What's Changed
Bug fixes:
- fix:Add missing German transaltion in Ckeditor - EXO-63816 (#2078)
- fix : Save new version by only office generate no contenet activity - EXO-63508
- fix: display missing change location link for the first uploded item - EXO-63466
- fix: Cannot use existing uploads when folde contains a document with name that includes the "%" character - EXO-62908
- fix: New multi valued profile attribute not saved - Meeds-io/meeds#889 - EXO-63578
- fix: third element in people card menu is invisible - EXO-62230 - Meeds-io/meeds#891
- fix: Refresh cache is needed after renaming profile attribute - Meeds-io/meeds#867 - EXO-62875
- fix: Replace the error alert with a global notification alert when creating a space with an existing name - Meeds-io/meeds#859 - EXO-62856
- fix : Blank content page displayed when open document app - EXO-63718
- fix: Implement a Natural Comparator to sort the tree view items - EXO-63141
- fix: implement natural comparatore to sort tree view items - EXO-63141
- fix: Sort tree-view items on move to drawer - EXO-63141
- fix: navigate between folders using history button of browser - EXO-63527
- fix: Fix visibility rules when share folder with a user personal drive - EXO-63701
- fix: Notification redirection issue after sharing documment with personal drive -EXO-63618
- fix: Can't disable document edition on which there are all rights - EXO-63201 (#861)
- fix: Add the ability to upload by drag and drop when recent view is empty - EXO-62902
- fix: some properties lost when updating a recurrent event - EXO-63856
- fix: wrong recurrence day selected when updating an event by D&D - EXO-63851
- fix: Fix mobile view of the unread message on the chat application drawer - EXO-62457
- fix: favorite button is not colored for news posted in other spaces - EXO-62273
- fix: Process space is displayed twice in the process task project participants - EXO-62456 - Meeds-io/meeds#924
- fix: fix style issues with task drawer - EXO-63729 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: update duplicated skin module name - EXO-63729 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: task drawer does not open for task search results - EXO-62888 - Meeds-io/meeds#892
- fix: correctly remove the remember me token if it does not manage to authenticate - EXO-63622 - Meeds-io/meeds#882
- fix : Deleted space message displayed instead of space name in content analytics page - Meeds-io/meeds#903 - EXO-63797