66650 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Apply MOP API Refactoring to Enahance Loading Time of Sites - MEED-1777 - Meeds-io/meeds#660
- fix: Can not preview a file when its title contains a % - EXO-65642 (#205)
- fix: Change Charset of DOCUMENT_TITLE to UTF-8 - EXO-64213 (#202)
- Fix: Conflict during merge MIP-80
- fix: Create a note is not working - EXO-67185 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: Date picker is hidden on Analytics page - EXO-65430 - Meeds-io/meeds#1024 (#669)
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Display Notes Editor Page in standalone mode - Meeds-io/meeds#755 - MEED-1912
- fix: Don't prevent other users from saving new versions even if they have not added changes - EXO-64990 (#195)
- fix: Enable to download document containing apostrophe from action menu of preview mode - EXO-66214
- fix: Enhance notes gamification achievement - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Error when searching notes - EXO-65101 - Meeds-io/meeds#1038
- fix: Fix Border Radius of Notes Application - MEED-2976 - Meeds-io/meeds#1305
- fix: Fix Bottom Bar Display on chrome for Mobile - MEED-2187 - Meeds-io/meeds#949
- fix: Fix Browser Go Back in Notes - MEED-3019 - Meeds-io/meeds#1336
- fix: Fix Bullet Points Rich Editor Style - MEED-2553 - Meeds-io/meeds#1114 (#676)
- fix: fix cke embed media wysiwyg issue - EXO-65717 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix color of Heading elements - MEED-3015 - Meeds-io/meeds#1335 (#712)
- fix: Fix Container Style when applied twice - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351 (#722)
- fix: fix detecting tags on notes update - EXO-66540 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix feedback in ckeditor improvement - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix HTML codesnippet on edit - MEED-3013 - Meeds-io/meeds#1333
- fix: Fix Image Alignment Issue After Saving - EXO-68298 - Meeds-io/meeds#1482
- fix: fix inserted image wysiwyg issue in edit mode - EXO-66452 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Fix note don't get posted if its content isn't changed - EXO-58861
- fix: Fix Notes Page gamification listener braodcast - MEED-2230 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix note version language favorite item issue - EXO-65766 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: Fix Note WYSIWYG style - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102
- fix: Fix open embedded links - EXO-65753 - Meeds-io/meeds#1306
- fix: Fix Rich Editor Numbered List display - MEED-2337 - Meeds-io/meeds#1027 (#662)
- fix: Fix scrolling issue in the single note view application edit mode - EXO-68518_68519 - Meeds-io/notes#917
- fix: Fix SNV toolbar position - MEED-3004 - Meeds-io/MIPs#108
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Fix Vuetify Based link Colors - MEED-2534 - Meeds-io/meeds#1102 (#674)
- Fix: Heading 3 color in editor of Notes app - EXO-68247
- fix: Hide unnecessary warning alert message for note access without edit permission - EXO-62612 Meeds-io/meeds#840
- fix: Insert position is wrong EXO-65312 - Meeds-io/meeds#1019
- fix: Navigation menu appears randomly in wrong place - EXO-64938 - Meeds-io/meeds#1025
- fix: Notes - Navigation menu in a note with a text is not displayed in view mode - EXO-67951 - Meeds-io/meeds#1484
- fix: ok button disabled when inserting image for a not saved note -EXO-64433 - Meeds-io/meeds#944
- fix: Publish Note when Created - MEED-2980 - Meeds-io/meeds#1308
- fix: Re-enforce lock when versionning the node in case of edition with multiple users - EXO-67975
- fix: remove unneeded functions from IdentityManager Mock - EXO-68162 - Meeds-io/meeds#142 (#225)
- fix: Resolve the mobile display issue related to the bulleted list - EXO-68427
- fix: return child notes sorted with natural sorting rule - EXO-46735 - Meeds-io/meeds#1056
- fix: Set correctly the Onlyoffice editor language - EXO-64615 (#209)
- fix: Set primary text color for navigation menu - EXO-67647 - Meeds-io/meeds#1318
- fix: Set zero margin top of first title comes in page content - EXO-66864 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: Standardize font styles/size - EXO-61667 - Meeds-io/meeds#641
- fix: Unable to open a document in edition - EXO-67974
- fix: update notes configuration for image storage location - EXO-64344
- fix: Update the notes applications images of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- fix: Use the content of the note in the zip when importing a note - EXO-68356 - meeds-io/meeds~1475
- fix: When a version is created by system, the version history drawer is empty - EXO-65435 (#197)
- fix: Wrong UX for translation button in view mode - EXO-67284 - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- fix: wysiwyg issue in tabel when width property is not set - EXO-66882 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- fix: wysiwy issue in table border property EXO-66692 - Meeds-io/MIPs#71
- feat: fix merge conflicts - Meeds-io/MIPs#70
- feat: Gamification connector Fix Notes gamification event config - MEED-2441 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Add site navigation extension in a load-group - EXO-68206
- fix: Allow to update the node permissions to everyone twice - EXO-68151
- fix: Apply border radius and padding rule to Site management portlet - EXO-67633
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Fix copy node issue - EXO-65160 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- fix: fix displaying existing page suggestions - EXO-68523
- fix: Fix edit site properties - EXO-66773 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- fix: Fix insert left/right action of UISimpleColumn container - EXO-64611 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- fix: Fix opening site navigation from site card - EXO-68188
- fix: Fix site navigation behavior issues from manage space portlet - EXO-65306 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- fix: Hide edit layout for aggregated sites- EXO-67641
- fix: Remove extra margin between portlets of section template - EXO-67744
- fix: Remove useless getNavigationNodes and getSiteNavigations functions from siteNavigationService.js - EXO-68401
- fix: Update v-alert components - EXO-67597
- feat: Fix displaying non meta sites in the existing page site suggester list - EXO-66348 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix display of the 3 dots icon on parent nodes when hovering on child nodes - EXO-63843 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix issues of node icon picker font awesome drawer - EXO-66373 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix issues related to site description field - EXO-66263 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix issue when move up or move down a node - EXO-65242 - Meeds-io/MIPs#68
- feat: Fix left navigation UI issues and filter navigations to be displayed - EXO-66384 - Meeds-io/MIPs#72
- feat: Fix link node redirection in site navigation drawer after creation and edit link node - EXO-64557 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix Navigation tree behavior issues - EXO-64720 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix the display of 3 dots in site navigation drawer - EXO-64595 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix the display of toast notification in expand mode - EXO-64594 - Meeds-io/MIPs#51
- feat: Fix vertical menu technical issues - EXO-67261 - Meeds-io/MIPs#86
- fix: Blank space is appended when receiving a call - EXO-63688
- fix: Error 500 when launching a call - EXO-65875
- fix: Error in logs when lookig for js map file - EXO-66212
- fix: Fix call button display - EXO-66885
- fix: jitsi call button is not well displayed in left menu level 2 - EXO-66752
- fix: Reuse centralized Toast Notifs component - EXO-67596
- fix: Upgrade transliteration from 2.2.0 to 2.3.5
- fix: Apply the border radius and the padding rule on the mail intagration settings application - EXO-67623
- fix: Display mail content in html when possible - EXO-67301
- fix: Move eXoResources and eXoSkin Maven Modules from meeds to eXo - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: Update the web notification template - EXO-67463
- fix: Add new folder/document button labels not displayed on mobile view - EXO-64606
- fix: Adjust ui icons positions of visibility collaborators - EXO-64544
- fix: After collaborating on a document group permission isn't displayed in the access manage drawer -EXO-63772
- fix: Allow downloading documents with special characters and '+' - EXO-65518
- fix: Apply border radius on the document application - EXO-67618
- fix: Blank content page displayed when open document app - EXO-63718
- fix: Button change when selecting one item - EXO-66238
- fix: Can not preview a file when its title contains a % - EXO-65642
- fix: Cleaning the document's name from accents when renaming a document - EXO-66370
- fix: Could not load folder content when redirected from the preview URL of a document - EXO-67548
- fix: Create a symlink to the user's personal documents when assigning a space member as a document collaborator - EXO-65095
- fix: Display all type of folders - EXO-65353
- fix: Can't disable document edition on which there are all rights - EXO-63201
- fix: Do not notify space members when the space is assigned as a document collaborator - EXO-65094
- fix: Downloading documents keeps loading when we download multiple elements from different locations - EXO-67972
- fix: Downloading files fails with some encoded chars - EXO-65735
- fix: Enable the search for document descriptions using the tag name - EXO-65172
- fix: Enable to preview and download file with name contains a special character - EXO-64575
- fix: Enable to search document with name contains an elastic search reserved characters - EXO-64651
- fix: Enable to updating document permisson from the all users visibilty drawer - EXO-65052
- fix: Enable to upload a file containing an '+' character in its name - EXO-64192
- fix: Enable to upload a file with name contains a special character from the download menu action - EXO-64549
- fix: Enable to upload document in folder with name contains '.' character - EXO-64403 - EXO-64406
- fix: Enable to upload document on shortcut sub folder - EXO-65264
- fix: Fix copy public link on ios - EXO-64645
- fix: Fix deleting several selected symlinks - EXO-64184
- fix: Fix DocumentSize Widget installation Listener - Meeds-io/MIPs#50 #565
- fix: Fix issue of multiple document selection deletion alert always showing 0 elements - EXO-68276
- fix: fix muliple selection downloaded zip name - EXO-64506
- fix: Fix renaming documents with accents - EXO-67736
- fix: Fix the display issue when multi-selection flag is not active - EXO-59518
- fix: Fix the infinite loop that occurs when creating a shortcut of a folder within the same folder -EXO-65086
- fix: Fix visibility rules when share folder with a user personal drive - EXO-63701
- fix: Fix wrong count for expiration delay when choosing day option - EXO-67306
- fix: Grant all permissions to space hosts and editors when the document visibility is set to Only designated collaborator -EXO-65224
- fix: Implement natural comparator to sort tree view items - EXO-63141
- fix: Load all files when they exceed pagination limit - EXO-64087
- fix: Move drawer ko - EXO-67091
- fix: Move NaturalComparator of Strings to commons module - EXO-46735 - Meeds-io/meeds#1056
- fix: Multiple zip downloaded on multi-selection when several tabs are opened - EXO-64506
- fix: Navigate between folders using history button of browser - EXO-63527
- fix: No results displayed if search starts with a special character - EXO-65198
- fix: Notification redirection issue after sharing documment with personal drive -EXO-63618
- fix: Notify only corresponding collaborators after making changes on their permission on the document managed access drawer - EXO-65096
- fix: Notify only corresponding collaborators after making changes on their permission on the document managed access drawer - EXO-65096
- fix: No versioning when a documents is imported by a zip file - EXO-67504
- fix: Opening the personal drive in a new tab or refreshing the current tab does not display the document list - EXO-68443
- fix: Prevent dragging and dropping documents when the Edit Name mode is active - EXO-67175
- fix: Prevent group administrators from being displayed in the access management drawer for non-group administrator members - EXO-64412
- fix: Redirect the user to the destination folder after creating a document shortcut to a renamed space location - EXO-65390
- fix: Redirect user to destination folder after move to or create shortuct document action - EXO-63545
- fix: Redirect user to the destination folder after creating a document shortcut - EXO-65263
- fix: Remove the symlink when designating a document's collaborator - EXO-65859
- fix: Root folder in treeview drawer not translated EXO-64528
- fix: Share document with user who have left the space - EXO-63717
- fix: Treeview label is not translated in folder view in documents app
- fix: UI Cleanup portlet Documents size - EXO-67616
- fix: UI issues in action menu - EXO-63902,EXO-59499
- fix: Update the documents applications images of page editor - EXO-67096
- fix: Update web notification from gtmpl to vue - EXO-66410
- fix: Upload files under symlink folders - EXO-66517
- fix: Upload or create documents within the shortcut of a folder created in exo 6.3 after upgrading to exo 6.4/6.5 - EXO-65280
- fix: When a version is created by system, the version history drawer is empty - EXO-65435
- fix: Wrong sorting by access type of files/folders - EXO-67314
- feat: Fix download one folder action - EXO-64605
- fix: Add a default time zone to resolve the build failure in the unit tests - EXO-66210
- fix: Apply border radius to agenda user setting - EXO-67621
- fix: Clean up agenda admin settings - EXO-67634
- fix: Dispaly all day events planned for the current day on the agenda gadget in space stream page - EXO-65143
- fix: drag and drop extend event - EXO-65674
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Fix AgendaTimeline Widget installation Listener - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix event duplicated when recurring event is updated - EXO-67588
- fix: Fix Gamification API package name - MEED-2237 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Move agenda connectors extension in a group js - EXO-67332
- fix: Prevent to send the reminder notification of the parent recurrent event to avoid the redundancy at the first occurrence -EXO-65965
- fix: Remove the use secret key in agenda connectors in the front side - EXO-65042
- fix: Replace Web Notification rendering engine from gtmpl to Vue - EXO-66404
- fix: Reuse centralized Toast Notifs component - EXO-67592
- fix: Some properties lost when updating a recurrent event - EXO-63856
- fix: UI Cleanup portlet Agenda - EXO-67630
- fix: UI Cleanup portlet Agenda timeline - EXO-67617
- fix: Update the agenda applications images of page editor - EXO-67096
- fix: Wrong recurrence day selected when updating an event by D&D - EXO-63851
- fix: Wrong time selected when updating an event by D&D - EXO-63851
- feat: Gamification connector Fix Agenda gamification event config - EXO-66377 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Access to edit page layout is not working
- fix: After a page refresh, events are not pushed to Google Calendar - EXO-65485
- fix: Exchange connector make a request related to inbox to check credentials - EXO-63702
- fix: Move agenda connectors extension in a group js - EXO-67332
- fix: Refactor agenda google connector - EXO-65042
- fix: Renew JWT token to avoid its expiration - EXO-65633
- fix: Use local storage for storing MS tokens to avoid frequent logins - EXO-65633
- fix: Chat icon on users popover not displayed - EXO-65999
- fix: Chat icon should only be displayed for space members - EXO-64806
- fix: Delete useless Third party libraries dependencies declaration - Meeds-io/MIPs#42
- fix: Edit chat messages in the default message composer - EXO-65075
- fix: Emojis aren't recognized after the break line in the chat message - EXO-65070
- fix: Enable to open a file containing an '+' character in its title in the chat application - EXO-64326
- fix: Enable to preview and dowload file with name contains a special character - EXO-64575
- fix: Enhance infinite loading of chat when logged out - EXO-67681
- fix: Error when retrieving chat settings - EXO-64706
- fix: Exisiting users in a chatroom are suggested to be added again in edit mode - EXO-64919
- fix: Fix css regression on chat - EXO-66336
- fix: Line breack isn't recognized after a Blockquote - EXO-65349
- fix: Reinitialize composer after message edition - EXO-66875
- fix: Remove the limit when getting the list of room participants in edit mode - EXO-64727
- fix: Revert an error in chat services - EXO-68172
- Fix: Search KO chat app - EXO-65937
- fix: Stop retrieving online users when some requests are pending - EXO-65044
- fix: UI cleanup portlet - chat space settings block - EXO-67620
- fix: Upgrade MongoDB and MongoDB driver - EXO-64442
- fix: Bypass MFA login screen when user is already authorized - EXO-65641
- fix: Display user informations in revocation requests list - EXO-64957
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Move eXoResources and eXoSkin Maven Modules from meeds to eXo - Meeds-io/MIPs#52
- fix: move missing configuration file in mfa module - Meeds-io/MIPs#79
- fix: Multi-Factor group suggester isn't working - EXO-67960
- fix: Update v-alert components - EXO-67598
- fix: Add missing PDF dependency - EXO-63719
- fix: Fix Huge Memory consumption in WebDav Access
- fix: Remove unused transitive dependency cxf client - EXO-64344
- fix: Reuse centralized Toast Notifs component - EXO-67596
- fix: Special char prevents downloading files with Webdav - EXO-65735
- fix: Deleted space message displayed instead of space name in content analytics page - Meeds-io/meeds#903 - EXO-63797
- fix: Fix Full Page display collected data duration in non dev mode - MEED-1805 - Meeds-io/meeds#697
- fix: Update the analytics applications images for the editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- fix: Achievement is not clickable anymore - MEED-2028 - Meeds-io/meeds#878
- fix: Achievement not accessible - MEED-2068 - Meeds-io/meeds#907
- fix: Allow to add Rule even without attached images - MEED-2035 - Meeds-io/MIPs#53
- fix: Allow to Program Member to access achievement of other Members - MEED-2566 - Meeds-io/meeds#1125
- fix: Avoid gamifying like action on own activity or comment - MEED-2204 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- Fix: Cancel a gamified event - MEED-1842 - Meeds-io/meeds#775
- Fix: Cancel a sent kudos - MEED-1692 - Meeds-io/meeds#771
- fix: Cleanup and fix Meeds predefined Events usage - MEED-2363 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Delete Activities Clearing when chaging user profile - MEED-2391 - Meeds-io/meeds#1048
- fix: Delete radius on Badgers in Overview - MEED-3064 - Meeds-io/meeds#1427
- fix: Delete useless Gamification Document Upload Event - MEED-2205 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Description displays empty in program and rule description editors - MEED-1953 - Meeds-io/meeds#812
- Fix: Engagement Center Cancel a challenge announcement - MEED-1691 - Meeds-io/meeds#221
- Fix: Engagement Center Cancel an achievement - MEED-1609 - Meeds-io/meeds#221
- fix: Enhance UX on User Gamification Widget - MEED-2847 - Meeds-io/MIPs#100
- fix: Fix Achievements Application Margins - MEED-2372 - Meeds-io/meeds#1033
- fix: Fix Achievements export and date filtering - MEED-2347 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Achievements list filtering - MEED-2224 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Action Form Disable Button - MEED-2596 - Meeds-io/meeds#1135
- fix: Fix Action Rule Title emoji bad display - MEED-2384 - Meeds-io/meeds#1042
- fix: Fix Admin Connector Configuration Display - MEED-3089 - Meeds-io/meeds#1461
- fix: Fix Announcement Activity Comment Options - MEED-2296 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix arrow-back color to go back to previous page - MEED-2740 -Meeds-io/meeds#1204
- fix: Fix automatic event definition - MEED-2193 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Avatar and Banner Update Gamification - MEED-2202 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Canceling Gamification Action - MEED-2126 - Meeds-io/meeds#933
- fix: Fix Challenge Title truncation in Realizations - MEED-1952 - Meeds-io/meeds#811
- fix: Fix Disabled Program Display of CTA Button - MEED-2219 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix display gamified portlet if not connected - MEED-2601 - Meeds-io/meeds#1141
- fix: Fix Display of Action Activity Message - MEED-2380 - Meeds-io/meeds#1037
- fix: Fix display of activities when program is deleted or disabled - MEED-2855 - Meeds-io/meeds#1250
- fix: Fix Display of Emojis In Web Notifications - MEED-2319 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix display of Program Drawer - MEED-2841 - Meeds-io/MIPs#100
- fix: Fix Display of User Points - MEED-1929 - Meeds-io/meeds#770
- fix: Fix Ellipsis for title - MEED-1621 - Meeds-io/meeds#1013
- fix: Fix Exported File Header - MEED-2308 - Meeds-io/meeds#1011
- fix: Fix I18N label initialization in Connectors - MEED-3073 - Meeds-io/meeds#1439
- fix: Fix icon overflow in connectors -administration - MEED-3083 - Meeds-io/meeds#1446
- fix: Fix labels for recognition menu - MEED-2351 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Fix Labels in Public page Program CTA - MEED-2804 - Meeds-io/MIPs#100
- fix: Fix loading I18N of Challenge in Stream - MEED-1970 - Meeds-io/meeds#832
- fix: Fix Notification Extension Initialization - MEED-3086 - Meeds-io/meeds#1448
- fix: Fix Pie Chart display in Widget when resizing window - MEED-2017 - Meeds-io/meeds#747
- fix: Fix Program Card Avatars alignment and enhance error handling while saving - MEED-2222 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Program date info display - MEED-2123 - Meeds-io/meeds#930
- fix: Fix Program Form Disable Button - MEED-2604 - Meeds-io/meeds#1144
- fix: Fix Programs Toolbar Tab Margin - MEED-1289 - MEED-2171 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Realizations Filtering Algorithm - MEED-2121 - Meeds-io/meeds#928
- fix: Fix Refreshing Challenges after update - MEED-2084 - Meeds-io/meeds#49
- fix: Fix retrieving owner programs - MEED-2121 - Meeds-io/meeds#928
- fix: Fix Retrieving Profile Stats when Program is Deleted - MEED-2891 - Meeds-io/MIPs#104
- fix: Fix Rule Access link Menu Item - MEED-2349 - MEED-2350 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Rule displayed with another program while editing - MEED-2186 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix Sorting Programs by Max Score - MEED-1653 - Meeds-io/meeds#837
- fix: Fix Space Grant Host Event Name - MEED-2200 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Fix Used Delimiter When Exporting XLSX - MEED-2308 - Meeds-io/meeds#1011
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Fix Users Leaderboard computing - MEED-1957 - Meeds-io/meeds#816
- fix: Fix using common JS Services before init - MEED-3070 - Meeds-io/meeds#1433
- fix: Github connector fix display gamification connector user setting on mobile - MEED-2363 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Implement new common connector extension - MEED-2962 - MEED-3080 - Meeds-io/meeds#1442 - Meeds-io/MIPs#105
- fix: Improve extensibility by using an image to display the rule avatar - MEED-2766 - Meeds-io/MIPs#94
- fix: Move PerkStore labels from Gamification - MEED-2013 - Meeds-io/meeds#864
- fix: Move Task Labels to dedicated addon - MEED-2201 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- fix: Placeholder visible while not needed
- fix: Points for a program not ok with new add action drawer - MEED-2104 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Program owner can see related achievements - MEED-2063 - Meeds-io/meeds#898
- fix: Refresh Rule audience when changing domain audience - MEED-2112 Meeds-io/meeds#855
- Fix: Reject all realization related to deleted activity or comment - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Remove extra-margin to remove for connectors page - MEED-2741 -Meeds-io/meeds#1205
- fix: Rework Domain Score Computing Query - MEED-1653
- fix: Send a kudos from the overview page - MEED-2079 -Meeds-io/meeds#879
- fix: Unable to create a declarative rule when using psql - EXO-67984 - Meeds-io/meeds#1317
- fix: Update the applications images in Contributions category of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- feat: Fix End Date Display of Action in Activity Stream - MEED-2292 - Meeds-io/MIPs#50
- feat: Fix gamifications portlet UI feedback - MEED-2653- Meeds-io/MIPs#81
- fix: Fix administration site nodes order - EXO-67778
- fix: Fix displaying analytics page - EXO-67565
- fix: jitsi call button is not well displayed in left menu level 2 - EXO-66752
- fix: Preserve webconf_session_token cookie httponly and secure state for logout filter
- fix: Update web notification template from gtmpl to vue - EXO-66415
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Fix merge MIPs-88 - Meeds-io/MIPs#88
- fix: Fix Metamask Image URL - MEED-2092 - Meeds-io/meeds#920
- fix: Fix Perks Deletion process - MEED-2382 This change is changing the permissions to check when deleting a perk to only managers instead of all members of audience.
- fix: Fix referencing mandatory Wallet JS resources - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Move PerkStore labels from Gamification - MEED-2013 - Meeds-io/meeds#864
- fix: Perkstore page - placeholder review-MEED-2839-Meeds-io/meeds#849
- fix: wrong column type for Product.isdeleted in postgresql - Meeds-io/meeds#791 - EXO-63088
- fix: Add some enhancements to the the activity toolbar icons - MEED-2581 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Adjust the author items to the left in the kudos drawer - MEED-2821 - Meeds-io/meeds#1245
- fix: Adjust the display of icons used in the composer drawer - MEED-2606 -Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Adjust the kudos CTA from general stream - MEED-2568 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Adjust the padding between receiver and audience - MEED-2599 -Meeds-io/meeds#1140
- fix: Align action labels below the composer - MEED-2609 -Meeds-io/MIP#54
- Fix: Cancel a sent kudos - MEED-1692 - Meeds-io/meeds#771
- fix: Clean the kudos drawer after sending one to a user - MEED-2585 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Delete Asynchronous Kudos Comment deletion when canceled - MEED-2381 - Meeds-io/meeds#1039
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Fix Cancel Sending Kudos Achievement status - MEED-2027 - Meeds-io/meeds#921
- fix: Fix Kudos Sending outside of activities - MEED-2476 - Meeds-io/meeds#1090
- fix: Fix Send and Receive Kudos event names initialization - MEED-2193 - Meeds-io/MIPs#49
- fix: Fix sending Kudos from space Stream - MEED-3071 - Meeds-io/meeds#1435
- fix: Fix the audience kudos drawer display when hover a profile - MEED-2624 -Meeds-io/meeds#1150
- fix: Fix the padding between the audience and chosen audience - MEED-2580 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Fix the send kudos button activation - MEED-2443 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Fix the users mention in CKeditor for the kudos case - MEED-2749 - Meeds-io/meeds#1200
- fix: Fix used meta site name reference - MEED-3024 - Meeds-io/meeds#1351
- fix: Hide audience when sending kudos through an activity or a comment - MEED-2597 -Meeds-io/meeds#1136
- fix: Improve the toolbar post CTA - MEED-2401 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- Fix: Option to delete a kudos message - MEED-1890 - Meeds-io/meeds#781
- fix: Remove placeholder when editing an activity - MEED-2444 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- fix: Reset the audience field to empty after closing send kudos drawer - MEED-2801 - Meeds-io/meeds#1223
- fix: Review the display of the composer drawer when space audience chosen - MEED-2569 - Meeds-io/MIP#54
- fix: Update the kudos receiver - MEED-2598 -Meeds-io/meeds#1137
- fix: Update the kudos receiver - MEED-2777 -Meeds-io/meeds#1211
- fix: Update the receiver field after sending kudos - MEED-2419 - Meeds-io/MIPs#54
- feat: Gamification connector Fix Kudos gamification event config - MEED-2441 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64
- fix: Add exception for mocked classes with security manager - EXO-65023 - Meeds-io/meeds#1084 #59
- fix: Fix Heavy Addons deployments in Kernel Startup - MEED-1965 - Meeds-io/meeds#829
- fix: Add activity/comment link for push notification - EXO-67587 - Meeds-io/meeds#1299
- fix: Add company name from Branding service for the Push notification title to fix NPE - EXO-63726 - Meeds-io/meeds#904
- fix: Fix Mobile Push Notification Message content processing - MEED-2556 - Meeds-io/meeds#1119
- fix: Social notifications are not displayed inline - EXO-67216 - Meeds-io/meeds#1241
- fix: Addressing XSS vulnerability during application creation - EXO-67968 - Meeds-io/meeds#1441
- fix: Fix displaying app center cards - EXO-62978 - Meeds-io/meeds#785
- fix: Fix the empty application center list on a new server - EXO-68230 - Meeds-io/meeds#1462
- fix: Increase the application center permission column max length - EXO-66927 - Meeds-io/meeds#1240
- feat: fix admin setup border radius - MEED-2729- Meeds-io/MIPs#81
- fix: Delete useless Mocked methods - MEED-1580 - Meeds-io/meeds#1428
- fix: Display wallet settings in Space Settings - MEED-3058 - Meeds-io/meeds#1412
- fix: Enhance Wallet Funds Display in Notifications - MEED-2528 - Meeds-io/MIPs#80
- fix: Fix Accepting Funds Request Url - MEED-3060 - Meeds-io/meeds#1413
- fix: Fix Display of Rewarded Transaction information when duplicated in database - MEED-2455 - Meeds-io/meeds#1086
- fix: Fix display of Space Wallet Creation for to non managers - MEED-3059 - Meeds-io/meeds#1418
- fix: Fix Initializing Wallet Upcoming Reward Overview - MEED-2311 - Meeds-io/meeds#1012
- fix: Fix wallet association for same address - MEED-2318
- fix: Fix Wallet Main Currency Name - MEED-2307 - Meeds-io/meeds#1010
- fix: Fix Wallet Reward Computing Job - MEED-2455 - Meeds-io/meeds#1086
- fix: Fix Wallet Rewards Report notification sending - MEED-2394 - Meeds-io/meeds#1051
- fix: Improve display Wallet Overview UX - MEED-2311 - Meeds-io/meeds#1012
- fix: Update the wallet application image of page editor - EXO-67096 - Meeds-io/meeds#1358
- feat: Gamification connector Fix wallet gamification event config - MEED-2441 - Meeds-io/MIPs#64