What's Changed
Bug fixes:
- fix: Allow importing custom & multivalued properties with csv - EXO-65669 - Meeds-io/meeds#1070
- fix: The password confirmation validation is not functional - EXO-65860 - Meeds-io/meeds#1075
- fix: Chat icon should only be displayed for space members - EXO-64806 - Meeds-io/meeds#1069.
- fix: Paste menu for post short messages - EXO-65657 - Meeds-io/meeds#1073
- fix: Remove the user from the old group synchronized profile property groups - EXO-64814 - Meeds-io/meeds#1052
- fix: The full name isn't updated after updating multiple profile properties - EXO-65382 - Meeds-io/meeds#1050
- fix: Can not search attributes containing spaces in the field name - EXO-65498 - Meeds-io/meeds#1031
- fix: Select the drive of the current space in attachment drawer -EXO-67230 (#2204)
- fix: Store files under space root folder - EXO-64344 (#2203)
- fix: Enable to create news article with title contains a '.' character followed by special character - EXO-66277
- fix: Disabling transition effects on the circular progress bar for fie uploads - EXO-63220
- fix: After adding a document version, allow to create a new activity when the original is deleted - EXO-65154
- fix: Clean the profile property group synchronized name of special characters - EXO-66936 - Meeds-io/meeds#1228
- fix: Space Activity Stream Load more issue - EXO-66818 - Meeds-io/meeds#1199
- fix: Deleted typed chars from search field when searching with long names - EXO-66349 - Meeds-io/meeds#1128
- fix: Display the default user avatar for disabled users - EXO-66363 - Meeds-io/meeds#1129
- fix: Display unread notifications correctly after clicking - EXO-66167 - Meeds-io/meeds#1103
- fix: Un-visible profile attribute is visible in the advanced filter drawer - EXO-65618 - Meeds-io/meeds#1100
- fix: Disable the save profile property edit button when no changes - EXO-63068 - Meeds-io/meeds#1096
- Fix: Update Profile when synchronized profile property setting from AD - EXO-65023 - Meeds-io/meeds#1084
- fix: Clean news title name when un-publishing news - EXO-61538
- fix: Remove unused allowed target - EXO-61538
- fix: Un-publish news problem after editing news title - EXO-61538
- fix: Images in shared news are not displayed - EXO-61176
- fix : Color bullet points of tasks status - EXO-61421 - Meeds-io/meeds#1153
- fix : Preventing the apply button from triggering the blur event of the task editor description - EXO-66080 Meeds-io/meeds#1105
- fix: Add the French translation to the user notification description for unread activities
- fix: Fix Suggester doesn't appear anymore on CKEditor - MEED-2434 - Meeds-io/meeds#1079
- fix: New created disabled user displayed in active members list - EXO-64050
- fix: Switch to indonesian language issue - EXO-66238 - Meeds-io/meeds#1163
- fix: Update notes configuration for image storage location - EXO-64344
- fix : Enable to download document containing apostrophe from action menu of preview mode - EXO-66214
- fix: Error in logs when looking for js map file - EXO-66212
- fix: Date picker is hidden on Analytics page - EXO-65430 - Meeds-io/meeds#1024
- fix: Display mail content in html when possible - EXO-67301
- fix : Cleaning the document's name from accents when renaming a document - EXO-66370
- fix: Prevent to send the reminder notification of the parent recurrent event to avoid the redundancy at the first occurrence -EXO-65965
- fix: Use local storage for storing MS tokens to avoid frequent logins - EXO-65633